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Friday, September 20, 2024

*** 75 Strategies To Find More Prospects For Your Online Business *** {580}

 ✔️Below are 75 ways to find prospects for your business... Make sure to pick just a few strategies that resonate with you and focus on getting good at those. They are listed in no particular order, and I'm sure you can think of more. These were off the top of my head... If you have other strategies that you're interested in, then do those... (Think outside the box)

1) Bulletin Boards - I post cheap flyers anytime I'm out in the public, but you can post anything you like...

2) Business Cards - I order from Vista Print online, and pass them out to Restaurant and Store employees among others, but you can pass them out to whoever you like...

3) Yellow Pages - Cold Call a few random individuals. I'm not a fan and don't do this, but some people enjoy it. This is a web dictionary of people in your area...

4) Craigslist - Over 60 million page views per month, and a great way to find prospects. They also have an inexpensive paid version...

5) Postcards - This is a great method, but can be pricey, so I recommend this only after you start making money...

6) Facebook - Everyone has at least 500+ friends so contact a few of them about your opportunity, this could be a nice starting point...

7) Texting - Everyone has a cell phone, and checks it out daily, so you're able to contact people here as well...

8) YouTube - Make short 3-4 minute videos about anything you like. this is the third most trafficked website on the internet. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or whenever is convenient...

9) Phone Contacts - Ask your friends if they have friends who could be interested in what you're offering...

10) Classified ADS - I use FREE Classifieds daily, and have over 2000 FREE websites for my team. You won't make a lot of money, but you can make some, and it's easy to do...

11) Safelists - Another FREE method of advertising. This is a little time consuming because you're clicking ADS for credits in order for you to post your content...

12) Podcasting - Many people are podcasting all over Facebook, and social media in order to generate a large audience...

13) Apparel - Put your website URL on a shirt or hat...

14) Sporting Events - This is a great place because large crowds gather to watch there favorite sports teams, and you can talk to a few people in your seating area about your opportunity...

15) Samples - If your opportunity has samples, pass out a few to random people to try. This will give you access to more people so you can follow up to see if liked what you offered or not. This can also help to build customer loyalty...

16) Billboard - This is a thing, but more geared toward bigger brick and mortar businesses. If you have that kind of money, then go for it...

17) First Amendment Auditors - This is a bit of an unorthodox method, but if you watch them on YouTube, you can befriend one of them, and most will let you plug your opportunities to there subscribers, and most of them have tens of thousands that watch there content...

18) Yard Sales - Get up early on a Saturday morning and I'm sure you will find many of them all over your town during the summer months, and you can stop and hand out a business card, or flyer while shopping...

19) Button - Wear one on your shirt or hat with something pertaining to your business...

20) Monthly Bills - When mailing payment for a bill, slip a business card or flyer in the envelope and send...

21) Rotators - I use these regularly because they are very cost effective and typically good for a year with your URL in the rotator generating traffic, and you're able to track your results...

22) Car Magnet - You can order these at Vista Print Online, and put them on your car doors with your business info, and URL so everyone can see them everywhere you go for more exposure...

23) Flyers - You can take them anywhere you go, and post them or hand them out to anyone you want, and they are very cost effective. 12 cents per copy...(Black & White)

24) Blogging - I do this also, and really enjoy creating content and posting on social media. By doing this you're providing value to your readers and in turn you are gaining there trust...

25) Your Team Members - They know people also, and may be using a strategy that's working for them, so it's always a good idea to stay connected...

26) Health Fairs/Gyms - I'm a gym rat and have been for over 50 years. You can always meet new people because you both have something in common...

27) Purchase Leads - As a last resort this is an option, but do your research first before doing so...

28) Public Speaking - If you're in the public eye, this is a viable option but definitely not for everyone...

29) Laundry Rooms - Even if you don't use them for your own personal use, you can almost always find people doing laundry that could be interested in what you're offering...

30) Referrals - Anyone you talk to about an opportunity, whether they say yes or no, they all have friends, and you can ask them for contact info to the interested party...

31) Newspaper ADS - Choose your words wisely because this can be a bit costly, but a great way to get the word out within your community about your opportunity...

32) Car Stickers - Very similar to the magnets and not too expensive...

33) Job Fairs - The unemployment rate is high right now, and this isn't your best method of recruiting because these individuals are mostly looking for employment, but you may find someone from time to time that's interested in your opportunity...

34) Park Bench - This is geared toward a brick and mortar business, but if you have the money and want a better quality of advertising, this may be the way to go....

35) Facebook Contest - Contests are great for building your page, trust, and your conversion rate...

36) Collect Business Cards from Bulletin Boards - Contact the poster to see if he/she are interested, or even have friends that may be...

37) Grocery Store - When purchasing your food you can randomly talk to employees/shoppers about your opportunities...

38) Reverse Prospecting - When someone contacts you about their opportunities you can reverse market to that person....

39) TV/Radio - Both very effective but more expensive options. If you can afford it give it a try...

40) Foreigners - This is odd. I have hundreds of people from other countries that I talk to randomly about my opportunity, and always about their friends...

