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Sunday, October 26, 2014

*** Banner Advertising Tips *** {29}

😎Here are some quick tips using banner advertising as another platform for your business, in order to generate more traffic to your site...

1) Create a banner immediately if you do nothing else, utilize the most used phrase in cyberspace:

Click Here...The key to effective advertising on the World Wide Web is getting potential customers to react, therefore the use of this strong clear cut statement which gives a call for action, together with an obvious immediate message, initiates the first and vital step clicking in your direction... 

Equally words that tempt/entice the surfer into your world, such as Enter Here, Press Now!...Have shown that their use can increase response rates dramatically other good words to use are free and this is (Your Last Chance) a feeling of urgency is created with the use of these words so make sure you can put credence to your claims...Flamers can take great offense at false claims and cause you all sorts of embarrassment so you don't make these claims lightly prudence is required in their use...

2)) Movement is the Key to Grab Attention...ZD Net (a popular US Site) recently conducted a survey and found that animated "ADS" generated 15% higher click thru rates than their counter parts, static banners. It was found that in some cases they were as much as 40% higher... Coupled with an intelligent but witty message, and the appropriate design, this form of advertising can work very well...As a seller of Ultra High Speed Internet Access found out, combining a basic animation consisting of two scrolling bars filling up extremely slowly, together with a strong but simplistic message to make it go faster...This "AD" pulled an initial 19% response rate and was still averaging rates of 15% three and four months later...Most banner averages 2% so their use of this method is a clear demonstration of the power of animation...

Take Note be very careful when using banner animation as if it takes too long to download, you will only encourage the interested party to move on elsewhere, so make sure to check your banners loading time. (On average a surfer will move on after 6 seconds if your page does not load efficiently).

3) Audience Involvement Net Media is one on it's own unlike other offline media, the customer has to come to you when looking on the web...The best way to achieve this result is invite your target market either him or her to participate in some activity carried on at your site...Perhaps a Game, Quiz, Give-Away, work on the premise that people like to play games...Simple game such as noughts and crosses have been found to increase click-through rates...However Competitions have been found to offer virtually no incentives and really should be avoided.

4) Something for FREE. Give something away FREE. The internet is unique in that the majority of it's users have an active dislike at to big business prying into their world...Offer Net users something FREE to get them to respond to your commercial pitch...Ezines (e-mail newsletters) and product updates can work very well with a targeted group, screen savers can produce good results as they can be used with subliminal advertising...Free downloads can of beta software can and do create effective responses.

5) Don't Include Your Brand Name AOL, and recent Internet survey's by the Internet  Advertising Bureau have found that Net users have a high level of recall of online "ADS" coupled with increased brand awareness, if the banner announces a new product or service, you should not include the brand name...Viewers often assume they already know everything they need to know about the brand  and totally ignore it...Please pull them to you, don't push them away...Quality information Is the key...

6) A must Change Your Banner Frequently is called Banner Burnout, and it's rapid, after about only 200,000-350,000 impressions, the response rates can drop by half the second to the third time, a punter sees the "AD"... Here is a Tip... Have at least three to four versions of a Banner placed on various sites of importance... This enables you to note which of the four achieves the most response, and where they are best positioned...Rotating Banners and removing bad performers is tantamount to creating an effective and efficient banner campaign.

7) Target your Market, Attach your Banner to the most relevant key words. It will increase the chance of it's location and your sites location in the search engine database...Search engines are where most surfers start to look when wanting information, if possible you should consider possibly sponsoring certain keywords or phrases with various search engines...For example this would enable a lawn mower manufacturers banner to appear whenever the word 'garden' is entered...Two other choices offered by search engines are category sponsoring, which speaks for itself, and run of site advertising (ROS), which best suits products with a broad appeal or brand builders...Advantages with Run Of Site advertising is cost, this method can be as much as 80%-85% cheaper than target "ADS".

8) Grabbing people's attention, there is nothing that sells better than sex and intrigue...Recent survey's confirm that sex on the internet is the most popular topic followed closely by conspiracy theories...This is not so surprising as in general, the human race is naturally concerned first and foremost with it's own reproduction or elimination...With regards Banner advertising, a number of well chosen words are going to tempt even the most ardent Net-boffin, put together with some complimentary sounds results should be imminent... Whether you use just the click of a mouse button, or repetitive drum roll, attention is your aim.

9) Yes Bigger is better, and less is More somewhat of a contradiction in terms, but the results do work. Keep you banner size small with regards to bytes, say under 10k-15k, this will speed the download, and then use wider banners - either 468 or 500 pixels wide...It is a known fact that smaller banners do not generate as many responses as wide ones. Many of design functions work far better in a wide format...I have found that Yellow and Green are my preferred colors to use when creating banners.

