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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

*** 10 Tips To Grow Your Network Marketing Business *** {389}

πŸ’₯Here are just a few tips you can try to grow your small business:

1) Network Marketing will always be a numbers game. However, if you can better your skill set, and work on your marketing strategies, you can possibly work through fewer numbers and still be successful.

2) Most top earners have personally sponsored 100-200 people into their business. I know that sounds like a lot, but if you can sponsor just 2-4 people a month for about 5 years, that is very doable, even if you're a part-timer. Now with most companies, and how their compensation plan is constructed, you only need to sponsor about a dozen like-minded individuals, and they can build your business for you. Unfortunately about 80% of your team will either do very little, or quit, and you will have to continue to sponsor more individuals until you find the right players.

3) For the best results, you have to treat it like a business, and not a hobby. Only the successful marketers have devoted the time and effort it takes.

4) Focus on adding new people daily. By doing this, you should be able to sponsor 4-5 people monthly that won't quit.

5) There are many ways to build a business, and you have to figure out just a couple strategies that work for you, and continue to increase your talents and abilities.

6) Never go into management mode, and stay working in the trenches.

7) Decide what you want out of your business. What is your why, and how much money you're going to need in order to turn your why into a reality? You will also need to figure out how many people you will need to sponsor, in order to make that kind of money. Next, you will need to create your daily plan of action, which means what your daily routine will be to grow your business? And finally you will need to dedicate at least 2-3 years to your business, and go all in! (Never look back)

8) Build depth. Always work the deepest level on your team. Make sure to work with the newest distributors, and also the team members that are putting in the most effort. You will always have a few that will do absolutely nothing to grow there business, and you can't do anything to help them. Not trying to be mean, but that's just the reality of it. (Work with the willing)

9) Invest in your education. Learn everything you can about your niche. Read books, attend events, Watch YouTube videos, and you can even hire a coach. Be a student of your business. Be professional. 

10) Keep records of your stats. Track how many exposures you make, versus how many presentations you give, and how many people you sign up. Once you've done that, you will be able to see what your ratio is. Once you know your ratio, you will know how much work you need to put into your business to hit the numbers so you can hit your goals. 

{Example}: These are my numbers! (The prospects are my cold market)

1) I make at least 100 exposures monthly if not more! (I use Facebook Messenger)
2) I give approximately 15 presentations monthly on average! (I send them the link to our 6 minute video)
3) I sign up 1-2 prospects monthly! (And more for my team!)

I have a strategy that only I use to get prospects, and I also use it to help my team grow their business. So by the numbers, my ratio is about 1-2% out of every 100 people I talk to will upgrade to a payliner with DigiSoft Payline. And I spend no more than about an hour a day prospecting! I utilize my time wisely, even though I have as much time working my business daily because I don't have a job, and haven't had one for a few years now!!!

πŸ’§https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/14   (New Sign Up Link)

 πŸ‘‰http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323  (Create your account, and watch the 6 minute how it works movie)


At all times, Dare to be!” ― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free