๐ฅProspects not returning your messages? How long do you follow up with a prospect for?
Here I share the 2 rules of following up and the exact script that gets most prospects to call me back.
The 2 Rules of Following Up in Network Marketing:
There’s 2 Rules of Following Up That I Use:
- Only Follow Up 3 Times
- Follow Up Until They Die
Sounds conflicting, right?
Follow up until they buy or die and follow up with them three times.
Let me explain the difference.
Follow Up Example:
Let’s say that I prospect someone and I say, “Hey. I’m doing this thing and I don’t know if you’re open to it at all, but I’d love to share with you more information on how I’m making some extra money on the side.” Just an example. If you have a favorite line you like, use that.
And they say, “Yeah. Let’s do this. I’m totally open to checking it out.”
All right, “Well, hey, how soon can you watch this video?”
“Well, I can watch the video right around two o’clock today.”
“All right. I’m busy, but tell you what, I can get on at 2:30 or 2:45. Which one works better for you?”
“Perfect. So at 2:30, I call you at this number.” (And this can translate to other forms like, “I can meet you.”)
And so, let’s say we set an appointment, at 2:30.
So let’s say 2:30 I call, or I shoot them a message, “Hey, you ready to chat?” Or I call them, “Hey, what’s up?”
They don’t answer, right? Shocking, isn’t it? What? There are people out there that don’t honor their commitments? That don’t have integrity around time and meeting people? That sounds nuts.
And so, 2:30, whether I call them, whether I message them, “Hey, you ready to talk?”
1) Leave A Message:
So, I’m going to leave a voicemail or I’m going to send a message, “Hey, you ready to talk? Hey, we were supposed to chat at 2:30. Just checking up on you, seeing how you’re doing, if you’re still free to meet? Give me a call real quick.”
2) 24 Hours Later:
They don’t respond to the message. They don’t respond to the voicemail.
So 24 hours later, I’m going to send them a message or I’m going to call them, “Hey, we were supposed to chat yesterday. Didn’t hear from you. I hope you’re okay. Let me know if this is something that you want to still talk about.”
Or I type a message, “Hey. Sent you a message yesterday. I hope you’re doing okay. Let me know if this is still something you want to talk about.”
3) 3rd Message:
If I haven’t heard from them two days after that call, I’m going to call them.
I’m going to call them, and I’m going say, “Hey. I haven’t heard from you. Left you a couple messages. Hey listen, I’m going to assume that you don’t want to talk about it, and that’s totally cool, but hey listen. I’m going to mark you off the list. I won’t be following up with you. I won’t be giving you a call anymore. But I wish you the very best.”
That message, or that call, is the one that has the highest chance of response.
People hate being marked off a list, even if they don’t want something. Now, nothing is 100%. So will there be people not respond to that third message? Sure. But, it’s your highest chance of getting a response.
PEOPLE HATE BEING MARKED OFF THE LIST, EVEN If THEY DON'T WANT SOMETHING. But I'm going to drop that message. I'm going to leave that voicemail, because there's better than an even chance that they will contact me. And if they don't then I'm going to text or E-mail, or my favorite, Messenger.
{Follow up until}
Now, if they’re really rude to me, then fine. I’ll mark them off the list.
I don’t want them on my team. I don’t want their energy in my family.
Would you just bring anyone home to momma? Or would you be a little bit more selective? I’m selective. I don’t want them around my people. If they’re really rude, nasty, cursing me out, or anything like that, but I’m going to tell them, “Hey, I’m going to mark you off the list.”
And, I have multiple lists.
I have the list of: I’m going to follow up with you three times list.
I have the list of: I’m going to follow up with you until you buy or die list.
And so, I follow up until they pass away. If I read their obituary, then I mark them off, because that doesn’t make any sense.
I’m going to follow up three times with someone who scheduled a time. And then after this, if they ignore all of those things, we’re going to roll into my standard follow up which is, I follow up until they pass away.
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{Contact Info}
Rick Brier
{Contact Info}
Rick Brier
"Fall seven times and stand up eight." -- Japanese Proverb