10) Location... Location obviously at the top of the list are search engines, as they are the most visited sites on the Net as this is how surfers negotiate their initial Net inquiries, but the beauty of the web is the diversity of it's members and their interests...Really and Truly there are only three ways of getting your banners onto the best and appropriate sites:

👉Sit Down, spend a lot of time searching out the best sites that fit your target market.

👉Use an "AD" Network (Paid or FREE, your choice!)

👉Employ an "AD" agency...Link Exchange is a good start. Join for FREE, or pay...They place your banner on sites that are deemed appropriate...They operate a 2-1 system. One of your banners is placed on appropriate sites in exchange for two other advertisers banners on yours...

You must remember that you don't have much control over the last two methods...For instance take double-click, although it has high media profile. It only represents about 75 Web sites among which are the search engines...Although it promises to deliver to much sort after Targeted Audience. It depends on using ISP addresses it's main database...Taking this into consideration and how many users and ISP such as Demon, represents you, are grasping the problem with this kind of marketing...Companies are looking toward sponsorship of specific web sites that carry relevant information and suitable material. This enables closer branding of content, and product. This being an alternative to the 'scattershot' technique...Although, editorial and subject targeting systems are rapidly being developed...The choice this will provide, marketing your banner to the exact person, who wants to see it just when they are ready to purchase your product is soon set to arrive.

{Pre-written AD}:

💯 Persistence pays off... 💰

🙏I hope this email finds you well. This was sent to me today which says that persistence pays off. I've been with List Infinity for just over a year, and am already successful. With the right mindset, there's no reason why you can't be as well... Anyone with the right mindset who's willing to give themselves time to succeed, and that means 2-5 years realistically, and in some cases a little longer...I have all the faith in the world that you can do it!!!

One of the biggest reasons we have such a high failure rate in this industry (98.2%), is because people will join  an online opportunity, and  within 30-90 days they quit and join another program because they didn't see the results they hoped for, and by doing this you're setting yourself up for failure every time...

You may not want to hear this, but when you join any program, you have to devote yourself to that program for a minimum of 2 years just to see if it's going to be a good fit for you. Everytime you join  a new program, you're starting all over at the  bottom of the pile, and success will NEVER happen!!!

Don't beat yourself up if you're one of these individuals because we've all been there. And the many that have been successful, have all been in that situation also, including me in my early years!

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/14 👈(Go here now) Can you devote 1-2 hours per day in order to build a successful online business with my help?

"If you don't value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents. Value what you know and start charging for it. " - Kim Garst

*** 31 Relatively Inexpensive Ways To Advertise Your Business Locally *** {28}

😃Pick a few of these methods, and give it a try... You can get supplies from (www.vistaprint.com). They always have great deals!

💥Post an "AD" on (www.craigslist.org)

💣Pass out flyers @ your local mall.

💜Place your business cards under windshield wipers @ your local Walmart.

😍Pass out business 'buttons' to everyone you meet.

💓Hand out pens to people.

💦Create simple welcome gifts to give to give to newcomers with your business info enclosed.

👉Ask to leave business cards or flyers in some of your local area businesses. (make sure their services compliment yours!)

😎Stamp all envelopes you mail out with your own personalized business stamp.

💕Likewise include a business card inside ALL outgoing mail.

💛Rent a booth @ local events to showcase your business &/or products.

💧Post flyers on the message boards @ local colleges & trade schools.

💚Slip a business card into relevant books @ your local book store. (don't over-do this one)

💥Likewise, ask the local library if you can create bookmarks to slip inside some of the books.

💝When you receive junk mail...Give the sender a dose of their own medicine!...Use the postage paid envelope to mail your own flyer back to them. :)

😎Slip a business card, postcard, or flyer, under the wipers of cars @ your church.

💖Consider passing out a magnetized business cards...They are more 'sticky' than your typical business cards.

💟Purchase a car magnet for your car...They aren't very expensive, and can last awhile.

💣Additionally you can choose to get vinyl stickers for your back windshield to advertise with.

💪Leave business cards on the bathroom counters of local diners.

💘See if you have a local area 'welcome wagon' type group and ask if you can contribute samples and promo materials to the welcome gift.

😇Join your local Chamber of Commerce...This can be a great way to network and make valuable contacts.

Visit local daycare centers and pre-schools...Ask if you can leave business cards or flyers in the lobby.

Likewise with rental agencies, real estate offices, and lease offices...Offer the office members a special gift or discount for allowing you to advertise with them.

💙Use snack bags and create mini 'promo' packages. Include your business card, a mini flyer, a goody such as candy or a pen, and then hand them out wherever you go.

Rent a booth as school events and take the opportunity to showcase your business to other parents.

💞Give friends and family members a small incentive to pass out your business cards for you throughout their daily activities.

👉Leave your business card when you tip your waitress.

