😍Craigslist is another very nice resource for FREE leads pertaining to your marketing opportunities because there are thousands, if not millions of people globally that are looking for jobs, or some type of work, which I will discuss further, later in my post. Craigslist also has a paid section if you want to post an AD. If you post outside the United States, they are FREE, but they do have the potential to get "Ghosted" which means that once the algorithms see that AD, it automatically deletes it based on the wording of the AD. You're not in any trouble, but the AD just goes away...
Craigslist has made it extremely difficult to post FREE ADS without getting "Ghosted" because they really don't like Marketing type ADS. Many years ago I used to post 1 AD per day, which is what I would recommend still, other wise your posting for nothing because it will get deleted. If you're lucky enough to get one to stick, consider yourself lucky, because I've made an effort to make my FREE ADS very short, and choose my wording very carefully and they still get "Ghosted".
If you do decide to try FREE posting make sure not to post any links in the description or it will for sure be "Ghosted". I have watched a few YouTube videos on posting ADS, and a few Marketers have said that they've had some success posting in different areas. If you go to Craigslist, you will see categories, and under the "Service" category you will see many different areas in which to post, and apparently marketers have had some success posting in (pets), and (real estate). You can try that if you like, but I would be surprised if it doesn't get "Ghosted." Also when posting, try to avoid any wording pertaining to sales, or money because the Algorithms will pick that up and your AD will be gone within about 15-20 minutes...
If you decide to pay for an AD I would test it first, by posting in a less expensive area. Right now Craigslist charges anywhere from $5-$75 to post one AD for a month, and I believe the $75 AD is in San Francisco California. All other ADS to my knowledge are less than that. When I researched it, google has said that Craigslist typically generates 50-60 million page views per month, so regardless what, and where you post, your ADS should get noticed...
By implementing Craigslist to your advertising efforts, it's very inexpensive for anyone to use even if you're a beginner, and it's not time consuming. Further down the page I posted some of Craigslist stats as of 2024, and I will be discussing another method that I use to find leads, and this is completely FREE to do, and you won't have to worry about your ADS getting "Ghosted."
💘{Craigslist statistics for 2024}
(Website Traffic)
In December 2024, Craigslist.org received 142.28 million visits, with and average session length of 11 minutes and 16 seconds!
(Pages Per Visit)
As of August 2024, Craigslist had the highest number of page views per visit among the top ten classified websites worldwide. On average, users viewed 28.47 pages per session!
(Mobil Traffic)
In January 2024, more than 60% of web traffic to Craigslist in North America came from mobile devices!
In 2023, Craigslist's revenue came from jobs. (40%), services (28%), Auto ADS (18.5%), gigs (4%), and real estate ADS (2.3%)!
*At the time of this post, Craigslist is ranked #103 out of millions of websites online for trafficked websites which is extremely good. If you want to look up any website to where it ranks, you can go to (www.similarweb.com). They have many different FREE and paid services that they provide, and are probably the best analytics website online...
{Posting In The Resume Section To Job Seekers}
This will be your best way to generate some leads on Craigslist, unless you pay for some advertising, which again can be very inexpensive, and I recommend if you do pay, make sure to post in the United States because this is where most of the traffic goes. Below is exactly what you need to do in order to find Job seekers, and you can even use the AD I posted, or create one of your own, your choice...
👉When you login to Craigslist...(Create a FREE account if you need one)...
1) On the right hand side of the page go to the United States, and pick any State you like, preferably ones most populated, such as California, or New York for starters, and then click on any city within that State...
2) Next you will go all the way to bottom of the page and click the "RESUME" section. You will be taken to a page that will show you individuals that have posted what they are looking for. In the bigger cities such as California, you may see hundreds of posts...
3) At the top of the page you will see a search bar, and you will want to type in "Work From Home." This will just refine your search. If you originally had 900 posts, you have now refined your search down to probably 50-60 job seekers looking for an at home opportunity...
4) Scroll down the page and see what people are looking for and click on it so you can read their requirements...
5) If you see that they are looking for Data Entry, or Home Office Job, of something along those lines, then you can copy and paste the message that I posted just below this, or as I said earlier, you can create your own...
6) Posting this is simple- Up in the left corner you click the purple tab that says "REPLY" and you will be taken to a page with pictures, and you will follow the instructions twice before you are taken to the contact page. This is to verify that you are human...
7) You will the see a page that looks like you are sending an email, which is what you're doing. Just paste your message in the box, and you're welcome to upload a picture from your computer and send it as well if you like...
8) Make sure you read the posters requirements before sending anything, because they may say they want a work from home opportunity, but not looking for commissions, and if that's what your opportunity is offering, then don't send, and move on to the next person...
9) Try to do as many as you can each day because the only way you will get some of these people interested is by consistency. I try to do about 25 each day, and when they click on my website to watch the FREE 3 minute video by typing their email address in the box provided on my website, I have now captured their information, and now my autoresponder takes over, and sends them daily emails trying to entice them to join me. Meanwhile, they have been added to my massive mailing list of over 120 million and growing by the day...
