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Tuesday, December 24, 2024

*** Free Classifieds/Free Traffic Sources/Why Do I Stand Out? *** {607}

🙏Do Free Classified ADS Work?

There are over 5 billion internet users and if you're involved with an online program, then one method that many marketers don't take advantage of is posting free classifed ADS. With the many different ways to advertise your products/services, I believe this should be implemented as one of your marketing strategies because once you join a program, everyone can copy and paste a few ADS daily in order to get yourself out there for others to see, while you're learning about every aspect of your business. With List Infinity over 90% of all traffic comes from the United States...

{75 ways to market your business} 👇


The reason why classifieds work so well is because when people check them out, they are looking for something specific, and it's easy for everyone to do, but you have to be posting consistently. If you can work 30-45 minutes daily posting ADS, over time you will see results. Free classifieds atrract a large diverse audience, while increasing potential customers and buyers...

{Advertising Resources}  👇

1) https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2023/05/welcome-aboard-list-infinity-new.html  (Approximately 2000 FREE sites)

2) 💖 https://www.seokhazana.com/usa-classified-sites-list/3/ (200 FREE advertising sites)

You don't have to create an account on these sites...It's quick and easy to post...You will also get around 1,000 pre-written ADS to use at your convenience just from my blog posts...
The (8) sites below will allow you to post many ADS/content very quickly with good results, but you must be consistently posting...
1) http://www.qwikad.com - Post up to 20 ADS every 24 hours worldwide! (Create FREE Account)
2) http://www.classifiedads.com - Post as many ADS as you like! No limit! (Create FREE Account)
3) https://classifiedsforfree.com/ - Post as many ADS as you like! No Limit! (Create FREE Account)
4) http://www.freeadstime.org (Free Ads Time gets over 185k visitors a month.  While around 50% of that traffic is from India, 14% of that traffic is from the United States.  Now if you are doing the math that’s over 25k people from the United States on that site.  The traffic is there.)
5) http://www.findermaster.com (Finder Master is another classifieds website where you can find or post products and services.  It covers 100+ countries such as the USA and it supports thousands of cities.
Finder Master consistently gets 50k to 80k visitors a month.  Again the United States is the second biggest source of that traffic with over 17% of visitors hailing from America.)

6) http://www.wallclassifieds.com (Wall Classifieds is a great site that allows you to post your ads at no charge. This is a great place to buy and sell locally and you can expect to find all the common categories.
Wall Classifieds gets over 70k visitors a month and over 10% of that traffic is coming from the United States.  That’s 10k Americans a month looking around here.)

7) http://www.giganticlist.com  (Gigantic List is another one of those “craigslist” style sites that allows you to post classified ads.
This website is getting over 72k visitors a month.  Over 12% of that traffic is coming from America.  That’s about 8,600 people from the United States alone poking around on this site.)

😍Here are some recent statistics about YouTube traffic:
  • Monthly active users: YouTube has over 2.49 billion monthly active users, which is more than a third of the world's population. This number is projected to increase each year. 
  • Daily active users: YouTube has over 122 million daily active users. In the United States, 62% of internet users access YouTube daily. 
  • Video consumption: YouTube users watch 1 billion hours of videos every day. 
  • Content creation: Content creators upload 500 hours of video content to YouTube every minute. 
  • User demographics: The most common age group for YouTube users is 25–34, making up 21.5% of users. 
  • Countries with the most YouTube users: India has the highest number of YouTube users with an estimated 462 million, followed by the United States with 239 million. 
  • YouTube Premium subscribers: YouTube has more than 80 million paid subscribers.
*Youtube is the 3rd most trafficked website on the internet, and it's totally FREE to use. I recommend using it to promote your products and services. Just be consistent with your content, and try to keep your videos short. 4-5 minutes if possible and see what you can accomplish over time...

