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Sunday, November 9, 2014

*** E-mail Ad #12 for your prospects *** {100}

😃Try this "AD" below for your advertising efforts. Feel free to change as you like to fit your narrative!...

👏https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5  👈(A call to action) - Approximately 82% of all List Infinity comes from the United States. FREE for 7 days!


👉You Have To Set Goals...- Title

Hi {firstname},

When I first started this business, I told myself that I wanted to get at least ??? people to join my [company] team. The reason for this is because I wanted something to work towards. Once I'm able to achieve my goal of [???] people, I will be making [$$$] upfront, and [$$$] per month based on the [$$$] a month subscription that each member is required to pay. I know I've used this example before, But if you can get just [?] person/s per month, for a year, and the process repeats itself, you will be making [???] per month in residual income. Do you think that would change your life just a little bit....I do!!!

I don't know about you, but this is a very powerful system when you think about most businesses/programs don't offer any kind of residual income plan. Even if you get a few members in your downline that aren't working hard to promote, you will still receive their [$$$] per month subscription, As long as they are a paying member of [company].

[company] is growing on a daily basis because the system is simple to duplicate. All you have to do is plug-in, and get started. If you will just put a little effort into your [company] business, I promise you will not be disappointed. Just follow our "3 step system". Remember, you're not alone, we provide help and support in order for you to be successful. If you're not successful, then we won't be successful.

[http://www.your link here]

===>> [Name Here]

*Feel Free to Tweak these any way you see fit!

{Pre-written AD}

Would an extra $100 a day help?

If you were walking down the street and you saw a $100 dollar bill on the sidewalk... would you pick it up?

==>Grab it:

If you didn't click that link above, it would literally be like walking past what's yours for the taking.

==>Check it out:

So if I were you, I would "pick it up" now before the next person who "passes it by" takes advantage of it...

P.S. I also share all of my advertising resources, and

advertise for everyone in my Downline~!!!

🙏https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/14 👈(Go here now) - 9.1k members worldwide and have made over a quater of a million dollars to this point...


{Admin Update}:  (IGNORE 👇)

Jan 8, 2017

Google Translator: https://google.com/search?q=translator

Welcome To DigiSoft!

The first week of 2018 has been a good one with lots of New Payliners coming on board! Welcome to you all!

January through June is a fantastic time to be making mon-ey online! With the colder weather people are spending more time inside, and more time online looking for a way to make some extra c-a-s-h.

A lot of programs have come and gone over 2017, and a lot of programs will come and go in 2018, but one thing is for sure; DigiSoft Payline will remain, and our Payliners will prosper! 2018 is going to be a great year for DigiSoft Payliners!

Tour Takers It Is Time To Get Started!

To the Tour Takers reading this, if you want to be successful online you have to pick a business that will stand the test of time!

DigiSoft Payline has been helping people just like YOU to make Mon-ey online for over 3 years, and it is not going to cost you a fortune to get started!

You can get started at Package #1 for just $22 ($7 Payliner Fee + $15 Package #1). At Package #1 you start receiving INSTANT $15 Commissions with your second sale!

Or you can go all in at both Package Levels like most people do So you can start receiving those $35 payments infinity deep at Package Level #2.

DigiSoft User ID: 

 😎 http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

TeamWork Works!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline


"The best advertising you can have is a LOYAL customer spreading the word about how incredible your business is." - Shep Hyken

Image result for email logos

*** E-mail Ad #11 for your prospects *** {99}

💝Try this "AD" when advertising your Biz Op, or feel free to change anyway you like to fit your narrative.

https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3  👈(A call to action) - 200 FREE Leads and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up. 100% commissions on every sale...


{firstname}, Let's Be Friends...- Title

Home business is about relationships with the people you are in business with.

When you join with someone in business, You want to know upfront your sponsor will be there for you.

Nothing is more important to me!

How many times have you tried to reach your sponsor for some help, Only to find they make  you feel like you're bothering them?

It's the worst feeling. You're stuck and you just need a little help, Or to get a question answered.

I have no respect for someone that goes MIA after you join them.

In fact, the thing I enjoy most, is helping people. It's much more satisfying when someone says thanks, than when they pay me!

So how about taking a serious look at [company], And lets get you on your way to financial freedom!!!

=>[http://www.your info here]


💚http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)


*{Bonus AD}

Achieve your DREAMS....Today!...

With respect to having our own online business, we all have different motivational factors that keep us inspired. It is essential to create a list of the reasons why you want to succeed online, and read this list every morning & evening. Today I will discuss what you should put on your dream list and how you can achieve these dreams with a successful Internet home business.

