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Friday, April 24, 2020

*** Why Do People Quit? (MLM) *** {382}

πŸ’₯Unfortunately we are a lazy society, and most people will quit everything they do, and that's just a fact, and I'm no different. What I mean about that is since coming into the industry, I've been apart of more online opportunities than I can count. In the beginning we've all been there, done that! The sad reality is that most people that join an online business opportunity, will usually quit within the first 90 days, and most after 30... I thought for this post, that I would talk about just a few reasons why people quit in no particular order.

1) They are very impatient, and won't take enough time to learn the system, and that's the first thing you have to do as a small business owner, So you know the ins and outs of your business. There is a learning curve with anything new, and when you join me @ List Infinity, Most of the work is already done for you. The reason I did most of the work, is because I know what it's like to be a complete newbie, and wanted to speed up the learning process for others!

2) Most people aren't willing to invest the time and money that it will take in order to be successful, because they have unrealistic expectations about the business. They think all they have to do is to upgrade and the money will come rolling in overnight. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. I'm brutally honest, probably sometimes to a fault, But when I'm answering questions from a prospect, I tell them that weather you join me, or someone else, you will need to give it anywhere from 2-5 years before you really start to get the big results. With List Infinity, you can make money from day 1, and many of our members have, but you're just going to have to be patient. Treat it like a business and not a hobby, or you will fail Every time! 

3) We as Network Marketers are almost considered a secret society, because when others find out what we do, they hold up a cross like they are trying to kill dracula...lol To do what we do, you have to have think skin, and getting back to my point, they are afraid what others will think or say about them joining an online opportunity! Don't let the "NAY SAYERS" crush your dreams, only you know what is your why?...!

4) Another reason, and this was a problem for me when I first joined the industry, and that is, the monthly FEE'S will chew you up. I have had some of my team members over the years, join me, and within a few months, have opted out because they couldn't afford the monthly FEES. The great thing with List Infinity, is that once you pay your small 1 time package FEE, you only have a monthly SPONSOR FEE of $7, and that's it... 

5) Here's a big one, and this really pisses me off, because I can absolutely relate. You have someone Marketing to you, and basically rolls out the red carpet, telling how much money you will be making by next month, and that what you are about to join, is the greatest thing since sliced bread, So you're so excited by what you hear, and decide to join. Your sponsor is stoked, and says that he/she is ready to help you, and once you upgrade, you NEVER hear from that person again, and they go into the witness protection program...Sound familiar? I couldn't begin to tell you how many times that's happened to me when I first joined the industry, and it was very frustrating trying to learn everything on my own, and  admit, I've quit several opportunities as well, and that's why when I sign someone up in List Infinity, I always make myself readily available so No one has to worry about trying to build a successful business alone!

6) The products. A lot of people will join an opportunity, and then realize that they aren't quite sold on the products, and basically do very little to market their Capture Page/s. For me, I won't join a company unless I'm totally sold on the products. Honestly most interested prospects believe it or not, aren't interested in your products/services, or the business. They have only 3 questions, and those are... How much does it cost to join? How Much can I make? and How do i upgrade? Ultimately, only you can decide what's best for you, so choose wisely! 

These are only a few reasons Why people quit, and I'm sure you can come up with even more, due to what you've personally dealt with!

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*Rick Brier


“From the moment you think you have made it, is the beginning of the end.” ― J.R. Rim