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Sunday, October 19, 2014

*** BIZ Opp Ads *** {18} - (Change To Fit Your Narrative)

💛Free Classified ADS are something that I think everyone should be using especially when you first join program because you can copy & paste a few each day so you can get yourself out there for others to see what you're offering while you're trying to learn the new system and trying to figure out what forms of advertising you're going to use. Pick 3-4 methods and get good at those. By joining me @ List Infinity, I can help get you throutght the learning curve much quicker...

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2👈(Go here now) 7 days FREE...


Always use “PAID DAILY” In Every Ad... Also feel free to add your own touch to the ads!... Be Sure To Create Great Headlines For Your Ads!... Always place all “Call To Action” In Every Ad ie: “Call Now”...”Listen Now” See the ad titles below…

***Call Today, Start Today, Paid Cash Daily!

***$500 – $1000 Cash Daily…Immediate Work Available!

***$500 – $1000 Cash Daily…Simply Taking Incoming Phone Calls!

***Cash Paid Everyday…Immediate Work Available!

***Immediate Work Available…Paid Cash Daily!

***Cash Paid Everyday…Simply Taking Incoming Phone Calls!

***Cash Paid Everyday…100% Inbound Calls!

***Immediate Work Available…Simply Taking Incoming Phone Calls!

***$500 – $1000 Cash Daily…100% Inbound Calls

***$20/Hour…Immediate Work Available!

***$20/Hour…..100% Inbound Calls!…Immediate Work Available!

***$20/Hour…Cash Paid Everyday!

***$20/Hour…Simply Taking Incoming Phone Calls!

***$20/Hour…Call Today…Start Today…Paid Daily! ————— Ad Body EXPLODE Your Cash Flow… GET PAID DAILY! New 100% FREE System Does It All! Converts HUGE Numbers... See It Now: (YOUR INFO GOES HERE) Automated Down line System Is Flooding My Account With $20 Payments! Wanna See?... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE) Need More Money?...

Want It By The Truckload?...

New 100% FREE System Delivers!... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

The Easiest Program Ever Devised For Mankind...

Don’t Miss It!... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE) DAILY Income… Is it real or only a myth?...

Find Out Here: (YOUR INFO GOES HERE) Ridiculous Little Business Is Changing Lives... Huge DAILY Income... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE) Nobody says “NO” To This...

Making Money Is Just Too Easy!... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

This is HARD to Believe But It’s True... I Made $ My 1ST DAY!... See What All The Fuss Is About:... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

Revealed For The 1st Time… A Rejection Free System That Anyone Can Do! (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

15 MIN Video is Changing Lives. 100% FREE TO JOIN!... PAID CASH DAILY!... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

Simple FREE Business Returns Huge Dividends With A Fully Automatic System!... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

My Bank Account Loves Me!... It Never Goes Hungry… Cuz I Keep it Full of Cash!... You Can Too…Check It Out:... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

Got Your Own Cash Register?... I Do, and It’s Ringing Constantly With New Sales... See Why Here:... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

Need an Honest, Ethical Business?... We Have It Right Here… Just For YOU!... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

Got Laid Off?... Out of Options?... Think Again... We Have Your Plan B… And It Works Like Crazy!... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

HELP, I’m Going Under… I’m Drowning In A River of Cash!... This System Is The Reason:... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

HELP, I’m Sinking… In A Vast Ocean Of Cash!... It Just Keeps Coming… (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

This Ad Is Not For YOU!... It’s for Your Wallet!... Get Filled Up Here:... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

I’m SICK Of $20 Bills… They Just Won’t Stop Flooding My Bank Account.... HELP!... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

Success Is Waiting For You - You Can Genuinely Receive $100′s To $1000′s Each DAY Follow Our Simple, Proven System To Your Success... 100% FREEE (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

Do You Want A Program To Believe In?... This Simple System Just Plain Works!... No Hype, Just The Truth... DAILY PAY, 100% FREE!... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

No Hype – No Lies Proven System To Success Finally, A True, Real Program For The People!... This system just works!... (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

Are You Looking For An Authentic System That Gets Results?... No Hype, No Lies, Just A Real Program That Works Take a look Now, and Prepare to Be Amazed (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)

Push Button Down line System Rakes In $20 OVER AND OVER It’s Happening Multiple Times Per Day!... 100% FREE! (YOUR INFO GOES HERE)


"Don't brood. Get on with living and loving. You don't gave forever. " - Leo Buscaglia

*** 5 Tips For Better Text Message Marketing (Article) *** {17}

👀I found this article about text message marketing to be quite Insightful by Susan Gunelius, and wanted to share. It's a good read, and I urge you to take a few minutes to check it out... 

List Infinity is just over 3 years old with over 9.1k members worldwide, and members have already made a quater of a million dollars. Join today FREE for the next 7 days before any out pocket expense for you. Full training provided...

😎https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/18 👈(Go here now) The only way you can fail, is if you QUIT!


{E-mail for your tour takers}:

Please read and reply:

If you are truly happy with your financial situation, and you have no desire to improve it, then stop reading  this email now because there is nothing I can do for you!

BUT! If you are like me and you are truly serious about creating a better life for yourself and for your family, please keep reading because this email is for you!

September 1st, and MONEY Making Season is just around the corner, and I could not be any more excited!

I have set a GOAL of signing up 5 NEW Payliners between now and the end of August, and would really love for you to be one of those Payliners!

Like I said, "I am serious about creating a better life for myself and my family! "If you are serious about doing the same, let me know when you will be ready to get started! The sooner the better!

If you are one of those 5 NEW Payliners, I will send you a list of my Best Advertising Resources to help you!

Let's work together!


🙏Skeptics will never ever succeed...

Do you know why skeptics will never succeed? 

That's because they turn away every opportunity that comes at them. They rather not fail than take the chance to succeed...

I mean, it doesn’t take a lot of effort to be a skeptic. (In fact, it's 100 times easier than taking action)

But being a skeptic is what will keep you exactly where you are for the rest of your life.

However, if you want more in life, you need to suspend your disbelief and take a leap of faith.

Got a quick question for you:

Can you copy and paste?

If you answered yes, then you can profit with this newbie commission system. 


"Network Marketing gives people the opportunity, with very low risk, and very low financial commitment, to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth." - Robert Kiyosaki