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Saturday, August 7, 2021

*** 12 Week Fat Loss Program/NOT FOR BEGINNERS! Plus A Few Fitness Facts Below *** {529}

 πŸ’₯If you enjoy working out, and it's a big part of your life, then I have a really nice workout program below. The way it works is that you follow exactly how I laid it out. If you're starting on Monday, do everything on the list for that day. Next, If you workout On Tuesday then you will go down to day 2 and do everything on the list. Next would be Wednesday, and then you would do everything on the list for day 3. You've just completed each body part once. If you want to take Thursday off, then do so. Start back up on Friday back at day 1, and repeat the process over the weekend. Remember this is a 6 days a week split. If that doesn't work for you because of your busy schedule, then you pick and choose the days you want to workout with your 1 day off a week from the gym. Also make sure to get your cardio at the end of every workout because you want to save all of your energy for your workouts. You will obviously have to pick a comfortable weight that you're able to use with strict form for the reps I've listed below. 

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 (Day 1 of 3, 1st Quarter)
1) Bench Press   4 Sets  8 Reps
2) Tricep Extension  5 Sets  10 Reps
3) Dumbbell Flyes   5 Sets  10 Reps
4) Tricep Pushdowns  5 Sets  10 Reps
5) Push Ups   4 Sets   15 Reps
6) Stability Ball Crunch  4 Sets  25 Reps
(Day 2 of 3)
1) Concentration Curl   5 Sets  8 Reps
2) Lat Pulldowns   {wide grip}   5 Sets  12 Reps
3) Standing Cable Curls   5 Sets 10 Reps
4) Cable Upright Rows   5 Sets  10 Reps
5) Stiff Legged Deadlifts  5 Sets  5 Reps
6) Bicycle Kicks  4 Sets  20 Reps
{Day 3 of 3}
1) Dumbbell Shoulder Press  5 Sets  10 Reps
2) Lunges  {Dumbbell}   5 Sets  10 Reps
3) Side Lateral Raise  5 Sets  10 Reps
4) Calf Raises  {Straight Bar}   5 Sets  15 Reps
5) Squats  5 Sets  5 Reps
-Note: This is based on a 6 day split, Warmup set not included:

*NOT FOR BEGINNERS! Make sure to get at least 20-30 minutes of cardio 2-3 times per week. You also must make sure that when finished with your workout, you have about a 45 minute window to get some protein in your body to feed your muscles, otherwise you might as well not even bother going to the gym. If you should drink a protein shake, make sure it has at least 20 Grams of protein, and if you want to also eat something, you should wait at least an hour before doing so, because you can get too much protein in your system and it will just be excreted out of your body through Urination. I will have many more Marketing & Fitness Tips, so please continue to follow my posts, I really appreciate it!

Hope this helps! Good Luck, and always stay safe!


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P.S. Contact me for further questions, TAKE THE F-R-E-E TOUR:-)

Rick Brier


πŸ˜€Fitness Facts Below:

{Dynamic vs. Static Exercise}

Dynamic exercise activities keep joints and muscles moving. Examples are swimming, walking, cross country skiing, bicycling, weight training, and house cleaning. Blood circulation, strength, and endurance are improved by these continuous movements.

Static exercise, also known as isometrics, exerts muscles at high intensities without movement of the joints. Pushing on a heavy couch that does not move is an example of static exercise. Static exercise improves strength, but it also drives up blood pressure in an instant. People with circulation problems and high blood pressure should avoid exerting pressure without muscle movement. If you perform static exercise, never hold your breath. This can drive blood pressure dangerously high.

Stretching exercises may be dynamic or static. How they are performed determines this. Static stretching is good for the body. It should not be painful. The stretch is held steady for 30 seconds. This is the safe way to stretch.

Find out through a medical checkup what your activity and exercise restrictions are. People with circulatory problems should avoid activities that might drive up their blood pressure and heart rate too quickly.

Choose exercise activities that you enjoy and that are readily accessible.


{The Difference Between The 2 Different Muscle Fibers}


Muscle groups in the body are comprised of two types of fibers: Slow-twitch and Fast-twitch. Understanding the difference between the two, as well as the training methodologies which lead to successful training of each area, will lead to the recruitment of the highest possible number of fibers, and should be very important to bodybuilders!


The first kind is Type I fibers, or slow-twitch muscle fibers. These fibers have very strong aerobic ability for oxidation, they contract very slowly, and they are very useful in endurance activities. These muscle fibers are "hit", or engorged with nitrogen-rich blood, during higher rep training, specifically in sets of 12 to 20 reps. This type of training is often neglected by bodybuilders.


This group of muscle fibers is called Type II, and is considered to be of the fast-twitch variety. These fibers assist with short, heavy lift requiring short bursts of power. They are not effective in longer-term training, but are very useful in brief, high-intensity training like we see in bodybuilding or powerlifting. This is the training methodology that most trainers use in the gym.

If you currently train your body using only low- or high-rep schemes, it is very possible that you are neglecting a large number of muscle fibers in each muscle group. Powerlifters who always use rep schemes of 2 to 5 reps are completely ignoring slow-twitch fibers. Likewise, trainers who favor machines and higher rep schemes are neglecting their fast twitch fibers, which are significantly more important in bodybuilding than slow-twitch fibers.

The lesson here is simple. You must vary your rep ranges in order to recruit the largest possible number of muscle fibers of both types when training. Any bodybuilder or powerlifter who doesn't vary rep ranges is significantly limiting his or her bodybuilding success by leaving millions of muscle fibers untrained during each workout. As stated, bodybuilding training typically involved more fast-twitch fibers. However, as you move closer and closer to your finite potential for muscle building, it suddenly becomes clear that training a large group of untrained fibers might just be a great idea!


“Passion is a huge prerequisite to winning.” — Kerri Walsh Jennings, Beach Volleyball Player