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Tuesday, December 24, 2024

*** Free Classifieds/Free Traffic Sources/Why Do I Stand Out? *** {607}

πŸ™Do Free Classified ADS Work?

There are over 5 billion internet users and if you're involved with an online program, then one method that many marketers don't take advantage of is posting free classifed ADS. With the many different ways to advertise your products/services, I believe this should be implemented as one of your marketing strategies because once you join a program, everyone can copy and paste a few ADS daily in order to get yourself out there for others to see, while you're learning about every aspect of your business. With List Infinity over 90% of all traffic comes from the United States...

{75 ways to market your business} πŸ‘‡


The reason why classifieds work so well is because when people check them out, they are looking for something specific, and it's easy for everyone to do, but you have to be posting consistently. If you can work 30-45 minutes daily posting ADS, over time you will see results. Free classifieds atrract a large diverse audience, while increasing potential customers and buyers...

{Advertising Resources}  πŸ‘‡

1) https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2023/05/welcome-aboard-list-infinity-new.html  (Approximately 2000 FREE sites)

2) πŸ’– https://www.seokhazana.com/usa-classified-sites-list/3/ (200 FREE advertising sites)

You don't have to create an account on these sites...It's quick and easy to post...You will also get around 1,000 pre-written ADS to use at your convenience just from my blog posts...
The (8) sites below will allow you to post many ADS/content very quickly with good results, but you must be consistently posting...
1) http://www.qwikad.com - Post up to 20 ADS every 24 hours worldwide! (Create FREE Account)
2) http://www.classifiedads.com - Post as many ADS as you like! No limit! (Create FREE Account)
3) https://classifiedsforfree.com/ - Post as many ADS as you like! No Limit! (Create FREE Account)
4) http://www.freeadstime.org (Free Ads Time gets over 185k visitors a month.  While around 50% of that traffic is from India, 14% of that traffic is from the United States.  Now if you are doing the math that’s over 25k people from the United States on that site.  The traffic is there.)
5) http://www.findermaster.com (Finder Master is another classifieds website where you can find or post products and services.  It covers 100+ countries such as the USA and it supports thousands of cities.
Finder Master consistently gets 50k to 80k visitors a month.  Again the United States is the second biggest source of that traffic with over 17% of visitors hailing from America.)

6) http://www.wallclassifieds.com (Wall Classifieds is a great site that allows you to post your ads at no charge. This is a great place to buy and sell locally and you can expect to find all the common categories.
Wall Classifieds gets over 70k visitors a month and over 10% of that traffic is coming from the United States.  That’s 10k Americans a month looking around here.)

7) http://www.giganticlist.com  (Gigantic List is another one of those “craigslist” style sites that allows you to post classified ads.
This website is getting over 72k visitors a month.  Over 12% of that traffic is coming from America.  That’s about 8,600 people from the United States alone poking around on this site.)

😍Here are some recent statistics about YouTube traffic:
  • Monthly active users: YouTube has over 2.49 billion monthly active users, which is more than a third of the world's population. This number is projected to increase each year. 
  • Daily active users: YouTube has over 122 million daily active users. In the United States, 62% of internet users access YouTube daily. 
  • Video consumption: YouTube users watch 1 billion hours of videos every day. 
  • Content creation: Content creators upload 500 hours of video content to YouTube every minute. 
  • User demographics: The most common age group for YouTube users is 25–34, making up 21.5% of users. 
  • Countries with the most YouTube users: India has the highest number of YouTube users with an estimated 462 million, followed by the United States with 239 million. 
  • YouTube Premium subscribers: YouTube has more than 80 million paid subscribers.
*Youtube is the 3rd most trafficked website on the internet, and it's totally FREE to use. I recommend using it to promote your products and services. Just be consistent with your content, and try to keep your videos short. 4-5 minutes if possible and see what you can accomplish over time...

{List Infinity}:
You can join us FREE for 7 days before any out of pocket expense, and even then you will still pay less than $30 to start your own Affiliate Marketing business. At the time of writing this post, we have 9.1k members, who have made over a quarter of a million πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²
{How it works}:
1) Click one of the links on this page...
2) Type your email address in the box to receive the 3 minute video, and take the FREE tour to see if we are a good fit for you...
3) I will send you an Email with more info, and how to get started for FREE...(It says my friend from ??? in the subject line)...
4) After your 7 day FREE trial period has ended and you want to continue, you will secure your 1 time sponsor fee payment of  πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€  ($7)/($25)/($100)/($300) - Pick your package, and let's get you making money.                (Paypal/Venmo/Payoneer/Western Union/MoneyGram)
5) I will then send you a "Welcome Aboard" and "Let's get Started" Email...
It will take you approximately 30 minutes to make payment/s and then setup your system. There are video tutorials, and I also have a blog post explaining exactly how to setup your system if needed. As one of my TEAM Members you will receive daily emails, FREE downloadable Ebooks, and an unlimited supply of FREE Leads with scripts on how to contact them if you wish. I also post random ADS on behalf of everyone on my TEAM and send a copy of what I post. You have 18 lead capture pages to use as you wish... Worldwide Opportunity! 
πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite πŸ‘ˆ (A call to action) - Blog post #600 has every link to all of my posts, and you can have complete access to use them as you wish...


{Pre-written AD}


This pays while you sleep!

There are many shady business opportunities out there, designed to rip you off and steal your hard earned money.

List Infinity is a solid, long term and legitimate opportunity that you can operate from the comforts of your own home.

Not to mention, you can tap into the financial markets for the low stating price of ($22), or go all in for a 1 time fee of ($300)

P.S. Upgrade today, and I will send you a complete list of my best advertising resources!

(Your URL)

(Your contact info)

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) FREE for 7days 


πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€ 

Why do I stand out? I will gladly tell you, because I am not here to rip people off (like I was ripped off in the past).

- I am here to help people make mon-ey
- I am here to help people make a difference in their lives
- I am here because I believe in Networking/Affiliate Marketing
- I am here because I believe in the J. Paul Getty quote:

``I'd rather have 1% of the effort of 100 men than 100% of my own effort.``πŸ’―

πŸ‘https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/1πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - Feel FREE to join Affiliate Marketers Hub below πŸ‘‡, and learn about Affiliate Marketing...

https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2023/05/welcome-to-list infinity-info-page.html (List Infinity Complete Breakdown)

😎https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

πŸ’šhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


A single letter 'S' crackled across the Atlantic from Cornwall to Newfoundland, sparking a revolution in human communication that would shrink the world. 


“It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent.” —Charlie Munger

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