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Thursday, December 3, 2020

*** (3) Really Cool FaceBook Prospecting Scripts *** {474}

As you already know if you've been following my posts, that my favorite method of prospecting is Facebook Messenger, so here are 3 quick scripts that you can try. Just make sure to change in order to fit your narrative. These are for the people you're already acquainted with!!!

Prospecting Script #1:

Hey! I was checking out my friend list and realized that we hadn't spoke in awhile. How are you? What have you been up to? (Once they respond, you say...) You know what? I would really enjoy catching up soon, but wanted to let you know that I'm doing this side project, and I immediately thought of you because (Insert why you thought of them). I have no idea whether it's a good fit for you, but was wanting to know if you're open to watching a short video that will explain everything more in detail? If not, no biggie!

Prospecting Script #2:

Hey - I've been meaning to touch base. How are you? I know this is odd to say, but your name kept popping into my head, because I was thinking of people that might be open to this new thing I'm doing from home. It's a product I'm really loving because it (Insert the benefit of your product, and why you like it so much). Not sure if it's a good fit for you, but if you're open to it, I would really love to send you more info. If not, that's cool!

Prospecting Script #3:

Hey, (firstname)! How are you? Look - I know this is kind of out of left field. but I wanted to let you know that I started this new side business awhile ago, because I have a passion to help people that want (to be healthier, better skin, financial freedom etc...) I don't know whether this would be something you might be open to, but if so, I would really love to send you a quick how it works movie that explains things more in detail, if not. No worries!

If you will notice in all (3) of these scripts, I wasn't pushy, and I gave the individual a way out. Just be confident in your approach, and you will have much better success. That being said, you're not going to sign everyone up that you talk to no matter what you say or do. 1 quick tip that I always do to maximize my contact, is that if the person I'm talking with says 'NO', and you will hear that a lot. Make sure to thank them, and then ask if they know of anyone else that may be interested, and if so, to have them contact you! (Whatever method of contact you choose is totally up to you)

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{E-mail for your tour takers}:

"One New Sale"

Hi {firstname},

Once again Ron Walsh has challenged all DigiSoft Payliners to make one new sale over the weekend, and I am inviting you to be my ``One New Sale!``

If you have studied the Accelerated Business Plan on the Status Page in your Member Center you will know that if everyone made just one new sale a week at Package #2 we would be looking at pocketing $230,000 in 16 weeks! WOW!

Even if it took you 60 weeks to make half that ($115,000) I think you would still be very happy! I know I would!

DigiSoft pays instantly member to member so you can start making M0NEY with your second sale a Package #1, and Ron Walsh helps us to close our sales!

Bottom line is, DigiSoft has one of the best pay plans online today, and it`s not going to cost you a fortune to get started! So what do you say; you ready to come make some M0NEY with me?

If you become my ``One New Sale`` this weekend, I will send you a list of my best advertising resources to help you get off to a fast start!

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Rick Brier


“I didn’t believe in team motivation. I believe in getting a team prepared so it knows it will have the necessary confidence when it steps on the field and be prepared to play a good game.”– Tom Landry