πWho should you be recruiting into your online business opportunity, and why? This is a great question, and most people aren't really sure what kind of people they should be trying to recruit into their marketing business...
Obviously you want to find likeminded individuals such as yourself, but where do you find these individuals? The truth is, they are everywhere, and it's your responsibility to find them...
If you're involved in this industry long enough, you are going to come across a lot of what I call "Tire Kickers". These are people that go from opportunity to opportunity showing some interest in joining, but typically when they find a joining fee/s involved, whether it be big or small, they complain about not having any money. I'm speaking from my own experiences of course...
I get tons of people looking at my business, and I do send them the necessary info, even though I know that most aren't serious about changing their futures, and these individuals will always continue to look for the next shiny object, and waste away because they have the belief that they are going to get something for nothing and not have to commit to anything in order to find wealth...
Because I recieve a lot of these "Tire Kickers" it does lower my conversion rate, but that's typical of anyone involved with Network/Affiliate Marketing. If someone asks for info, I do send it. You're not obligated to do that, because it's your business to run as you see fit, but you can determine who you want to work with...
There are many ways to build a successful recession proof business, and one size "DOES NOT" fit all, and that's the beauty of our industry...
I teach a lot of different methods, and so does List Infinity with our video marketing tutorials for all paid members, so there's no excuses why anyone should fail. We supply you with everything you'll need in order to be successful...
Everyone who joins us will have to figure out a few key strategies to use as their advertising methods, and that's something that I will help you figure out when you join me. Admin Derrick Vandyke just implemented a new 7-day FREE Trial period in which you can join at "NO" cost, and after the 7th day, you either must make your package payment to your sponsor of ($7/$25/$100/$300), or move on to the next shiny object...
Now back to the original question. Who should I be trying to sponsor into my online business opportunity? I believe your best prospects are individuals that are already involved in marketing, or at least have some experience, because they have an understanding of what's involved with creating wealth online, even if they aren't there yet...
I'm not telling you to poach them away from their current company, but with the millions and millions of people out there looking toward the internet for an extra stream of income, people come and go daily for various reasons with their current company, and there's nothing Illegal, Unethical, or Immoral about seeing if they are at least open to what you're offering, and it's probably going to be the fastest way to build your business...
Think of it like this. You own a restaraunt, and you're hiring a cook. You have 2 people applying for the position. Person A has cooking experience, and person B has no cooking experience. Obviously you're leaning toward person A, because he has the experience...
So if you're smart, you would hire the person with the experience because they are much more likely to succeed at that position, and it's the same case with Marketing. Your odds are much greater from the individual with the experience. It's not a perfect science, but the numbers would say pick experience first...
Where do I find these individuals? I scan Facebook, and join some of the hundreds of group pages. For instance, in my case, I'm an affiliate marketer, so I type in affiliate marketing in the search bar, because that's my niche, and there are many different pages that pop up. I start joining a few of them, because there are always "FREE AGENTS" as I call them looking for something else, or to join multiple opportunities which I'm personally not a fan of for vrious reasons, but every individual has the right to do as they wish...
Once I join some of these groups, I read the rules for each group and once I'm accepted, I look for those likeminded indivuals and you can somewhat tell because of the posts they make on facebook...
I look for people in the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK, and you will find tens of thousands of people in those areas alone. Obviously it's your business, and you can search wherever you like, but this is where I like to look...
Once I find someone that I think would be a nice fit, I will then send them a friend request. Facebook is a little wierd about that and won't let you send to just anyone because of their algorithms, and in that case, I just move on to the next person...
I typically try to send out 10-20 friend requests daily, and I will get a few of those individuals accepting my request, and when they do, I have a Pre-written message that I send them. In many cases they will want more info about what I do, and I send it. I already have all my follow up messages created, all I do is copy, paste, & send with the persons name...
