πWhen is the best time to join an MLM company?
This is a bit controversial, but in my opinion it's best to join once it's been around awhile, maybe a year or two, and that's because typically when an MLM launches there are usually kinks that needs to be worked out, and before the company name hasn't really been heard of so much, because people will have pre-conceived notions and it make it much harder to recruit. You can succeed or fail in any company.
πTiming is everything.
Prospects will join when they are good and ready, and not when you want them to. Just because a prospect tells you "NO" today doesn't mean that they won't say "YES" a few months, or even a few years down the road. Sometimes your best prospects are the ones that took years to recruit. Always be cordial, and follow up frequently. On average an interested prospect will need anywhere from 7-20 exposures before they will decide either way. Sure you will always have some impulse buyers, but that's not the norm. It's all about time and location. My philosophy is continue to recruit until they buy or die, or tell you otherwise.
πHow to teach "NEWBIES?"
MLM is a teaching business, and there are more than 1 way to teach your "TEAM" how to be successful, but I believe the best way is from your own personal experiences. Be a leader and not a "TYRANT." You set the pace, and inspire them through your actions, and if they don't follow, it's not your fault. Work with the willing, but always be there for the rest.
πI really appreciate everyone that takes the time out of their busy day to read my content. Everything that I post is in my opinion, because of my personal experiences. {GOD BLESS!}
πhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/1 (New Sign Up Link)
{Admin Update}:
Hi Rick,
Congratulations to all the Payliners who made their first sale for the month over the weekend! Every sale you make for the rest of the month will only ``Fast Track`` your goal to reaching 230K!
Some of those first sales came from people who registered for the Tour by way of our NEW 230K Splash Page, and others came from Tour Takers who were already in the system prior to the introduction of the 230K Business Plan. This is exciting, welcome everyone!
If you have not see our 230K Business Plan yet, login and scroll to the bottom of the Status Page. The numbers will blow you away when you see the income potential of just one sale a month at Package #2. You will also find a link to our NEW 230K Splash Page there too!
Our 230K Business Plan has given people a real goal to focus on, and it is a realistic goal because it is based on everyone making just one Package #2 sale a month! It’s not hard to do!
NOTE To Payliners! If you have Advertising Resources to share with your Takers when they upgrade, send them an email and let them know. That small gesture of support could help you make your next sale!
NOTE To Tour Takers! One sale a month, you can do this, and if you can make one sale a month you have a realistic shot at making 230K in the next 12 months!
DigiSoft User ID:
Let’s Do This!
Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
“I’ve learned that something constructive comes from every defeat.”– Tom Landry