1.) One dream that you could create is to be able to work at home full time and quit your day job. This is a dream that many online marketers have (and achieve) and it is a strong motivational factor. Once you are earning enough income from your home based business, working full time at home is a real possibility.

2.) Another dream would be to get to a point financially where it would be easy to pay off your monthly bills. There are many people who do not make enough money to cover their monthly expenses. With an internet home business bringing in extra money, you will be in a much better position to deal with any financial challenges.

3.) Yet another dream would be to buy or pay off a house. You could buy a primary residence for you and your family, for instance. If you already own, then why not buy a vacation home? Alternatively, you could buy a home to rent out and earn an additional residual income.

4.) A fourth dream could entail providing something nice for your children. Suddenly, that expensive competitive soccer league or that special music program is affordable. Also, you may want to put some money aside for their college education from your Internet home business earnings.

5.) A trip to the Caribbean or some other exotic part of the world would be a great idea. Let's say that you put away $1,000 per month from your Internet home business earnings. In under a year, you could pay upfront for your vacation and not have to go into debt.

6.) Donating money regularly to charities is a dream that many people have. There are definitely many charities to choose from and your home business could certainly help to pay for this.

7.) One final dream that I would like to present is to invest your Internet earnings and retire while you are still young. You require seed capitol to invest in the stock and real estate markets. It can be difficult to come up with this extra capitol from a regular job. Your Internet home business profits could fill this void quite nicely.

These are 7 dream list suggestions, however, feel free to add your own dreams. The main point that I am getting at is that you really need to create a dream list and then read it every morning and evening.

The subconscious mind works in an amazing way. Picture it like a group of military personnel. They only do what they're told to do.

Reading through your list of dreams in the morning and evening is at a time with your subconscious mind is at it's peak ability to absorb material. You are literally programming it on what you want it to achieve. As you do so... your dreams can quickly be intended into reality.

P.S. - I would love to serve you and help you create success online.

We have a GREAT team atmosphere with teamwork. The ultimate mix of serving others, having fun every second along the way, and systematically creating unlimited income and shattering all records.

💪https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 👈(Go here now) - 18 High-Converting Lead Capture Pages at your dispoal to use as you wish...

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:

💥http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

Your Login User ID: 

Rick Brier


"If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you're not sure you can do it, say yes - then learn how to do it later." - Richard Branson

Image result for email logos

*** E-mail Ad #10 for your prospects *** {98}

💖Try this "AD" for your advertising efforts. Feel free to change any way you like to fit your narrative.

{firstname}, Here's your Path To Online Success... - Title

If you've been looking for a way to make good money working at home, being your own boss, and setting your own hours...

Then your search is over!

Introducing [company], the  groundbreaking way to explode your online business into skyrocketing profits...

==> [www.your info here]

You don't need any experience...

You don't need to know any programming or HTML...

You don't even need your own product!

[company] gives you step-by-step instructions to get you started making money online quickly, even if you're completely new to the game...

==> [www.your info here]

I know from personal experience how frustrating it can be when you're first getting started...

There's information overload, and much of the information is conflicting...

Each and every "guru" is trying to tell you that their high-priced product is the only way you'll ever make it as an online marketer...

Just take a deep breath, ...

[company] is totally geared to show you how to do the entire process, from start to finish...

We're here to help you at any time if you have questions or run into problems...

Still Not Convinced? OK, Here's What I'll Do:

Try out [company] for [?] days, and if It's not everything you thought it would be...

Then I'll give you your money back!

So there's absolutely no risk on your part... Just give it a fair try, that's all I ask...

I'm so confident that you can make money quickly with [company] that I can offer this guarantee...

So what are you waiting for? Your online profits are waiting for you!

==> [www. your info here]

To your success!


==> [www.your info here]

😉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3  👈(A call to action) - Can you devote 1-2 hours per day over an extended period of time to grow your business? 

{Pre-written AD}:

OG plants a tree...

Og Mandino said ...

"Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later."

To plant the seeds of towering redwoods today, login here ...

💜https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 👈(Go here now) - Build your Email List, and recieve 100% commissions on every sale...

{Admin Update}:  

July 22, 2016

Hi Rick,

Summers are not supposed to be like this! Traditionally the summer months are a slow time in the Networking Industry because people are spending more time outside enjoying the warmer weather, and taking their summer vacation.

BUT! DigiSoft is bucking the trend and we are growing every day!