{List Infinity}:
You can join us FREE for 7 days before any out of pocket expense, and even then you will still pay less than $30 to start your own Affiliate Marketing business. At the time of writing this post, we have 9.1k members, who have made over a quarter of a million 💲💲💲💲💲
{How it works}:
1) Click one of the links on this page...
2) Type your email address in the box to receive the 3 minute video, and take the FREE tour to see if we are a good fit for you...
3) I will send you an Email with more info, and how to get started for FREE...(It says my friend from ??? in the subject line)...
4) After your 7 day FREE trial period has ended and you want to continue, you will secure your 1 time sponsor fee payment of  🚀 🚀 🚀  ($7)/($25)/($100)/($300) - Pick your package, and let's get you making money.                (Paypal/Venmo/Payoneer/Western Union/MoneyGram)
5) I will then send you a "Welcome Aboard" and "Let's get Started" Email...
It will take you approximately 30 minutes to make payment/s and then setup your system. There are video tutorials, and I also have a blog post explaining exactly how to setup your system if needed. As one of my TEAM Members you will receive daily emails, FREE downloadable Ebooks, and an unlimited supply of FREE Leads with scripts on how to contact them if you wish. I also post random ADS on behalf of everyone on my TEAM and send a copy of what I post. You have 18 lead capture pages to use as you wish... Worldwide Opportunity! 
👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite 👈 (A call to action) - Blog post #600 has every link to all of my posts, and you can have complete access to use them as you wish...


{Pre-written AD}


This pays while you sleep!

There are many shady business opportunities out there, designed to rip you off and steal your hard earned money.

List Infinity is a solid, long term and legitimate opportunity that you can operate from the comforts of your own home.

Not to mention, you can tap into the financial markets for the low stating price of ($22), or go all in for a 1 time fee of ($300)

P.S. Upgrade today, and I will send you a complete list of my best advertising resources!

(Your URL)

(Your contact info)

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2 👈 (Go here now) FREE for 7days 


🚀 🚀 🚀 

Why do I stand out? I will gladly tell you, because I am not here to rip people off (like I was ripped off in the past).

- I am here to help people make mon-ey
- I am here to help people make a difference in their lives
- I am here because I believe in Networking/Affiliate Marketing
- I am here because I believe in the J. Paul Getty quote:

``I'd rather have 1% of the effort of 100 men than 100% of my own effort.``💯

👍https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/1👈 (Go here now) - Feel FREE to join Affiliate Marketers Hub below 👇, and learn about Affiliate Marketing...

https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2023/05/welcome-to-list infinity-info-page.html (List Infinity Complete Breakdown)

😎https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

💚https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


A single letter 'S' crackled across the Atlantic from Cornwall to Newfoundland, sparking a revolution in human communication that would shrink the world. 


“It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent.” —Charlie Munger

Monday, December 16, 2024

*** Dealing With Stress *** {606}

😥Today's post is all about dealing with stress, the silent killer. With all of lifes pitfalls it's very easy to be stressed out on a regular basis, and for me, I take a supplement after my daily workouts at the gym in order to lower cortisol levels. It's the stress hormone that gets released from our bodies. I post workout videos of me on Facebook if you would like to check them out. A strong mind, and body are an unbeatable combination, and if you want to succeed at anything in life, your health is important so I hope you will take it seriously...

💥If you're interested in working from home, and not sure where to start, just click one of the links at the bottom of this page and request the 3 minute video by typing your Email address into the box provided, and I will send you an Email with more information, and how to get started for FREE (7 Days)...

http://www.facebook.com/rbrier2323  (Go here to check out my videos)

🙏Here are a few ways to deal with and manage stress:

*Identifying your triggers: Figure out what's causing your stress levels to be elevated, and what you can do to lower them...

*Exercise: This is right up my alley because I've been into the fitness industry for many decades. Taking walks, yoga, or jogging just to name a few can help to ease your stress levels and clear your mind...

*Proper Nutrition: Eating 4-6 small meals per day is much better than 3 big ones. Also part of my expertise. Any questions, just ask...

*Relaxation: Muscle massage, meditation, deep breathing, a warm rag to the head, or soft music...

*Taking breaks: Step away from the news, and social media. Turn your phone off for a few hours, and do this randomly when you feel like your stress levels are elevated...

*Channel negative thoughts: It does you no good to stress about things out of your control, so put those thoughts out of your head, and focus on positive thoughts... 

*Better sleep: Try to get into a nightly routine where you're going to bed at a specific time, while trying to get 7-9 hours every night in a dark room while avoiding screens...

*Self-care: Do things that make you feel good like talking to friends, or if you have a specific hobby or hobbies such as animals. I have fresh water fish tanks and watching them has a calming affect especially with the sound of running water...

*Seek help: If all else fails, seek advise from a DR. or therapist. It's always nice to find someone to talk to in order to get things off of your chest that's causing you harm...