10) Typically when/if some of these people respond, it will be by email wanting more information about your opportunity, and hopefully you already have at least one follow up message to send them. I have 3 myself that I send if necessary...
Just remember that most of these individuals are struggling, and looking for a job, but because of the millions of people that post daily looking for some ways to earn money, you will come across many looking to supplement their current income, or retirees that are passing the time of day wanting a little extra income, and you can contact them with your offers. Again this is FREE, and easy to do, and it won't take up a lot of your time if you're doing a few daily. Also, I almost forgot that whatever city you're posting to, when you're finished, there is a drop down box just above on the left side, and if you click it, there is a drop down box with more cities within that state, and surrounding areas. You can go through each city if you like. Just know a lot of what you see will be repeats, but you can sift and sort until you find someone that may be interested in what you're offering...
🙏Remember if you're a marketer it's all about promoting your offers, building your list, and following up until they buy or die, and repeat...It's really that simple...
I'm proud to say that List Infinity just turned 3 years old in Late October 2024, and has just over 9.0k members who have been paid just over a quarter of a million dollars by the year, and I see no signs of slowing down anytime soon... 

We offer a FREE 7 day trial period to see if we are going to be a good fit for you, and then if you decide to upgrade your account, and use AWEBER as your Autoresponder. The reason I like AWEBER is because they pay me for bringing in new members, and they will do the same for you as well...You will pay a measly $27 to have your own Affiliate Marketing opportunity with List Infinity, and you will receive...
1) A welcome aboard email/and a Let's get started email from me with more info on how to start...
2) A daily email from me, so I suggest creating a folder on your PC so you can save everything I send. (It will be a lot)...
3) Access to all of my training blogs that you can use however you like, because my objective is help you become a successful marketer...
4) 200 FREE Leads with an E-book of scripts on following up with your prospects...
5) Random E-mails from me with ADS I've posted on your behalf showing you what I post, and to how many opportunity seekers...
And much, much, more!!!
Starting NOW...
($7)/($25)/($100)/($300) - Pick your package, and let's get you making money!
💪I'm only looking for serious minded individuals. NO TIRE KICKERS PLEASE!!! How would you like to be able to fire your boss this year? I did a few years ago, and have never looked back!!!
{Craigslist AD For The Resume Section}
Hi [firstname],
Need a computer based Job you can do from home?
We are looking for a few home workers from your area that have 5-10 extra hours per week to do online work...
This is not for everyone. We prepared a short 3 minute video presentation for you outlining the income opportunity. Please watch it in its entirety before contacting us.
A few requirements for individuals interested in applying this business model includes...
1) Must have a desktop, or laptop computer!
2) Must have a stable Internet connection!
3) Must be coachable!
4) There are a couple of small FEES involved after the 7 day FREE trial period!
(1 time sponsor fee + Autoresponder = $27)
This offer will only be available for a limited time, so make sure to go to the website and register for FREE and watch the 3 minute video as soon AS possible...
Have a great day, and God Bless!
(Your Name)
🙏{3 FREE Classified sites you should be using for your advertising}:
1) www.craigslist.org- No more than 1 Post per day because it's easy to get ghosted...
2) https://usa.global-free-classified-ads.com/- Post as many FREE ADS as you like...
3) www.thefreeadforum.com- Post as many FREE ADS as you like...
{Off Topic};
I'm very serious about what I do, and how I help others, but I also like to keep my brain functioning, and I really enjoy quizzes. Preferably Sports quizzes. If you go to the link below, you can play as many different quizzes as you like whenever you like, and it's FREE to do. They have many other topics besides sports. All you need to do is type in what you're looking for in the search bar, and you will be taken to a page where you pick and choose the quizz/es you like. They all have a time limit that was implemented by the creator of the quiz. I've created a few of my own, and you can too. They are just something fun for me to do once in awhile when I'm thinking about content for my blog posts...
👉http://www.sporcle.com 👈 (Have Fun!)
{Pre-written AD}
[Proven Path To Success] Follow the path!
If someone took you by the hand and showed you exactly what they did to earn money online; would you duplicate them exactly?
I hope the answer is yes! However there are huge numbers that would not follow. Strange isn't it?
The real key to earning online is
1 solid business
2 excellent marketing system
3 growing traffic sources
This Proven Path gives you all of that and more!
Here is the link: 👇
This is the system and the path that could change your life!
Talk to you soon
👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/10 👈 (Go here now) - I use Paypal, Venmo, Payoneer, Western Union, & Money Gram as my payment processors...
😍https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2023/05/welcome-to-list infinity-info-page.html (List Infinity Complete Breakdown)
In New Orleans, an unlikely triumph turned a general into a legend and a nation's spirit soared. Continue Reading... |
“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because, without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” ―Maya Angelou