1) Always be nice - Even if you're having a bad day, which we all have, try to be nice to everyone you come in contact with!
2) Smile - This is pretty self explanatory. No one want to be around someone who's unhappy!
3) Dress appropriately - You should be well groomed, with clean clothes, so you present the right image. A suit isn't necessary!
4) Breath check - Brush your teeth, and take some breath spray, or a mint, so you don't blow over your prospect.
5) Every prospect is a prospect for life - Until they buy or die, or tell you otherwise, always make random contacts!
6) Make it about your prospect - Your conversations should always be about them and how you can help them solve their problems!
7) Be unique - Always try to think outside the box. Be different than other marketers!
8) Look for the right prospects - Only you can find the right prospects you would like to work with, and not everyone will be a good fit within your organization!
9) Confidence is key - No one wants to do business with someone who isn't on their game!
10) Ask questions - This is the only way you can find out how to help your prospect, and it keeps you in control!
11) Say hello to your prospects - Of course you will do it, this will help build your people skills!
12) Get out of your comfort zone - This is hard for a lot of people to do, but if you can over time, your business will grow!
13) Say less to more prospects - To quote the great Zig Ziglar: It's better to talk 1 minute to 100 prospects, over talking to 1 prospect for 100 minutes!
14) Make a simple elevator speech - When your prospects ask what you do, have a simple 1-2 sentences that explains it, so you can share it with them!
15) Utilize your phone when possible - Prospects do like to hear who they are talking to, but you don't have to use it all the time. I also use Facebook Messenger and have great success, plus by using Messenger, you can keep your phone bill lower!
16) Create a great 1st impression - You never get another chance!
17) Keep your message short - Be straight to the point. By saying a lot, you will sound more like a sales person, and you don't want that!
18) F.O.R.M - This stands for family, occupation, recreation, message, and this will help you in case you get stuck with your conversation, you can focus on these topics!
19) Improve people skills - The more prospects like and trust you, the better your chances that they buy your products, or join your opportunity!
20) Never try to sell on the first contact - When meeting for the first time, try to get their contact info, and contact them in a few days, and no more than a week!
21) Don't be pushy - No one likes to be hard sold to, or pressured!
22) Know when to walk away - Always move on if your prospect is mean, rude, unmotivated, negative, etc... Trust your instincts, because not everyone is cut out for this industry!
23) Listen more than you talk - You will learn so much more by just listening. You still want to ask some questions!
24) Don't give up on the first objection - Very rarely are prospects impulse buyers. It generally takes a prospect 7-20 contacts before they become a buyer!
25) Don't just be interesting, be interested - Your prospects will see that, and they will appreciate you so much more!
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The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it. -unknown
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The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it. -unknown