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Sunday, November 9, 2014

*** E-mail Ad #5 for your prospects *** {93}

😁Try this "AD" for your advertising efforts. Feel free to change anyway you like to fit your narrative..

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/15 πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - A 30 day Email Campaign for your Autoresponder to send to your subscribers...

{Risk? What Risk?} - Title


The verdict is in -- [company] is the best and most effective biz opp so far...

Many happy people have already started seeing the money roll in...but I'll let them tell you:

[TESTIMONIAL #1 {made 4 sales
her first week mailing out 500

-- April from California


[company] was created with you in mind...

This is the business I wish I had back when I was starting out...it would have saved me a TON of money, time, energy, and heartbreak...

You can avoid the mistakes I made...this system works fast and easy, now that we've taken all the  detours and roadblocks out for you...

And I'm keeping [company] affordable... if you get it today, you will pay $[$$$]...that's cheaper than most opportunities start-up cost...

==> [www.your info here]

Because I know when you're just starting out, you can't afford the high-priced complicated programs the "gurus" are pushing on you...

Many people are making back the purchase price on the first day...

[ANOTHER TESTIMONIAL {made 2 sales his first
week mailing out 250 postcards}

-- Joe from New York


The problem is that when most people try  to get their first online business going, they think too much...

You can think, and agonize, and deliberate, and ponder, and contemplate until the cows come home...

But sitting around thinking won't make you a single penny online...

The key is taking action!

And action is what over 95% of people don't do...so with a single click of your mouse, you can immediately jump to the upper 5% of Internet Marketers...

==> [www.your info here]

Remember, we've used all these strategies ourselves in real-life situations, and we know they work...

As a matter of fact, we'll guarantee that it works...just try out [company] for up to [90] days, and if you don't make money, I'll
give you your money back...

So there's zero risk to you in all this...

And absolutely no reason not to take action...

And I mean right NOW:

==> [www.your info here]

To your success!


==> [www.your info here]


{E-mail for your tour takers}

You need something that works

Isn't it time you invested in YOU?

This program is exploding and I want you to be a part of it!

I will tell you, right now, that this is NOT a get rich quick system. What you put into it is what you will get out of it.

So, if you are serious about taking control of your future and making a dramatic change to your lifestyle, to live a debt free, stress free life... Click the link below right now!

You're about to discover a system so unique, that nothing comes close to what we are offering.

😍http://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - Members recieve a plethora of FREE Ebooks from me in order to help with your advertising efforts...

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:

πŸ’₯http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

Your Login User ID: 

Rick Brier


“If you understood residual income you’d walk through a brick wall to get it.” - Art Jonak

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