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Friday, September 20, 2019

*** My Team Isn't Doing Anything *** {332}

😭First of you need to know the numbers so you can have realistic expectations about your business. I can only speak from my personal experience, amd to be honest, MOST of your team will do absolutely nothing to grow their business at all. Around 80 to 90 percent of your team will not sign up a single person or find a customer, regardless of what you do to help them and that's a fact...

Also the majority of your team will NOT sign up for autoship, or stay in the business more than about 30-90 days, and that's not your fault, so don't beat yourself up over that...

By the numbers you will need to recruit at least 40 people if not more just to find one fairly serious PART-TIMER, and at least 100 people just to find that one ALL IN individual. (This is just a rough estimate, but pretty close to the averages)...

So if you've only recruited 10-20 people, and no one is doing anything, you will need to continuye to find the right players. Remember you can't turn a donkey into a unicorn, so quit trying. (It's not your fault). Work with who is coachable, and willing to learn. Still train others, but don't let that get in the way from you helping the "GO-GETTERS!"

Most top earners have personally sponsored at least 100 people, and normally closer to around 500, and yet about 90% iof your income comes from about 3 people or even fewer, and that is a fact. Today, good companies are built around Leverage and no longer requires thousands, or even hundreds of people to help build your business...

You could sponsor 150 people in just 3 years by sponsoring 1 new rep weekly. To sponsor 1 new rep per week, I believe that you would need to talk to 5 new prospects per day. The only question is "will you do it?" With List Infinity, our video marketing tutorials, along with my daily emails can help you do just that...

I've learned that you can expect to lose 50-75 percent of your team each you're in business regardless of what you do to help them. This is a business of ATTRITION and that is a fact. In My personal experience I've had a few of my downline members leave me, and then opt back in at a later date, when they find out that there is no such thing as get rich quick. 

I try telling them that they will never achieve success by doing it that way. I hold no grudges, and always willing to work with them because I want everyone to be successful, but I won't spend a lot of time with them unless they have questions...

Never expect anyone on your team to do more than you do. Never expect anyone to outwork you. If you aren't a superstart, don't expext your team members to be superstars. If you aren't your leader, then don't expect to recruit leaders. You should implement a game plan and stick to it...

You must lead from the front and set the example you want others to follow. Even when you do that, most people will still not follow your lead. (I try to make the process as simple as possible so everyone can grasp the concept) and will be able to continue to pass down knowledge to their team...

Fortunately you only need 2-5 serious people who see the vision and want to build it big. Work with the willing and drive depth. Keep recruiting until you find those specific individuals. Be persistant and you will find them...

If your team isn't doing much the best thing you can do, is go out and get a new team. Always keep prospecting. With my strategies I usually contact anywhere from 20-50 people daily, and if you're able to do this on a consistent basis, you cannot fail. Just give yourself time to succeed. It typically takes 2-5 years of consistency before you will start to build a profitable online business, and it will be well worth the effort...

πŸ’šhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/6 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)


{Pre-written AD}

Are you a dreamer or a realist?

There is no shortage of dreams in the internet marketing industry. That's because selling dreams is big business.

I've given the dream weavers my share of payments.

But then I got serious and decided I wanted real money.

Here's a plan that won't buy you an island or a private jet, but it WILL pay the bills and allow you to take vacations with your family whenever you want...If you DO it instead of just reading about it.

Take a look and see for yourself.

πŸ’œhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/18 πŸ‘ˆ (A call to action)


You can say "NO"

Not everyone is skilled as a salesperson and social media expert, nor do they desire to be. Don’t be pressured to join a business that you aren’t skilled in or don’t want to participate in.

There is nothing illegal about most multi-level/affiliate marketing companies, but they are not a good fit for everyone. Pray and ask God for wisdom before you launch into a new opportunity. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”


‘Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.’ – Robert Collier