😉Donate a product or service to your local radio stations...They always hold giveaways and are looking for new sponsors.

💗Consider placing an "AD" in those FREE Renters Guides, and Home Owners Guides.

💚Attend networking events and meet ups in your local area...You will be amazed at the new and profitable contacts you can make.

💜Finally...Don't neglect the power of word of mouth...Tell people about your business and ask them to tell others...Hold a contest or offer some sort of incentive to prod them along...


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"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful." - Mark Victor Hansen

*** Article Title - Is Making Money @ Home Really That Easy? ***{27}

😍When it comes to making money at home, the one statement that every online marketer will use is..."It's easy and you'll be making money at home within minutes!"...When the average person hears a statement like this telling them that anyone can be making money at home within minutes, they will usually end up falling for the bait...

Fact...97% of the people that get involved with an opportunity to make money from home will end up failing and never make a single dime...So with such a high failure rate, is making money online really that easy to do?...The answer is "Yes", it can be easy as long as  you have the correct marketing system in place...The reason why opportunities have such a high failure rate when it comes to making money at home is due to the marketing system that is involved with the opportunity. What many opportunities fail to realize is that most individuals who get involved with an opportunity have "ZERO" experience...

If the marketing system involved with the opportunity is complicated and requires experience, The chances of you making money online have just become very slim....The one thing you need  to realize is that making money at home will be a direct result from your marketing efforts...pure, and simple...

If you have very little or no experience when it comes to marketing and making money at home, then you need an opportunity that has a marketing system in place that requires no experience...This is also another statement that you will hear from many opportunities when it comes to making money at home... "No experience required."... Yet, 9 times out of 10, this statement is absolutely false...

So how do you know when an opportunity really does have a marketing system in place that truly requires "ZERO" experience?  By asking questions first before even joining...To be making money at home, the opportunity will you have to...Spend hours blogging?...Spend hours writing and submitting articles?...If the opportunity requires these forms of marketing for you to be making money at home, and you have no experience, chances are this is not the opportunity you want to involve yourself with...

Remember...Your goal is to be making money at home, not to lose money or waste your time...The bottom line is this...An opportunity that promotes zero experience, should require zero experience... Always remember that your success of making money at home does not only rely on the opportunity, but also the marketing system involved with the opportunity...If the marketing system does not allow the average person with zero experience to be making money online with their opportunity, your success now becomes limited...

Do not limit your success!...So are there opportunities out there that really do have a zero experience marketing system that allows everyone the same chance at making money at home? Yes...They are out there, you just have to do a little research and you can easily find them...Again...Making money at home can be easily accomplished, even if you have zero experience...Just be sure the opportunity provides a true ZERO experience marketing system.

----------Article Signature - List Infinity is one of the first online opportunities that truly requires ZERO experience...If you're looking for a solid opportunity that allows anyone to  make money online, then join the system that is delivering success today.

🙏https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/15 👈(A call to action) Join today, and I will send you 200 FREE Leads to get you started along with an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up. You will also receive my "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months in order to help you build a successful online business...


{Prewritten AD}:

Easy 100% Commissions... ????

How Would You Like To Make: 💥$7 💥$25 💥$100 💥$300

💥FREE for 7 days Dollar Payments on Autopilot, and build your list at the same time ? With List Infinity, You Can Do Just That. This Is Very Easy! Just Join, Set The System up, Promote, and Profit. I Will Even Send You 120 million leads to your email address for FREEEE! Just Sign Up Here And I Will email You The Details. To Your Success



"Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism." - David M. Burns
Image result for downloadable money logos

*** 6 Power Marketing Tips Using LinkedIn For Small Businesses (Article) *** {26}

 💥If you click the link below, you will see an article from Naomi Trower, with some great Linkedin tips for your small business... 👇

💛http://DigiSoftPayline.com/?rick2323 (Never close your own sales again)

{Top 10 research tools for internet marketers: - Bonus}

www.BacklinkBuilder.com - Submit your website to huge numbers of web directories. (Back Link Builder)

www.googleadwords.com - Check popular keywords & get suggestions on alternative keywords. (Google Ad Words)

www.googleinsightsforsearch.com - Check keywords. Searches based on location and other variables. (Google Insights For Search)

www.websitevaluecalc.com - Get a rough idea on your websites. Value based on popularity. (Website Value Calc)

www.keywordspy.com - Check your competitors PPC keywords.

www.googlesearchbasedkeywordtool.com - Check keywords search volumes, based on real searches. (Google Search Based Keyword Tool)

www.googletrends.com - See what people are searching for, now and in the past.

www.wordtracker.com - A good alternative to Google's keyword tool.

www.nichebot.com - Another good keyword tool.

www.alexa.com - Provides a useful insight into a websites traffic ranking and also has some other useful features.


