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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

*** Success Is Built Around "LEVERAGE" *** {457}

 πŸ’₯I have tried several programs over the years, and this one was the "FIRST" legit opportunity I ever seen that pays on 2 levels. I'm talking about real money, not just a couple hundred...Why am I so excited about DigiSoft Payline...ONE WORD!!!

J.Paul Getty (Billionaire) said you need these 3 things to be wealthy... OPI, OPM, OPE...
πŸ’–OPI- Other Peoples Ideas:
You see Direct Mail has been around, and we just simply created a program that was more suited for todays economy, partly because of the low start up cost. but don't let that fool you, because the potential earning within the next year is over 230k, and that's with a 1 time FEE of $57. or $22....Your choice!
πŸ’–OPM- Other Peoples Money:
This is where the leverage begins. You see with a simple E-Mail Program, Once you build a team, You will have massive overrides coming in like crazy...They will start their business just like you and I did, and once the sales start coming in, YOU GET PAID, daily directly into your Paypal account, and "ADMIN" touches none of your money. You receive 100% commissions which brings us to...
πŸ’–OPE- Other Peoples Effort:
This is my favorite, and it's obvious why...You cannot obtain any significant wealth by yourself. It takes others to create the LEVERAGE we are talking about. A simple E-Mail Program is the first to introduce overrides to Direct Mail. Imagine, You have 5-10 or maybe 100 people partnered with you that are building their business.

You do the numbers on what $50 from every sale would be, plus all of the pass up sales you receive...It can be your first shot at a 6 or 7 figure income...Just get others to our 6 minute how it works movie where CEO/ADMIN Ron Walsh actually shows you our compensation plan and how you are paid, and then that's where I come in...
Imagine, only 10 members take action and between the online or even just a few offline efforts, they can all make an average of  10 sales or more each. You can make over 230k. Yes that's correct, 230k, and you did NONE of the work, and best of all YOU DID NOT spend a dime once you make your initial 1 time start up fee!... LEVERAGE...It works...
Daily, Weekly, & Monthly commissions. Think about the possibilities. You choose! Are you in?
This works and the public demand for this is extremely high. Our Mailboxes & Online accounts are filling up everyday, And there is no trick to it. Get signed up, and Plug into our system. Let me do the heavy lifting, so you don't have to!

πŸ’https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/6   (New Sign Up Link)


{E-mail for your tour takers}

Are you ready to get paid?

We are looking for professionals to promote our Online Marketing System nationwide. We offer a risk-free system on and offline which is fully guaranteed. We have a very high retention rate which can result in a very lucrative income. we have members that are making between $50-$150 per day, with a 1 time FEE of $22...THAT'S IT!

If you are dedicated, hard-working and ready to take on a new opportunity, we just might be the right fit for you! you must be outgoing as well as possess a willingness to stick through until the end. Only committed people, who will put forth their full potential, need apply!


{Bonus AD},

Your future looks bright

Chances are, you are searching for a legitimate work from home opportunity that can generate an extra source of income for yourself and your family.

If your goal is to make extra money by working at home, keep in mind this does not always happen as fast as we might wish.

This is very easy to start with today's internet technology that connects millions of people from all over the globe.

Take the FREE tour! Watch the 6 minute how it works movie!


“You have to do something in your life that is honorable and not cowardly if you are to live in peace with yourself.” – Larry Brown