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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

*** How To Check Your Split Testing Efforts (Network Marketing) *** {413}

πŸ’₯What is split testing in email marketing?

A/B test your email campaigns. A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a way of working out which of two campaign options is the most effective in terms of encouraging opens or clicks. In an A/B test you set up two variations of the one campaign and send them to a small percentage of your total recipients.
By split testing and stretching your marketing dollars, you are maximizing your marketing efforts.

Obviously the best way to increase your sales, and get more website visitors, is to market online. 

Using E-mail marketing is like any other sales strategy, It's a numbers game. Typically for every 100 prospects you get to your sales page, you will get between 3-7 people on average that will purchase from you, and that number is closer to bottom side. You definitely need paid advertising, but I want you to be very careful with what you purchase because about 90% or more of your advertising $$$ are being wasted. That's just how it is! Whatever you choose, make sure to be persistent with your marketing efforts. It takes some time to build momentum, so don't give up within the first month or so. You have to do this month in and month out, so you better make sure to have an advertising budget! Stopping and starting will do you no good.

This is why you should split test, so you test your messages against each other to see what works the best, and ultimately you will reap the rewards.

There are 3 really good ways to split test your marketing efforts, because your goal is to convert more of your prospects into customers.

1) Test your headlines:

The first thing people look at with your advertisement, sales page, and E-mail, is your headline. It's the most important part of your content. You only have about 3 seconds to grab your readers attention, before they move on. Make sure to regularly test your headlines, against other variations until you finally have a winner. The differences in results can make a huge impact on your business success.

2) Test your leads:

Your goal for your lead (prospect), is to put them in a good mood. Make them a promise about your product, and then  get them toward your offer. Your headline is the opening section of your sales letter, and by creating great content, especially with your headline, your chances are much greater to get the prospect to your offers, and possibly purchase from you.

3) Test your offers:

Make sure you test every version of your sales page until you find the right formula and then stay consistent, making sure to check your marketing results. By writing great content that sells, the money will soon follow. You should be showing your prospect what he/she gets for their money, and why they should purchase from you. The offer is the biggest impact on making money.

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"Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down." -- Charles F. Kettering