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Sunday, November 9, 2014

*** Email Ad #9 for your prospects *** {97}

πŸ’œTry this "AD" for your advertising efforts. Feel free to chamge anyway you like to fit your narrative.

πŸ’›https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2  πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - Everyone will recieve a plethora of FREE Downloadable Ebooks...


{firstname}, Tired of Slap-Happy Search Engines? - Title

There's a certain very, very large online search engine...

I don't want to name names, but it starts with a "G"... (and ends with an "oogle")...

You may have heard of them :)

They do some very, very good things...

But other times they can be a real pain in the you-know-what when you're trying to run an online business...

They're always slapping here and slapping there...

(Here a slap...there a slap... everywhere a slap-slap...)

Wouldn't it be nice to find a way to outsmart the big search engines so you could make money online  the way you want to?

Well, guess what...there is a way...

==> www.your info here

Isn't your face getting a bit red and sore from being slapped so much?

If I were you, I sure wouldn't put up with it...

I would be mad as hell and looking for  a way to give back what I was getting...

Now, you can't really "slap" Google,  they're much too big for that...

BUT it is possible to sneak around, under, and beneath its radar...

If you know how to do it...

==> www.your info here

You've probably heard a lot lately about so-called "black hat" techniques...

You won't find anything illegal in [company]...just a few things that Google may be a little touchy about...

But if you're like me, you're thinking that Google has enough money now, and  sometimes they get a little too big and full of themselves for their own good...

And you can make a LOT of money just by using these strategies...and the G-word won't even notice what they're missing...

So if you're really serious about getting what you want online, then you can't just sit around and limply take whatever Google decides to hand to you...

You've got to want it badly enough to go for it by (almost) any means possible...

==> www.your info here

What are you waiting for? Go get your share...

To your success!


==> www.your info here

{Pre-written AD}:

"... just never _______." Dean Karnazes

Dean Karnazes said ...

"Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up."

To become the kind of person who never gives up, login here...

πŸ‘Œhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - You will have everything you need in ordfer to be successful. FREE for 7 days...


{Admin Update}:  (IGNORE πŸ‘‡)

Just In ➟➟➟ $115 in 24 hours! ➤➤➤Check it out!

Aug. 9, 2016

Hi Rick,

This just in from one of our DigiSoft Payliners!


I just had another great 24 hours, I received $115 from new Payliners, and $50 of that was PASSIVE from qualifying sales brought in by one of my Payliners! Actually, ADMIN helps close our sales, Ron Walsh closed 100s of sales for my team and other teams in DSP!

If you do nothing else today, at least log in thru the link below and scroll down the Status Page when you login and seriously look at the $230K Business Plan down to the 19th week!

Kathleen V.
Michigan, United States


Congratulations Kathleen! I know there will be many more days like this to come for you and all Payliners as DigiSoft continues to explode around the world!

Tour Takers!

To all the Tour Takers reading this, we are just weeks away from the start of the ``Christmas Run`` (Sept - Dec)! This when networkers go online is mass looking for a great biz opp to make some FAST C-A-S-H before the Christmas Holidays!

The time to join DigiSoft is now, so you can get your advertising out there as soon as possible! You can get started for as little as $22 or go all in at both Packages like most people do for $57.

If you cannot afford to get started today, do everything you can to get the funds together as soon as possible because DigiSoft is going to EXPLODE! come September when all the kids are back in school!


To all the Payliners reading this, Kathleen is a prime example of what can happen when you stick with the program, and post your 10 Ads a day!

As you start making M0NEY and have success with DigiSoft it becomes easier and easier to have even more success when you are able to share story with your Tour Takes who did not upgrade right away!

Inactive Payliners!

To all the Inactive Payliners reading this, it only costs $7 to reactivate your account, and pick up where you left off! You WILL NOT have to re-purchase any Package that you all ready paid for!

Your DigiSoft User ID: 

πŸ’₯http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

Let’s Do This!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder

"People don't care about your business. They care about their problems. Be the solution that they're looking for." - Melonie Dodard

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