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Saturday, September 12, 2020

*** 22 Ways To Advertise Your Company Website *** {439}

 πŸ˜If you've been checking out my posts, you will see that I like to create content of value, pertaining to different methods on promoting your company websites. Below I give you 22 simple things you can try in order to get more visitors to your websites, and they are in no particular order. Chose 2-4 of these strategies. Most are FREE, but a few will cost you some money!

1) FREE Classifieds - This should be something that everyone with an online opportunity should be doing. You can post 10 ADS daily in less than 30 minutes, and they are FREE! Anyone who joins me @ DigiSoft Payline, always gets a list of around 2,000 FREE classified sites to post your links! You won't make a ton of money using them, but you can definitely make some money, because I do!

2) E-mail Marketing Everyone you come in contact with, always try to get an E-mail address so you can build your list, and send mailings at least a couple times per week, and redirect them to your offers!

3) Create Killer Content - By doing this, potential prospects will want to check out what you're offering, and will tell others. (Make it go viral)

4) YouTube Videos - You can make FREE videos at your convenience, just try to make them short. Usually around 4 minutes or less if possible. If the video is too long, try to make it 2 parts. YouTube is the 3rd most trafficked website online today!

5) Build Backlinks - Start building quality backlinks to your websites! (backlink is a link created when one website links to another. Backlinks are also called "inbound links" or "incoming links." Backlinks are important to SEO!)

6) Instagram - Create a FREE account, and update it daily with pictures, or logos. Try to direct people back to your websites, and offers!

7) Linkedin - This is a goldmine. Somewhere in your profile, include your affiliate link. Also when creating your profile page, make your name something unique, so other opportunity seekers can find you in the search bar. For Example, my profile name is Rick "Network Marketer" Brier! Quick ways to contact others, is wishing them a Happy Birthday, or Congratulating them on a new job, and the website already has it written out, all you have to do, is click and it automatically posts for you, and that's your ice breaker! Almost everyone who uses Linkedin is looking to build their business. I receive connection requests everyday, unlike facebook! 

8) Keywordsgood keyword can be defined many different ways. They can be very targeted or very broad. A general term may yield a higher search rate than other terms, but top search engine ranking for a targeted keyword phrase will generally give your site a higher conversion rate!

9) E-mail Signatures - Create a catchy Signature linking back to your websites. You should include:  (first, last name, job title, professional photo/logo of your company, business phone number, links to your social media profiles, a link to your website/blog, and some form of a call to action)!

10) Twitter - Send out a tweet or two daily, and add followers. I actually have a list of 100, 140 character things you can tweet about, pertaining to your business opportunities!

11) Blog Comments - Check out other popular blog posts in your niche, and make a few daily comments about the posts, and slide your links under your comments!

12) Yahoo Answers - Respond by answering questions, showing your expertise, and you can link back to your website! It's all about exposures, and getting your offers out there!

13) Make Sure Your Website Is Fast And Responsive - Just check to see if your site loads quickly in your browser. Some sites won't load, or play your company video because of what you use, such as (chrome!)

14) Pay Attention To On Page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - Just check your page to make everything is setup properly!

15) Paid Advertising - At some point you will definitely need to get some paid advertising. I always recommend when starting out, to utilize as many FREE methods as possible until you start earning a little money, and then by all means put some back into your business. I use several paid methods, but I'm grandfathered in and never have to pay again. One of the sites I use is Herculist.com. I post random "ADS" for everyone on my team, and send them a copy of every "AD" I post in their behalf using their affiliate link, and do this on several "PAID" sites that I use! Also solo "ADS" are very good and depending on the vendor, can be very inexpensive! (UDIMI.com) is the most popular site for solos!

16) Podcasting - Make some of your content into podcasts. This is similar to a radio program. Just clip your audios out of your videos, and convert them into videos on a podcast!

17) Infographics - Create catchy graphics that people would enjoy sharing with others. Just make sure to link your website/s on it! (An infographic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic. infographics use striking, engaging visuals to communicate information quickly and clearly!)

18) Guest Posting - Find popular bloggers in your niche, and see if they will let you guest post on their blog!  (Guest blogging, also called “guest posting,” is the act of writing content for another company's website. Generally, guest bloggers write for similar blogs within their industry in order to: Attract traffic back to their website. Boost their domain authority using external links to high-authority domains!)

19) Facebook Sponsored ADS - Consider setting up a FAN PAGE, and followers can/will start running ADS that direct people to your websites! (Boost some of your posts!)

20) Forums & Blog Comments - Find popular forums that are relevant to your niche, and create your FREE profile page while adding your affiliate link. Interested people will read your posts and comments, and most likely will click your links, to learn more about what you do!

21) Inviting Others To Guest Blog On Your Site - Reach out to others in your niche, to see if you can interview them. They will then share the interview with their audience! 

22) Quora - This is another popular forum, where people go to ask questions about anything, and everything. You can pick and choose which questions to answer, and then post your affiliate links! (You will receive a lot of exposure!)

πŸ’₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/1  (New Sign Up Link)

πŸ‘‰ https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2020/04/digisoft-payline-q-376.html 



Shirley Temple was 6 when she became a movie star on “Bright Eyes.”