💘If you have other affective methods that you like, and know works for you, then do those. Just make sure to combat stress because it can kill you if not treated... (Strokes/Heart Attacks) are what can come from untreated stress or high stress levels over time...

👋https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite 👈 (A call to action) - ADMIN Derrick VanDyke has over 25 years in the Industry...


{Pre-written AD}:

The silent disease is killing us all.

They call it the disease of "busy-ness"...

We lead busy lives don't we?

From the start of the day til your head hits the pillow you have 1001 things to do, get accomplished and tick off that list.

Life ain't easy but it sure is busy.

My point is this;

When you don't have much time you need to find fast and easy shortcuts.

So if you've only got 60 minutes to make some money online today then you should do this;

(Your URL)

(Your contact info)

👊https://listinfinity/net/ri9ck2323/14 👈 (A call to action) - Video Marketing tutorials in the back office area + my daily training = success unless you QUIT!

👌https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2023/05/welcome-to-list infinity-info-page.html (List Infinity Complete Breakdown)


Six weeks of horror began in China's ancient capital, as invading forces unleashed a storm of atrocity that would haunt two nations for generations. 


“The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.” —William Jame

Thursday, December 12, 2024

*** List Infinity Welcome Aboard & Let's Get Started Follow - Up Emails For All Paid Members *** {605}

😍Hello List Infinity members. I decided to post two of my follow up emails that I send once subscribers/prospects upgrade to a paid member. Anyone who joins us should at some point create their own follow up emails, or they can use mine however they like. My Goal is to make the process as easy as possible for both me and my Team. I always welcome feedback whether it be positive or negative, so don't be shy, feel free to contact me and let me know if you think I could do something a little better because I want everyone to be successful while not making things too complicated. If you're someone random reading this, and you have plans of wanting to join us, then I would save this post, because this will tell you how to get started. So far my team seems to like what I do for them, and I would really enjoy helping you as well. You must think of this as tomorrow money. Work your business part-time for 2-5 years and you might be surprised at what you can accomplish...

List Infinity Pays... 💲💲💲💲💲
We have a 7-Day Free Trial Period, and then after that anyone can join for $22-$27 depending on what Autoresponder you choose...
👍{What You Will Get as a Paid Member from me}:
*A welcome Aboard email with more info about the program! 👇(This is it)
* Let's get started email showing you steps to success! (This is it) 👇
*Access to all of my training blog posts (600+ and counting)! 👇 (Below is the link)
*Many FREE Downloadable Ebooks starting with Text scripts!
*200 FREE Leads to start you out, and I have plenty more to send!
* I will post ADS on Herculist.com to over 380,000+ members worldwide, and send you a copy of what I post!
*FREE Training and 24/7 access to me!
*Bonus: Health Tips! Over 50 years into fitness!
*I will be running a cash contest! Details at a later date!
By joining me the only way you can fail, is by QUITTING!
If you want to join but the timing is bad right now, at least click the link below to my website so you can take a FREE tour, and get on my massive mailing list in order to receive my daily emails!

💪https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite 👈 (A call to action) - I have Pre-written ADS on just about ever blog post, so feel free to use anything you see...


😀Hey {firstname},  "Welcome Aboard"  👇

👀{Let's Get Started}: Is further down the page 👈 (This is FREE for the first 7 days!)

***{Intro}: 👇  

🍀My name Is Rick Brier from the United States (Indiana), and I will be your List Infinity Sponsor...If you haven't already done so, I recommend signing up @ the Elite Level, and the reason for this is so you don't leave money  on the table, because you can only receive commissions from whatever  package you paid for, and below... The Elite Level ($300 1 time), will allow you to receive commissions from all 4 levels... Do what you can afford, but At some point I recommend upgrading to the highest level by simply paying the difference from what you've already paid...👌 EVERYTHING YOU NEED SHOULD BE ON THIS PAGE. You're setup instructions, and I have an AD, and some FREE places to post them further down the page...

👍Leverage: You are also paid every 5th sale to infinity from everyone you bring into your downline...

***{Set up}: 👇

The first thing you will want to do, once you're a paid member, is to go to your back office area, and get started with the setup process, which should take approximately 30 minutes or so... Below are the links you will see. Start at the top by clicking each link, and follow the instructions. The links you see below all pertain to List Infinity, and you're welcome to use anything you see as your very own... Blog Post #550 👇 is your system setup process if you need help. We do have video tutorials in your back office area to help with the process. It should take you no longer than 30 minutes to complete...