{3 things you need in order to work for yourself}:

There are so many different reasons to start working for yourself, and not everyone’s is exactly the same, but broadly, these reasons fall into three categories: First, people who want to earn extra income on top of their regular jobs; second, people who are unemployed and are either struggling to find full-time work or prefer not to enter the job market; and third, people who have chosen to leave whatever full-time job they have and be self-employed instead. Whichever of these three categories you fall into, there are three things you will need before you get started to make sure you can make the most of working for yourself.

1 – A Plan:

You’d be surprised at how many people start trying to work for themselves without any kind of plan. They might have an idea, then immediately start trying to make it happen without any proper planning. They soon realize they are in over their heads and more often than not find their great idea is turning into a huge failure. Now, you don’t need to have the next five years mapped out in detail, but take a bit of time to research the work you’re planning on doing, what it takes to market yourself, and all the details of running your own business or sideline gig. If you use a company that gives you the plan, you’re a few steps ahead, because a lot of the planning and admin are taken out of it for you. Make sure you understand the way the company operates so you can maximize your earning potential. Don’t forget, your plan should also include things like what your working hours will be, how many hours you’ll work per day, and what critical activities you need to focus on to get the result you are after. We’ll go into what makes a good plan in a future article.

2 – A Space:

Whatever work you’re going to do, dedicate a space that’s suitable for the work and for you. If all you need is a laptop and somewhere to put it, it does make things a lot easier, but try to find a space that can be used permanently. There’s a good reason for this. Self-discipline is vitally important to being self-employed, whether it’s full-time or in addition to your regular job. It’s so easy to get distracted if you’re not being supervised and when you’re working for yourself, time really is money. One of the ways to instill a sense of discipline is to have a dedicated space for work. Make it clear to family, roommates, or other people you share your space with that this is your work area and when you are there, you are not available for leisure activities. It also helps you focus on your work and get into an “I’m working now” mindset.

3 – The Right Equipment:

For many work from home opportunities, all you need is a laptop or desktop computer, a telephone line, and a good internet connection. Make sure that your computer is up to date with the right software, has a big enough hard drive and enough storage space, and isn’t likely to crash on you halfway through an important piece of work. If the work is going to entail spending a lot of time on the phone, look into a call plan that gives you unlimited calls for a fixed fee, or look into telephone alternatives like Skype. Make sure before you start whether making those calls will cost you more than you’re making! As far as your internet connection goes, make sure it’s with a reliable supplier. Whether you’re using something linked to you phone line, mobile data or satellite internet, it needs to be reliable and affordable. For these and any other equipment to run your home business, take the time to research it. It’s always tempting to buy the cheapest option, but if it’s poorly made, it could let you down at a crucial moment. That doesn’t mean you need to buy the most expensive kind, though – often you’re paying for a name and not quality. Read as many reviews on the product as you can, find out if there’s a way to test it for yourself, and always make sure there’s a good warranty on it.

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 (New Sign Up Link)

{Pre-written AD}:

A Secret from the Amway Legend Himself... 💰

💯Many years ago, there was a 60-Minutes special on television about Amway ( no, I am not in Amway ). 

The interviewers talked with large numbers of people who failed ( quit ) Amway. 

Many complained the business didn't work. Some even called it a scam.Towards the end of the episode, they interviewed Bill Britt, a top earner in the company. 

They asked him why he was so successful when most people failed. Here is his response.

"There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200 people 900 said, “No” and only 300 signed up. Out of those 300, only 85 did anything at all. Out of those 85, only 35 were serious, and out of those 35, 11 made me a millionaire."

Bill is now deceased, but for nearly fifty years, he earned a HUGE residual income in network marketing, with one company. Best of all, that residual income is still paid to his family each month, even though he is no longer alive.

This is the power of network marketing. Leveraged residual income. No, not everyone will make it big, and earn the big money that he did. Most will still fail. Some will earn less than Bill did.

However, if you put in the numbers, develop your skills, and stay the course, there's a high likelihood you will build and maintain a stable residual income, even if it's not millions like Bill earned.

On the other hand, if you don't put in the work, and don't stay the course, there is a 100% chance you won't succeed.

The income you earn in this industry will simply be based on the number of people you approach each day, and how long you can CONSISTENTLY do that. It won't always be fun or easy, but it's worth it. What other industry even offers this opportunity?

Of course, individual results will vary. But there are literally THOUSANDS of people in our industry who have earned long-term residual income in ONE company. Why not be one of them?

https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5 👈(Go here now) Join us for $22-$27 depending what Autoresponder you choose after your 7 day FREE Trial Period has ended... {List Infinity + Aweber = Success}

"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." - Conrad Hilton

6 Unmatched and Effective Tips for LinkedIn Marketing 2019