1) If you are out in public, and don't feel like talking to people, you can hand them a drop as you're walking by. They will visit your website if interested.
2) I use to be an Independent Distributor with Herbalife, and we always wore a button/pin promoting our personal websites. They work great, give it a try.
3) Invest in making a magnet or sticker and put it on your vehicle. (www.vistaprint.com)
4) Buy some cheap T-shirts and have your website or logo printed on them. You can go to your local print shop or use (www.vistaprint.com).
5) If you don't like drop cards, you can use business cards. Both are very inexpensive.
6) Don't intentionally go out prospecting, incorporate it in everyday life. this will be much more time consuming because you're killing two birds with one stone. I know you've heard that before.
7) Figure out your target market, and focus on that. (Stay at home moms, exec's, other business owners, etc...)
8) Have competitions with your team members, and give prizes to the one who can generate the most amount of prospects. (Make it fun and interesting)
9) Incorporate Craigslist into your marketing efforts. If you post in the United States, you will pay anywhere from $5-$25 in most cases, and if you post in other countries, you can post for FREE. I have scripts that I use when prospecting to Job seekers. there are over 16 million people looking for some way to make some extra cash. You always have to follow up. This is an untapped market.
10) If you can spend about 30 minutes per day studying marketing and advertising, and learn some secrets on how to get them to contact you first. (Youtube, and Google are good sources)
11) If you meet or know sharp individuals, get them one of your drop cards, and let them know that you're expanding your business, and have them checkout your website for details.
12) Another method you can try is instead of handing out your business card, just have people you come in contact with, to write down their name, E-mail and phone number on the back of your card, and find out a day and time that works for you both where you contact them about your opportunity.
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Five inexpensive/FREE ways to promote your business:
#1) Pay Per Click - Only use this method if you are experienced, because if not, you can lose a lot of money!
#2) Herculist - This is one of my favorite methods. For about $50 per year you are allowed to post an AD every 24 hours to over 90,000+ opportunity seekers. (www.herculist.com)
#3) Videos - Youtube is the 3rd most trafficked site on the internet, and it's FREE to use. You can create unlimited content about your services or products, whatever you want to do. Just make them around 4-5 minutes long, and watch how much FREE traffic you get to your site. (www.youtube.com)
#4) Facebook Live - You can make educational videos on your home page letting people what you do. (www.facebook.com/rbrier2323)
#5) Solo Ads - This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get leads. You can find some good ones for around $50 (www.udimi.com) There are a lot of vendors to choose from
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