***{Autoresponder}: 👇

Ok, now you've already paid your 1 time Sponsor/Admin Fee, and set up your system, and you will also need to purchase your Autoresponder in which you have 4 to choose from... I chose Aweber because your email campaign is easier to transfer, and they pay me when I bring others into the program...  If you pay monthly, you will be paying  $19.99 per month and if you decide to pay yearly which is what I did, you will pay $239.99... This will be the  only monthly payment you will have... (Your email campaign is in your back office area in the training section)

***{Advertising}: 👇

Now you're ready to start advertising. If you're a "Newbie", then I recommend trying to post 10 ads daily until you get acclimated to what you're doing, and then work up from there... For now you can use FREE advertising sites, until you start  making money and then you will want to use some paid versions, which I will also be sharing when   the time is right. I also have around 120 + million email addresses (leads) that I can send, along with an email that you can use to send at your convenience... (I will start out sending you 200 FREE Leads, and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up!)

***{Training}: 👇
I will be sending you random Emails with tips, tutorials, and videos, all pertaining to helping you succeed, so I recommend creating a folder on your PC so you can save all the info I will be sending... In the beginning, you will receive 1 email  daily with 25 links to my blog posts in each email, and they are all marked, so all you have to do is click the link, and you will be taken directly to my post... Don't worry about being overwhelmed, because I want you to save them to your PC, and read one every so often...Just do what you can do by working1-2 hours daily posting your ADS... You will also want to learn 2-3 strategies which I will also be helping you with, and that you are comfortable with... I randomly create new blog posts, and enjoy doing so for my viewers... (I actually sent you the link below to all of my blog posts making it easier for you to use!) 👇

***{Me Advertising For You}: 👇

Where I'm different than most sponsors, is that I also help you with your advertising...You see I'm grandfathered into several paid sites, where I no longer have to pay, and I will be posting ads on your behalf, with your affiliate link, and then sending you a copy of every ad I post for you... You can choose to save what I send, or delete it, your choice...One of the best sites that I likeis  (https://hercumail.com/?_task=mail&_mbox=INBOX). I'm allowed to post 1 ad every 24 hours, and there are currently 380,000+ members worldwide, and growing daily, who sees my ads... You will also get links to around 2,000 FREE advertising sites, and around 1,000 Prewritten ads which you will find in most of my blog posts...

👊What if I have questions? 👇

1) Contact ADMIN Derrick VanDyke 👉 (support@derrickvandyke.com)
2) My daily emails will help educate you!
3) You can google anything!
4) You have Youtube at your disposal!
5) The List Infinity Group Page! 👉  ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 ) 👈

***{Your Job As An Affiliate}: 👇

Your job is to post your daily ads, and learn your business/back office area, and let me do the rest. If you get anyone contacting you needing more info, which won't happen much at all, just send me their contact info, and I will answer questions for you,while  you get acclimated to the system, and what you're doing...I will also be sending you some FREE Ebooks that can help  build your  business... You are welcome to send interested prospects the same things I will be sending you.. This will entice them to upgrade under you...Anything I send, Feel free to use as your own...Just take my info out, and implement yours if you like! I want this to be the easiest money maker on the planet! Word of mouth is the best, and most inexpensive way to advertise any business...I pass out cheap business cards, and hang cheap flyers around town as well!

💯Here are 3 FREE advertising sites that you can use to get started, and are very easy to use...Just create a FREE account, and get started... (Copy & Paste)

1) www.qwikad.com (You are allowed to post 20 ads every 24 hours!)
2) www.classifiedsforfree.com  (Post Unlimited ads in just minutes worldwide!)
3) www.classifiedads.com  (Post Unlimited ads worldwide!)

👉I can post about 50 ads or more in around 30 minutes... There are a few pre-written ads in  the promotional tools section which you will see below...There are also 18 lead capture pages at your disposal, and several banners, all for you to use...

{Prewritten AD}: 👇

This is Perfect for:

- The Unemployed...
- The Underpaid...
- College Students...
- Retirees...
- People who need more income...
- People who are sick of their jobs...
- People who need more time to enjoy life...
- People who want a change...
- People who want to enrich their life...
- People who have too much monthly expenses, and not enough money...
- People who are just sick and tired of work from home scams...
- People who want to spend more time with family and friends...

Thanks for checking it out.

