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Friday, June 5, 2020

*** A Few Reasons Why Network Marketers Are Unsuccessful *** {396}

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I've been a Network Marketer since 2006, and have done alright for myself during that time, and  feel like I've accumulated quite a bit of knowledge, so I would like to give you a few reasons why 98.2% In our industry are failing to make any money. Keep in mind that as of this post, Network Marketing is a 427 billion dollar industry a year!

1) Most people will join a company, and then not put in the necessary work and dedication needed to be successful. You can do this on a part time basis and still achieve your goals. I happen to know many 6 and 7 figure earners that are working their business like a job. (full time-40 hours weekly) Put in the time and effort, and you will get out of it, what you put into it!

2) I also see people sign up for a program, and then a month later they quit because they didn't make any money, and then start bashing our industry. I can't say for sure what kind of effort they put into their business, but I would be willing to bet, not much! You've heard the old cliche' Rome wasn't built a day. This certainly applies here. Your business can't possibly flourish in just a month or even a few months. The first Mcdonald's which was founded in Des Plaines, Illinois on April 15th 1955, didn't make a profit for over 5 years, so give your business a chance. I tell my Team to give it at least 2 years minimum before deciding if this is what you want to do. Just remember, if you choose to go back to tiny little cubicle, all you're doing is making your boss rich. You will never make more than you can with Internet Marketing, and you can spend a lot more time doing what you want, and with family, and friends!

3) Another big mistake I see others make, including myself when I first came into this industry, and that is jumping from program to program. (Huge Mistake). Every time you quit the company you're with, and join another one, all you've managed to do, is start all over at the bottom of then food chain. You're building momentum, and then, BAM! you just stopped all of the momentum you had already built. I know the mind set. They think that by jumping into another program, that things will be easier, and much better with the new company they joined, and that couldn't be further from the truth. All businesses are the same, and you still have to put in the same amount of time and effort in order to achieve success. Think about that the next time you decide to quit. YOU WILL NEVER BE SUCCESSFUL! And that's a fact!

4) This one isn't your fault. I don't know the exact numbers, but I would venture to say that at least 90% of all Network Marketing company's out there are complete garbage. I've been involved with my share of garbage and have lost my share of money along the way. If this happen to you, don't feel too bad about it, because we've all been there, and you can't do anything about it now except use it to fuel your fire for success. If you're not sure about a company, check them out by googling them, or you can even contact the ADMIN. If they are legit, then they won't mind answering the tough questions you have. If they refuse, then move on to something else, such as DigiSoft Payline. We've been around since 2014 and growing by the day! πŸ‘‰http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE) Contact me, and I will give you all the no fluff details! So simple an 8 year old child can do it! The old adage, you can't fail unless you quit, definitely applies here!

πŸ‘‰http://www.facebook.com/rbrier2323 (send me a friend request, and let's talk!)



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