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Friday, July 10, 2020

*** 50 Places To Meet MLM Prospects *** {415}

πŸ’œYou should be prospecting daily, but don't make special trips to do so. Incorporate this with your daily activities while living life. I thought I would make a small list of places to find prospects. I'm sure you can add to this list, So try Thinking outside the box, your options are endless!

(50) Places to meet prospects:

1) The Park
2) Dog Park
3) Social Media (Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin)
4) E-mail Contacts
5) Cold Market
6) Warm Market
7) Lyft/Uber
8) Public Transportation (Bus/ Cab/Airplane)
9) Job Fair
10) Car Show
11) Gun Show
12) Church
13) Restaurant
14) Bank
15) Gym
16) Barber Shop
17) Beauty Parlor
18) Movie Theater
19) Grocery Store
20) Gas Station
21) Farmers Market
22) Flea Market
23) Sporting Events (Kids/Professional)
24) Network Marketing Events
25) Cell Phone Contacts
26) Ask Friends And Family For Referrals
27) Department Stores
28) Your Local VFW Or American Legion
29) Join A Bowling League
30) Hobbies
31) Join Local Civic Organizations
32) Chamber Of Commerce
33) Party Events (Birthday/Weddings/Pool/Etc..)
34) Poker Tournaments
35) Bars
36) Schools/Colleges
37) Job Site/Co-Workers
38) Doctor's Office
39) Hospitals
40) Local Newspaper
41) TV Networks
42) Camping
43) Traveling
44) Circus/Fairs
45) Independence Day Events
46) Business Owners (Brick & Mortar)
47) Local Swimming Pools
48) Public Speaking Events
49) Neighbors/Neighborhoods
50) Dating Sites

*Quite simply, try to get their contact info. E-mail address, or Phone Number, and set up a date and time to discuss further. Initial contact you can give them a business card, flyer, or anything with access to your capture page, blog, website, link to a video, etc... So they can take a look at what you're offering before your second contact. Try to set that up in a couple days, and no longer than a week!

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12  (New Sign Up Link)




A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.- Albert Einstein