{Corona Virus Update}:
According to a recent New York Times article, "Between 160 million and 214 million people in the U.S. could be infected over the course of the epidemic, according to one projection. That could last months or even over a year, with infections concentrated in shorter periods, staggered across time in different communities, experts said. As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die.
And, the calculations based on the C.D.C.’s scenarios suggested, 2.4 million to 21 million people in the U.S. could require hospitalization, potentially crushing the nation’s medical system, which has only about 925,000 staffed hospital beds. Fewer than a tenth of those are for people who are critically ill."
Here are the people most at risk:
If you’re over 50
If you have diabetes
If you have a heart condition
If you are overweight
If you have a compromised immune system
If you are a smoker
If you have diabetes
If you have a heart condition
If you are overweight
If you have a compromised immune system
If you are a smoker
Fact of the matter is...
This is no ordinary flu; it is much more aggressive. If your immune system can’t fight off the infection, it quickly turns to pneumonia and is often fatal. Even worse, if things really take off like they are predicting, you won’t even be able to get proper treatment because the hospitals will be flooded... Simply put, the very BEST way to protect yourself is to make sure your immune system is in top shape. This can both prevent contracting it in the first place, and even if you do, preventing it from turning into pneumonia and becoming fatal.
➤A Vienna Laboratory is saying the people who have died from this all had Ibuprofen in their system, so whatever you do, DON'T TAKE IT! The people who have recovered didn't take it. If you get the symptoms, you can take Paracetamol! (generic Tylenol) or (Vitamin C). also drink hot tea and liquids. Heat also kills it. you can't catch it through the air. it can get on your clothes and be passed from person to person. When drinking hot water, cut up some lemons or oranges to put in your water.
{8 New Good News Statistics}:
1) There was a new born baby in China (Where this originated), recovered from the virus in (17) days with NO medication!
2) Recovery to Death ratio worldwide is (10/1). (8,000 Deaths/80,000 Recoveries)!
3) Fatality rate worldwide was expected to be between (2%-3%)- Now is down to (1.4%)!
4) South Korea 2 weeks ago had (909) cases daily that caught the virus out of their 50+ Million population, and as of a few days ago were down to (74) cases daily, and NOW actually have more cases of recovery, versus new cases!
5) To this point there have been (116) Deaths in the U.S. versus (106) Recoveries! (The Recoveries will obviously surpass the Deaths)!
6) There are (42) Apple Stores in China that were closed for about 2 weeks, and are all open NOW!
7) A (103) year old woman again in China has beat the virus, and is cured!
8) A few weeks ago China opened (17) makeshift Hospitals to combat this, and all of them are NOW closed because they don't have enough cases! Unfortunately Italy is being greatly affected at this time because they have an older community of people, and that seems to be the most individuals attacked!
My point of this is again to show people that this isn't a death sentence, and will get better. I believe there's no need to panic and be a hoarder when you go to the stores. The Government has already quarantined people to there homes, only to go out and get food, or maybe check on a loved one, and saying to stay away from large groups of people. The likely hood of actually dying from this is slim to none. Again I'm not making light of the few casualties we've already had, just trying to put a positive spin on a bad situation!
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