If they click the link to my website, there is a box for them to type in their email address in order to watch the 3 minute video, and take the FREE tour. While they are doing that, I will then send them an email with more information because again, I've already created the content, and will just send. My Autoresponder (AWEBER), will send me an email anytime someone comes to my site and types in their email address, and I save it. It's called building your list. This is a must, and first priority when trying to build a recession proof business...
Now each evening, I will send out an email to 1000 of my massive list of over 120 million people and growing by the day. The reason for this is because now I'm building a rappore and trust with these individuals so they can get to know me better, which gives me a much better chance of getting some of them to upgrade and join me...
Everyone on my TEAM will have complete access to everything I use in order to be successful. All that's needed is for "YOU" to join us, and get your system setup with our help, and get started. Whatever I send, you're allowed to use, just make sure to take out any of my info, and input yours...I will even be sending you some leads to work with when utilizing email marketing. I personally think this should be in everyones arsenal...
I've basically taken out all of the guess work and simplified the entire process, because I want you to be successful, but I can't make that happen, that's all on you. All I can do, is to educate you, and give you the tools in order to get it done, and at a much quicker rate than myself. Also if you choose AWEBER as your autoresponder, you will pay $19.99 per month. I pay yearly and that's $239.99, but you can choose whatever works best for you, and that includes the autoresponder. We have (4) of them on the website to choose from...
You can make these people your target market, and send or create your own content. This should help grow your online business much quicker. A subscriber is a subsciber until they buy or die, or they opt out of your offer..
It's a very simple process. Find the people, and ask them in a non aggressive way if they are open to checking out what you're offering. If they say not interested, that's ok. Just move on to the next person. Your autoresponder will send your subscribers a daily email for a month, and then repeat the process until they buy or just opt out from your offer. It's a necessary tool to have when building a business, because it automatically follows up with your subscribers...
Looking for people already into marketing to build your business is one strategy that most top earners use, and it does work...
{Personal Development}:
This is something that I preach to the choir, and that's because you must be a student of the game. When you're trying to build a recession proof business, you must be taking 20-30 minutes out your busy day to learn something new pertaining to Marketing. You can watch a Youtube video, or if you join us @ List Infinity, you can watch one of our many training videos each day. I send daily emails as well...
Make sure you're reading them, or you can read a book. There are many ways to be doing this. If you're a gym goer and walk on the treadmill, (which I recommend not doing), but if you do, you can watch a video while walking, or if you're at work, watch something during your lunch break. If you want it bad enough, you will find a way...
By the way, the reason I said not to walk on a treadmill for your cardio is because I'm an expert on fitness with over 50 years experience and will be happy to explain my answer. Feel free to contact me, and I will tell you why you're wasting your time. Well let's just say that I have a better way if you're physically capeable...
πhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/17 π (Go here now) -What are you waiting for? 7- days FREE, and then $27 to join with AWEBER! Where else can you find an online business with as much value, and spend under $30?

Admn Quick Update

I have a couple updates for you today...
I redesigned the back office with new colors and icons.
Your Affiliate Offers will now be displayed when your referrals click on Income Opportunities.
I added a video that shows you how to get leads from Facebook groups and a list of groups where you can post your ads.
I added 3 videos that show you how to buy solo ads on Udimi.
And, I'm working on a new system that will track your clicks, leads, sales, and conversions for any traffic source!
Let me know what you think .
Your partner in success
Derrick Van Dyke
π₯ https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)
πhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)
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π https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/7 π (Go here now) - List Infinity has a plethora of Video Marketing Tutorials in the back office area to help with your advertising efforts along with my daily emails. Failure is not an option unless you QUIT...!
In a quiet Oklahoma town, a disgruntled ex-employee's rampage forever altered the perception of a mundane profession, leaving a community shattered and etching a chilling phrase into the American lexicon. Continue Reading ... ****************************************************** “A surplus of effort could overcome a deficit of confidence.” —Sonia Sotomayor |