Talk soon,


(Your URL)
(Your Contact Info)


DISCLAIMER: I cannot and will not guarantee anyone's success, because each individual has a different work ethic... However, if you are willing to put in the time and effort without quitting, you can make a life changing income... You have to think in terms of 2-5 years working daily, part time... I can promise you that I will do everything in my power to help you succeed, so be patient, and treat this like a business, and not a hobby, and you have a better than even chance to succeed! You will have everything you need in order to succeed, and You can contact me anytime!

***{Personal Info}: 👇

***About me: I started this journey back in 2006, and lost thousands of dollars, until I learned how to market, and after a few years of failing miserably, I got with the right company, and because of my dedication, became a top earner in 2 seperate companies... I'm also a blogger that creates content for my downline!

1) The Daily Income Network (ranked 7th best recruiter out of 48,000+ members)
2) DigiSoft Payline (Top 10 earner out of thousands)

=> http://www.rbrier2323.blogspot.com  👈(My Blog... Every Post is in the Link Below) 👇
=> https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917  (Come join our Group Page) - I'm the ADMIN!

***{List Infinity (5) post bundle pages:}  👇 Everything you should know about the program!
1) #546 - List Infinity info page (complete breakdown of the program.

2) #547 - Welcome aboard list infinity (new members)/2000 FREE advertising sites

3) #548 - (New Members), Your Free ADS/Download page

4) #549 - List Infinity "set up" process. (Tutorial on the next page)

5) #550 - List Infinity system set up tutorial, along with your back office area, and what you get.

▸Quick Start Guides
▸System Setup
▸Lead Capture Pages
▸Your Referrals
▸Payments Received
▸Promotion Tools
▸Sponsor Recommended
▸Starter Level Videos
▸Pro Level Videos
▸Elite Level Videos

=> https://listinfinity.net  (Company Website) 👈
Learn your back office area while you're advertising, and leave the heavy lifting to me!

How To Market any MLM/Affiliate program!

🙏Have a great day, and God Bless!  

👉{Very Important}:👈

At some point after the setup is complete, you will want to create a follow up message to send to your new subscribers as you get them. It doesn't really matter what it is, just make sure that when you receive notifications from your Autoresponder saying that John/Jane Doe is a new subscriber, that you send him/her a message introducing yourself so they know that you will be their sponsor if they decide to upgrade. You're welcome to use the one you received from me, just make sure  to take my info out, and put yours in. I also save every email address from all of my subscribers because they are added to my massive list, and receive daily content from me in order to help  with their success! 

💲💰This is simple. (Step #1: Setup Your System/Step #2: Grab one of the High-Converting Lead Capture Pages/Step #3: Advertise Your Link/Step #4: Collect Your Commissions & Repeat!)

{COMPLETE ACCESS TO MY ENTIRE TRAINING BLOG}: 👇 (I'm always adding content!) 👈

***{Follow Up}: 👇 

🩵Anything I send, you're welcome to pass on to anyone you feel might be interested! When someone goes to your website, and types their Email address into the box, they will have access to the 3 minute video, and then your Autoresponder will send you an automated message telling you the person's Email address and where they are from. You will then follow up with them, and continue to do so. It has been said that on average it takes 7-20 follow ups before a prospect will make a decision either way. Again this is just an average! 🔑

😎Rick Brier (List Infinity - Sponsor) 👈
18 years in the Industry! 💪
A top earner with the Daily Income Network & DigiSoft Payline! 💥⭐🔥

#retired #workwithme #quityour9-5 #financialfreedom #listinfinity 💲💰💲💰💲💰

🏋️Hey {firstname}, 👉 "Let's Get Started" 👇

💯Congratulations on upgrading your membership with List Infinity. Depending on what level you signed up for, you're always welcome to upgrade your account to any level you want, anytime you want...Below are your steps to success... 👇

👍Starting NOW...  🚀 🚀 🚀  ($7)/($25)/($100)/($300) -  Packages, to choose from! (FREE FOR 7 DAYS!) 👈

❤️{Quick Tip}: I recommend at some point after you get your system setup that you sit down and make a list of people you know, and politely ask your list if they are interested in joining you. Everyone knows at least 250 people, or at least has that many friends on Facebook. Just make sure you're "NOT" pushy. (http://www.facebook.com/rbrier2323👈

🔥 www.rbrier2323.blogspot.com  (My training Blog) 👈

1) Set up your back office area... (Video tutorials along with my blog posts will help you if needed)...