41) Cold Calling - I'm not a fan of this, but you can look on social media and find someone in your niche, and you may find a phone number on their profile, and give them a call...

42) E-mail Contacts - I have 120 million + contacts, and growing daily. This a great way to contact people. I send out over 1000 emails daily to some of my subscribers...

43) Car Shows - Another event where a large group of people get together to talk about their hobby, and you can run your opportunity by them then...

44) Blog Comments - Go to other blog posts of people within your niche, and make comments on posts, while sliding your URL into your comments...

45) Pay Per Click - Unless you're an experienced marketer, I would stay away from this because if you don't know what you're doing, it could cost you a lot of money. You're paying a fee for every click to your website, and it doesn't matter if they buy from you or not...

46) Fishbowl - Group meetings to organize discussions about your business topics and brainstorm together...

47) Drop Cards - A marketing message designed to attract a prospects attention and encourage them to contact the marketer about his/her product/opportunity...

48) Trade Shows - An event that brings like minded people together. Get yourself out there...

49) Concerts - Another large group of people getting together which gives you an opportunity to discuss your business...

50) Email Signature - When creating you will want to include name, email, phone number, and job title at the bare minimum...

51) Linkedin - This is a fantastic way to find business minded people, with over 1 billion members as of June 2024...

52) Forum Comments - You don't necessarily have to find people within your niche, just be an authority on what you comment about, and others will begin to notice and trust you as an authority figure...

53) Solo Ads - This is one of the best paid advertising ways to generate leads. Udimi.com is the biggest Vendor website that sells their large lists, and the average price per lead is around .35 cents. Do your research before purchasing so you make sure you're getting quality leads from the vendor. These are already people in or looking for what you're offering...

54) Google Business Listing - You can create a profile, and list your business for FREE...

55) Flea Markets - Many people enjoy going to these and you can find a lot of very interested prospects...

56) Raffle - This could be a good strategy to help get a new business off the ground and running...

57) Twitter - Another great social media site with 619 million members, and you are allowed 280 characters per tweet. I have 100 different small messages for my team to use pertaining to business...

58) Bandit Signs - These are signs plastered in the ground, in neighborhoods, which are very cost effective, and a good way to post about your opportunities... 

59) Facebook Group Pages - I use these daily, and there are millions of people joining/looking for marketing opportunities. Type in the name of your niche in the search bar, and join. Just make sure to follow the rules of the site...

60) Restaurants - Leave a business card on the table for your waiter/waitress when you leave your 20% tip...

61) Facebook Live - Similar to a podcast, and because it's Facebook, you will have a huge following of people to market to...

62) Local Mall - I'm sure you go there often. You will find an endless supply of people to talk to...

63) Networking Groups - You will be able to find a lot of people in your niche by networking within the groups...

64) Fundraisers - Everyone has the same interest in the particular cause, and you may find an interested prospect within the group...

65) Meetings - join a few around your community, and see if you have anything in common with other meeting members...

66) Unemployment Office - Some of the employees may want another stream of income besides the one they have...

67) Article Marketing - You're always providing value with your posts, and by doing so, you're allowing your readers the opportunity to get to know and trust you...

68) Clothing Stores - This is a bit odd but you can place a few business cards in the pockets of a few clothing items at the store...

69) Church/Newsletter - You've probably been going to your church for awhile now, and trusted within your congregation. You may find some opportunity seekers there...

70) Family/Friends - I'm not necessarily saying to recruit family or friends, but you can ask if they know anyone who may be interested in what you're offering...

71) Instagram - with around 2.35 billion members, this is a powerful social media site with great analytics for business...

72) Chamber Of Commerce - Gain more visibility within your community, while also connecting with more likeminded people...

73) Guest Posting - A content marketing technique where you're writing for another publication or blog that isn't yours...

74) Join Ventures - By combining marketing efforts and resources, you're creating a way to increase revenue...

75) Tik Tok - with 1.04 billion members, you're able to create quality videos among other things, while creating your brand...

πŸ™Always remember that Marketing is a numbers games, and does take time and effort on your part in order to be successful. Every NO you get, you are that much closer to a YES, so give yourself time to succeed. Realistically you need 2-5 years before you will make a significant difference and I want you to know that before making a decision. 

πŸ’›https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917  (Join Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)

https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222  (List Infinity Group Page)

πŸ’₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite/16  (Go here now!) πŸ‘ˆ


{Pre-written AD}

πŸ’–I have the solution to your financial problems...

My name is Rick Brier. and I would like to show you a work from home position that I would like for you to consider:

Immediate positions are available and if you end up on our team our top instructors will personally train you for maximum success.

What you would be doing is very simple, posting ads for our marketing company and scheduling for our virtual presentation.

We offer ..

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If you need CASH FLOW NOW, It's HERE with us!!

Note - 100's of people daily respond to our ADS. We are only looking for a few very serious people to add to the team. The money is here if you want it... 

Even the BIG MONEY!


If the idea of:

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(Your Contact Info)


On this day in history, the world mourned the loss of a musical genius whose groundbreaking influence forever transformed the world of rock. Continue Reading ...


“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.” – Thomas Jefferson.

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