I am excited about the growth we are seeing now, but I get even more excited when I think about the growth we are going to see come the fall when kinds head back to school, and people start turning to the internet in search of a way to make some extra M0NEY online!

Keep up the great work everyone, and don`t forget to get your ads out there every day, especially on the weekends!

Me Setup Page – Section 4

Have you checked out the New Feature (Section 4) on the About Me Setup Page in your Payliners Room yet?

This is a great place to post a Personal Message to your Tour Takers. If you are willing to share Advertising Resources with your new people when they upgrade this is the perfect place to place that message.

Or maybe you would like to make an even greater impact and create a YouTube Video and have that as your Personal Message!

It would be really nice to see DigiSoft Payliners take advantage of social media sites like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook!

IMPORTANT NOTE! When you email your Tour Takers saying you have uploaded a Personal Message for them, please make sure you give them clear instructions on how to find it.

For example:

To see my Personal Message, login to your Member Center and click on the yellow sub tab on the Status Page called ``Your Sponsor``.

Members Getting Paid Daily!

We are starting to see some Payliners receiving several $50 commissions a day, and this is great BUT I want to see even more!

I want to see every one succeed, but I cannot want it more for you than you want it for yourself! And you just can`t want it, you have to take actions to show you want it! You have to post your 10 ads a day. You have to use the DSP Team Mailer on a regular basis!

These are not difficult things to do, but if you do them, you will start to see those $50 commissions coming your way!

Advertising Tools!

Get your advertising out there; try to post at least 10 ads a day. For the new Payliners; in your Payliners Room click on the tab called Advertising Tools, then look for the yellow sub tab called: Ad-Copy Emails

Scroll to the bottom of the Ad-Copy Emails and you will see some emails and subject lines there for our 230K Splash Page.

Those of you who a new Payliners or are not fully Qualified yet it is so important for you to get your ads out there every day! The faster you get Qualified at both Package Levels, the faster you will start receiving those instant $50 commissions!

DigiSoft User ID: 

Let’s Do This!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder


"People don't buy what you do...they buy WHY you do it." - Simon Sinek

Image result for email logos

*** Email Ad #9 for your prospects *** {97}

💜Try this "AD" for your advertising efforts. Feel free to chamge anyway you like to fit your narrative.

💛https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2  👈(Go here now) - Everyone will recieve a plethora of FREE Downloadable Ebooks...


{firstname}, Tired of Slap-Happy Search Engines? - Title

There's a certain very, very large online search engine...

I don't want to name names, but it starts with a "G"... (and ends with an "oogle")...

You may have heard of them :)

They do some very, very good things...

But other times they can be a real pain in the you-know-what when you're trying to run an online business...

They're always slapping here and slapping there...

(Here a slap...there a slap... everywhere a slap-slap...)

Wouldn't it be nice to find a way to outsmart the big search engines so you could make money online  the way you want to?

Well, guess what...there is a way...

==> www.your info here

Isn't your face getting a bit red and sore from being slapped so much?

If I were you, I sure wouldn't put up with it...

I would be mad as hell and looking for  a way to give back what I was getting...

Now, you can't really "slap" Google,  they're much too big for that...

BUT it is possible to sneak around, under, and beneath its radar...

If you know how to do it...

==> www.your info here

You've probably heard a lot lately about so-called "black hat" techniques...

You won't find anything illegal in [company]...just a few things that Google may be a little touchy about...

But if you're like me, you're thinking that Google has enough money now, and  sometimes they get a little too big and full of themselves for their own good...

And you can make a LOT of money just by using these strategies...and the G-word won't even notice what they're missing...

So if you're really serious about getting what you want online, then you can't just sit around and limply take whatever Google decides to hand to you...

You've got to want it badly enough to go for it by (almost) any means possible...

==> www.your info here

What are you waiting for? Go get your share...

To your success!


==> www.your info here

{Pre-written AD}:

"... just never _______." Dean Karnazes

Dean Karnazes said ...

"Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up."

To become the kind of person who never gives up, login here...

👌https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite 👈(Go here now) - You will have everything you need in ordfer to be successful. FREE for 7 days...


{Admin Update}:  (IGNORE 👇)

Just In ➟➟➟ $115 in 24 hours! ➤➤➤Check it out!

Aug. 9, 2016

Hi Rick,

This just in from one of our DigiSoft Payliners!


I just had another great 24 hours, I received $115 from new Payliners, and $50 of that was PASSIVE from qualifying sales brought in by one of my Payliners! Actually, ADMIN helps close our sales, Ron Walsh closed 100s of sales for my team and other teams in DSP!

