πBelow in no particular order are (26) quick tips that you should know in order to grow your online business opportunity. If you should decide to start your own Network Marketing Business, give it time to develop. You can't expect life changing results over night. Stay the course and don't quit!
1) Let the tools do the speaking for you!
2) When someone says "NO" to your opportunity, they are doing you a favor, and you are that much closer to a "YES"!
3) Network Marketing success is all about duplication. Don't reinvent the wheel. Do what works!
4) Using your cell phone is the best way to contact your prospects. But I personally like Facebook Messenger better!
5) Always look for the good things your distributors are doing, and compliment them when possible. That will motivate them to continue doing great things!
6) Successful distributors, are typically more consistent in building their businesses!
7) Always make sure to ask a prospect if he/she is interested in joining if you're unsure. Never appear pushy or rude, but always ask for the sale!
8) When prospecting (1 on 1), talk to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Implement a game plan before contacting, so you can limit your time with each prospect. Your time is valuable!
9) Until you are fully trained, don't talk to prospects. There are still other strategies you can utilize as a "NEWBIE". We have a saying in Network Marketing that says..."Earn while you learn!"
10) Recruiting and Retailing are what generates income, and builds you a top notch business, so make this a top priority!
11) A team can do more than you can as an individual. The great Zig Ziglar once said he would rather have 1% effort from 100 people, before he would accept 100% from himself! (Leverage is key!)
12) Ever heard of K.I.S.S? (KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!) Anyone can hand out a DVD, but not everyone can give a good presentation!
13) If you're doing business building strategies daily, it becomes contagious, and habit forming!
14) Most prospects won't sign up as a distributor the first time seeing your info. It generally takes anywhere from 7-20 exposures on average before they make a decision either way!
15) The most important story to share is your own. instead of pitching them with your business, or even your products, Tell them your why. (Reason you're in the industry!)
16) If you have to talk someone into signing up in your business, (Which isn't easy to do), You would probably have to talk them into doing anything to grow their business. It's best to just move on to the next person, and don't waste time (yours or there's!)
17) Network Marketing when I started use to be about building through the leadership, and you needed to develop hundreds, if not thousands of distributors in your business in order to be successful, but now you only need a few. (You will still need to sift through a large number before finding those few!)
18) Network Marketing is an event driven industry. (It only takes a select few strategies that you're comfortable with in order to build your business!
19) Promoting is one of the most valuable skills a Network Marketer can have. (As they say, practice makes perfect!)
20) Your number 1 job with your new distributors, is to help them recruit their first couple of distributors. (It's their business to do as they wish, you are to get them off to a fast start, and always be readily available if they have questions!)
21) As a new distributor, one of your first tasks is to put work schedule on your calendar. (It's actually good to write things down, so you can stay focused and motivated!)
22) It's usually best to pitch the business first over the product because they may not be interested in the products, but may be interested in joining your business, and if you pitch the products first, you won't get a chance to tell them about your business so they can join!
23) The facts are obviously important in Network Marketing, but the stories of success are what will inspire others to want the same!
24) It takes years to find success in your Network Marketing Business, so don't judge what happens in your first few months, or even your first couple of years. (Some of your top earners have taken a decade to get where they are today. If they had quit when things got tough, they wouldn't be where they are today!)
25) When starting out you will work hard and have very little results. If you work it hard like a business and not a hobby, you could potentially be earning a 6-7 figure income, and never having to do much work at all due the residual income most companies offer!
26) The best way to train your new distributors in your Network Marketing Business is to get them doing activities as quickly as possible, so they can start earning much quicker. (Your daily training can help with the learning curve!)
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Leonardo Da Vinci was 51 years old when he painted the Mona Lisa.