2) Start advertising your affiliate link... (Free classified ADS will get you out there while you're learning)... 

   👉  www.qwikad.com  ( Copy & Paste up to 20 ADS per day)
   👉 www.classifiedsforfree.com ( Post as many ADS as you like)
   👉 www.classifiedads.com  (Post as many ADS as you like)

==> 82% of our traffic comes from the United States, but you can post in other countries as well such as the UK, Canada, and Italy just to name a few...By posting a few FREE ADS daily you're getting yourself out there for others to see what you're offering while you learn. Here is an AD you can use. I have hundreds on my blog posts. Just make sure to add your name and affiliate link. You have 18 High-Converting Lead capture pages at your disposal as well... 

3) 20-30 minutes of personal development daily... (Watch one of our video marketing tutorials in the back office area, and make sure to read my daily emails at your convenience. You also  have Google, and YouTube to help educate yourself on building your List)...💯1-2 hours per day over an extended period of time is all it takes. You can't fail unless you QUIT!!! 👈


✅I will be posting ADS on your behalf, and sending you copies of what I post. You will be receiving daily Emails, and FREE downloadable Ebooks. Just give yourself time to succeed... (2-5 years, and maybe longer). Also make sure at some point to create a folder on your PC so you can save my emails, and create your follow up message/s for your subscribers)...You can create whatever you like, or use mine. This just makes your job easier, and ultimately helps your TEAM! When someone pays you, always make sure the money went into your account before accepting payment. If you check and the payment didn't go into your account within about 15 minutes, just go to your back office area, and click "DENY PAYMENT" and the individual will be sent an automated Email letting them know that payment was denied. This happens sometimes, and nothing to worry about...

💥(My (3) follow up messages) 👇

1) My friend from??? (This gives more info about the program) - Subscribers Recieve After Entering Email Address!
2) Welcome Aboard (This is for newly paid members) - This Is It!
3) Let's get started (This helps to give you steps to success) - This Is It!  

{Pre-written AD for you to use} 👇

List Infinity Pays...
Build a Massive And Profitable Email List From The Efforts of Your Referrals!

Done-For-You Lead Capture Pages Build Your Email List And Generate Sales!

Upgrade To Get Paid Up To $100 Per Referral Instantly And Directly To You!

You can accept PayPal, Credit Card, Cash App, Bitcoin, Zelle, Venmo, and more.

Step-By-Step Training To Get Free Traffic From Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and more.

Turn-Key Promotion Tools Including Banners, FB Cover Photos, Engagement Posts, And Lead Generation Posts...

Access To Our Private Facebook Group Where You'll Get Everything You Need To Succeed.
(Your contact info) 
“Be a positive energy trampoline—absorb what you need and rebound more back.” 🔥⭐💥

Please send back with "REMOVE" in the subject line if you wish to opt out of further mailings from me


*{Pre-written AD}

Getting Paid 100% Commissions is as Easy as 123!

I have something you really should take a look at!

It's such a simple concept that it will take you only a few minutes to realise just how easily you can make money with it.

And the beauty of it is, you really don't need any experience.

You've already got a computer, you're already connected to the Internet, you can follow simple instructions and you know how to copy & paste - that's literally all it takes make very good money with this opportunity.

Everything you need is already done for you; From the automated website, the pre-written ads, the marketing guides and directories to the FREE digital product downloads which are designed to help you succeed in making more sales from your PayPal Account.

So, how does it stack up?

Well, most opportunities today, as good as they seem, use complex scripts, have over-complicated compensation plans, follow a very destructive PONZI model or require huge risky investments in order for you to succeed. Several very popular high return and revenue share opportunities have recently been responsible for massive financial losses - something the average Internet marketer or newbie cannot afford!

List Infinity has none of those issues to contend with. There are no greedy administrators and no unreliable payment processors - essentially there are no risks. It's affordable to everyone and pays instantly and directly to your account, which gives it massive appeal. (Member to Member)

List Infinity makes it easy for you to write your own success story. The question is, how big do you want your story to be?

“The power to change your life lies in the simplest of steps.”

You are one click away from taking the first...

To your success!

(Your contact info)

😃https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

😉https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)

💘https://www.alignable.com/terre-haute-in/digisoft-payline (2018 Small Business Person Of The Year)


In the shadow of history's darkest hour, the United Nations proclaimed a revolutionary idea - that human rights belong not to nations, but to all people. 


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” —Aristotle