If you do nothing else today, at least log in thru the link below and scroll down the Status Page when you login and seriously look at the $230K Business Plan down to the 19th week!

Kathleen V.
Michigan, United States


Congratulations Kathleen! I know there will be many more days like this to come for you and all Payliners as DigiSoft continues to explode around the world!

Tour Takers!

To all the Tour Takers reading this, we are just weeks away from the start of the ``Christmas Run`` (Sept - Dec)! This when networkers go online is mass looking for a great biz opp to make some FAST C-A-S-H before the Christmas Holidays!

The time to join DigiSoft is now, so you can get your advertising out there as soon as possible! You can get started for as little as $22 or go all in at both Packages like most people do for $57.

If you cannot afford to get started today, do everything you can to get the funds together as soon as possible because DigiSoft is going to EXPLODE! come September when all the kids are back in school!


To all the Payliners reading this, Kathleen is a prime example of what can happen when you stick with the program, and post your 10 Ads a day!

As you start making M0NEY and have success with DigiSoft it becomes easier and easier to have even more success when you are able to share story with your Tour Takes who did not upgrade right away!

Inactive Payliners!

To all the Inactive Payliners reading this, it only costs $7 to reactivate your account, and pick up where you left off! You WILL NOT have to re-purchase any Package that you all ready paid for!

Your DigiSoft User ID: 

💥http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

Let’s Do This!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder

"People don't care about your business. They care about their problems. Be the solution that they're looking for." - Melonie Dodard

Image result for email logos

*** E-mail Ad #8 for your prospects *** {96}

😎Try this "AD" for your advertising efforts. Feel free to change anyway you like to fit your narrative.

💥https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/1  (A call to action) - Join today and recieve my FREE "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months...


{Pre-written AD}:

Rev Up Your Money Machine Starting Today... - Title

Everything you want in life is within your grasp...it's all in how you think about it...

If you want to make money online, be your own boss, set your own hours, and be in charge of your own life and destiny...

You can do it!

So , why haven't you already?

It's OK, it's not your fault...

So many so-called online "gurus" and other self-appointed "experts" have tried to cram their get-rich-quick products down your throat...

It's not surprising that you've become a bit gun-shy at this point...

That's too bad, because it really is possible to make all your dreams come true online...

Whether you want to have more time to spend with your kids, play golf, read,  or take a vacation to that favorite dream spot...

Or just want to have more free time, or a little extra money each month to pay off those credit card bills...

It's very real, and it's within your reach...

==> www.your info here

The Number One thing that holds back the 98% of the online marketers that don't make it?

They don't TAKE ACTION...

All You Have to Do...
Is DO Something!

That's where it all starts, and everything else follows from that...

Over 95% of the people who say they want to be online marketers never do anything about it...

So ALL you have to do to be in the top 5% or higher, is to actually take action...

It's so simple, it's ridiculous...

All you have to do is visit the link below:

==> www.your info here

But you have to do it now, while you're thinking about it, or you'll just slip back into the ranks of the slumbering herd who aren't going anywhere...

So just do it:

==> www.your info here

To your success!

==> www.your info here


{Pre-written AD}:

This is Perfect for:

- The Unemployed
- The Underpaid
- College Students
- Retirees
- People who need more income
- People who are sick of their jobs
- People who need more time to enjoy life
- People who want a change
- People who want to enrich their life
- People who have to much month and not enough money
- People who are just sick and tired of work from home scams.

Thanks for checking it out.

Talk soon,


👀https://listyinfinity.net/rick2323/14 👈(Go here now) - FREE for 7 days, and then you can jumpin for $27 if you use Aweber as your Autoresponder...

{Bonus "AD"}

This is great for NEWBIES:-(IGNORE 👇)


Thanks for taking a look at DigiSoft! If you ask me this is one of the best programs online today!

Everyone wants to make fast C*A*S*H, and it doesn't get any faster than instant member-to-member payouts like we have at DigiSoft!

Our 230K Splash Page and Business Plan is making it so easy to get signups! Even a newbie can do this because Admin helps to close your sales!

To get started, login to your Member Center and upgrade to a Payliner, then purchase `both` Product Packages so you can take advantage of the 230K Business Plan at Package #2.

If you join me at both Package Levels today I will send you a list of my Best Advertising Resources to help you get off to a FAST START!!!

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:

💥http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

Your Login User ID: 

Rick Brier


“There is a day you get into network marketing, but nothing happens until the day network marketing gets into you.” - Jan Ruhe

Image result for email logos