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Saturday, October 11, 2014

***AD HEADLINES For your online business! *** {8}

πŸ‘Part of your marketing efforts/strategies should be posting FREE classified ADS, and Below are a few AD headlines you can use for your marketing efforts when posting on classified sites. Remember you only have a few seconds to get the readers attention. If it doesn't get your attention, then it probably won't attract anyone else either... πŸ‘‡

Use different headlines for each AD... πŸ‘ˆ

These Headlines Are Just Examples:... 
Feel Free To Create Your Own:...

*Money Motivated Pros...
*Team Leaders Needed...
*Looking for Recruiters...
*Professionals Needed...
*Remote Agents Needed...
*Top Guns Only...
*Business Development...
*Marketing Reps...
*Senior Account Executives...
*Promotional Managers...
*Looking for Talent...
*Junior Account Executive...
*Marketing and Sales...
*We Need Strong Phone Associates – Incoming Calls...
*Seasoned Reps /Team Leaders...
*Looking for Experienced Team Builders
*Inbound Phone Associates...
*Sales Openers and Closer's Needed Now – All Inbound...
*Confident Strong Reps for Easy Phone Work...
*Inbound Sales/Marketing Representatives...
*Phone Based Sales...
*Team Leaders Needed – All Calls Incoming.

πŸ‘Œhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323 πŸ‘ˆ (A call to action)


{E-mail for your Tour Takers}:


Millions of people are falling for the 40-40-40 scam.

You will be tricked into working for

40+ hours a week for 40 years just to make someone else rich, and then try to retire on 40% of what you couldn't enjoy living on anyway.

This scam is also referred to as a “job”. If you or anyone you know has fallen for this, we can help…

===>Get your instant help below: πŸ‘‡

Don’t stand for it any longer, find out how you can make a job-replacing income using your laptop and just a few minutes a day.

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3 (New Sign Up Link)
(Complete Breakdown)  


"The successful Networkers I know, the ones receiving tons of referrals and feeling truly happy about themselves, continually put the other person's needs ahead of their own."  Bob Burg

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