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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

*** My Recommendation Of My Top 5 Supplements Needed To Build Muscle *** {528}

 πŸ’₯The supplements below are all you really need in order to build quality muscle, and I'm going to tell you a little bit about each one. 

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1) Protein PowderProtein shakes promote muscle gain and improve performance and recovery. They also prevent muscle loss and may even help increase muscle mass during weight loss. If you're a Woman who doesn't work out, you should strive to get at 40 grams of protein per day, and Men should strive for 60 grams daily. If you are an active person who likes to get some fitness activity, you should strive to get approximately 1-1.5 gram per pound of body weight. So let's say you're a 175 pound fit Man who enjoys working out, your daily protein goal should be 175 grams of protein per day.

 Same formula applies to an active woman. The advantage of taking a protein shake is that if you can't get enough protein through soluble foods, than you can drink a shake of your choosing to make up the difference. Just make sure you're NOT making the shakes your first priority. There are many different flavors and brands on the market, so what you choose will have to be up to you. I recommend going for Soy Protein because it is much less damaging to your kidney's.

It's ok if you choose another kind of protein, but if you take it in big doses for long periods of time, it can possibly damage your kidney's. You're ok for 3-4 month stretches, but again try to not over do it. You're just trying to reach your daily protein goals. 

When looking for shakes, or powders, look to see that it has between 20-40 grams of protein per serving. For me, I like to get more bang for my buck, so look for something that has close to 20 servings or more per container. Unless you're trying to bulk up, also look to make sure that the carbs and sugars are low. Around 3 grams of carbs or less per serving. 

Should you elect to try some Soy, you can actually find a few of those with over 30 servings per container, and actually under $20 per container in some cases. 

If you're someone struggling financially and uses food stamps, you can actually purchase some powders on your card, as long as the container says nutritional facts, and not supplemental facts. 

2) Pre Workout (Caffeine)How important is pre-workout drink?

pre-workout is a supplement designed to give you a boost of energy to increase athletic performance. Though formulas can differ a lot, most do this with a blend of caffeine, creatine, BCAA's, and Beta-Alanine. Caffeine is a stimulant and can enhance cognitive function and physical performance. The FDA says that anything under 400 milligrams of caffeine is deemed safe. I would shoot for between 200-300 MG in each serving. Even though Pre-workout drinks are important, the reason I suggest keeping your MG's slightly lower is because if you're taking too much, it can limit your nitric oxide flow, which will hinder blood flow into the muscle, and you won't get the fullness within the muscle. Again look for the best bang for your buck. Many of them have at least 30 servings, which if you're working out 6 days per week like I do, it will last you a month. Many of these products can be purchased for around $20 per container just about anywhere. Unfortunately food stamps won't cover this, or any of the remaining products below.

3) Creatine MonohydrateWhat is creatine monohydrate good for?

Creatine is thought to improve strength, increase lean muscle mass, and help with muscle recovery much more quickly during exercise. This muscular boost may help athletes achieve bursts of speed and energy, especially during short bouts of high intensity activities such as weight lifting or sprinting. Another product that is relatively inexpensive and can last for a month, and in some cases even longer.

The downside to this product is that if you're a diabetic such as myself, it will spike your insulin levels, so I recommend not using if you are a diabetic. You can purchase this product almost anywhere for between $20-$30 in most cases. Also if you already have Kidney Disease, you should also stay away. A healthy Kidney is in no danger of becoming damaged. Try to cycle. Use it for a few months, and then quit using for a month or even 2 before going back to it. 

A standard dose before workout is between 3-5 grams. Can be purchased in powder or pill form, your choice. Pushes more water into the muscle to make it look fuller.

4) Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Fish Oil)What are omega 3 fish oils good for

Lower blood pressure.
Reduce triglycerides.
Slow the development of plaque in the arteries.
Reduce the chance of abnormal heart rhythm.
Reduce the likelihood of heart attack and stroke.
Lessen the chance of sudden cardiac death in people with heart disease.
How much omega-3 fish oil should I take?
It is recommended that you take between 250-500 mg each day for healthy adults.

5) Multi VitaminsWhat does a multivitamin do for your body?
Many produce enzymes and hormones, boost your immunity, and keep your nerves and organs functioning properly. Your body also needs these nutrients for reproduction, maintenance, growth, and regulation of bodily processes. Multivitamins may offer many of these vitamins and minerals --- but varying amounts.
These are my 5 recommended products that I believe you should have if you're an athlete or a workout warrior in the gym. There are many different brands, and you will have to figure out what works the best for you. Nothing on my list is expensive, and a couple of things can be purchased with your food stamps. Hope this helps! 

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Over the last few months we talked a lot about making some extra c-a-s-h for the holidays, but going beyond that; we are a few months away from 2022!

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Ron Walsh
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DigiSoft Payline


  • "Athletics are really the foundation of how kids' attitudes are formed and shaped. And that has to work with the coach and the parents." – Herm Edwards