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Friday, May 26, 2023

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 😀Hi there,

---Welcome to your List Infinity AD Page. You have 15 pre written ADS below @ your disposal, and more in your back office area! Grab an AD and start posting. Make sure you're able to get at least 10 per day. More is better, but do what you can do, and watch the money flow in!!! 

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/1 👈(A call to action) - Members will receive my 56-day "Starter Course" Training Series....

You can use the FREEBIES below anyway you like...They are yours @ No Cost!!!

***{How to talk to potential customers}

{Important Tip On How To Close}:

Google Translator: https://google.com/search?q=translator 

How To Answer: “How Much Is It?”

I just wanna help you out with the reason someone asks you, “Well, how much is it to do your business.”

The reason they ask that is to rule it out.

It’s not that they have a piggy back behind them.

“Well, how much is it because I have recently saved a large amount of money and I’d like to know if I

 need to save more or  if we’re ready to do this?”

They’re not asking for that reason. They’re asking to rule it out.

This is someone who hasn’t watched a presentation, hasn’t been to an event, hasn’t watched your video…

The answer is:

“Well, there’s a few different options but the truth is it may not cost you anything because it may be 

a fit for you. So, there’s quite a few options but it may not cost you anything because it may not be a fit for you.”

See If They’re Open, Give Them An Out

See if they’re open, give them an out. 

When you’re willing to give an out, they’re like, “Hm, that’s a little different.”

See, most network marketers that are untrained, they would say:

“Oh man, it’s awesome. It’s ground floor and you’re gonna kill it, man. You’re gonna rock this thing. 

You’re just amazing, this ground floor opportunity. No competition. It’ll grow back limbs. 

It’ll give you creamy hair. It’s just  incredible.”

They’ll say all the things to try to persuade and convince and those are all the things that REPEL people.

The prospects will be like:

 “Hm, how do you know if it’s a fit for me? How do you know if I want to join this thing? 

I don’t know. You don’t know. How  the hell can you know? So stop trying to close before 

I have enough information to make a buying decision.”

And so step one, if you wanna make more money, stop projecting your money filter on other people.

Not everyone around you is dead broke even if you are. And, I would say that that’s one of the biggest tips

 I can tell you about how to make more money in any business.


{AD #1}


Is making more money on your bucket list?

If making More Mon-ey is On Your Bucket List, then you need... 

A Very Simple Wealth Creation System. 

This Simple System Creates Wealth Online. 

Here making dough is as easy as taking a walk in the park. 

*Affordable one time payments! 
*Fully automated system! 
*100% Commissions Pa-id Daily! 

*No Experience needed!

*Small investment. Huge returns are waiting for you here! 

*The site converts at an astonishing rate! 

If Making More Mon-ey is on your bucket list, 

Start Here: 

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{AD #2}


The Right Way To An Online Income.

Let Me Ask You A Question,

How long have you been Working Online trying to Generate an Income with no positive Results.

Are You Tired of hype and over-inflated promises, Are You Ready to learn a simple step by step system,

Are You ready to Work with our team and learn this step by step system for earning weekly and monthly checks!

I will even help you with your advertising! Do Not waste Your time and Money any longer.

Join me Today:

and be on your way to finally Making An Online Income.

I am Always here to Help,

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{AD #3}


I want you to succeed.

Are You Ready To Create Wild Success?

I absolutely, unequivocally, unapologetically want YOU to get filthy stinking rich.

Really give that some thought.

Imagine what it would feel like to know that you will be earning 5-6 figures each month, without having to report to a job.

Feel the freedom of that possibility.

Take ACTION to Supercharge Your Success.

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{AD #4}


Is it the money?

Why are so many smart people choosing the Internet market as a career? 

It's the money, stupid! Think about it. When it comes to what you do for living, 

your earning potential has to rate pretty high on the list unless you want to live on Spam sandwiches! But there's more to it than that. People are choosing Internet businesses because:

You don't need special talent or training to succeed.

You can make VERY GOOD MONEY.

You can be in charge.
You can make VERY GOOD MONEY.

You can grow your business at your own speed.
You can make VERY GOOD MONEY.

You can work out of your home.
You can make VERY GOOD MONEY.

All you need is a computer and a few inexpensive Internet tools.

You can make VERY GOOD MONEY.

The best thing is that you can start right now! You don't need to quit your day job—

but you may decide to. When I chose to start my own business as an online entrepreneur I quickly found out that I can make more money than some of my friends who slave away in the traditional business world.

Before you decide if an Internet business is the choice for you, you need to ask questions and get answers. 

A lot of the answers can be found on my Website. Just select the Web site below and don't waste another day!

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{AD #5}


Who says you have to play fair!

Introducing the “Entry Level” job.

Everyone knows the rules. You start out at the bottom. Come in early and work late. Do what you're told and stay on the good side of the office bully. Get your work done early so you can pick up the slack for the boss's lazy brother-in-law. And if you're VERY GOOD then at the end of a year you get a week's vacation and a 3% raise! Be still my heart.

Anyone interested in Plan B?

Who says you have to play by the rules? Cheat! Just skip the “Entry Level” and go straight to the good stuff. With an Internet business you don't have to play by the rules of traditional business and office politics.

Thanks to the power of the Internet…

- You can be in charge.
- You can work the hours you choose.
- You can control your career.
- You can make more money, faster-without working harder!

You don't need any fancy training or special talent to succeed online.

All you need are a few simple Internet tools and lots of persistence.

Anyone can make good money online-believe it!

To find out how, just visit the website below and thank me later!

Click the link below!

Your affiliate link

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{AD #6}


Why wait for tomorrow?

Which of the following would you put off until tomorrow?

A)- Cleaning the garage.
B)- Starting a diet.
C)- Giving the dog a bath.
D)- Making more money.

If you choose A, B, and C you pass! But if you chose D you need more help than I can offer!

Why wait for tomorrow to start earning more money?

Just because your boss says you should wait until NEXT YEAR for that raise is no reason to roll over and play dead!

With the power of the Internet you can now earn more money faster without working harder!

You only need a few simple tools and a little persistence.

No special talent, education or training necessary!

You don't even have to know anything about online advertising to get started.

You can start small and build your business as you learn.

- Be in charge.
- Work at home.
- Work as many or as few hours as you choose.
- Make more money right now!

It's easy as 1 2 3 and I can show you how.

Just select the Web site below and get moving today!

Your affiliate link

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{AD #7}


Do you really love your job?

Come on, be honest with yourself. Do you really love what you do? Or do you spend endless 

hours in a job that drains you and leaves you with no time or energy to enjoy life? 

Do you ever wonder if you're seeking success the long way around? 

Albert Schweitzer says that success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.

If you love what you're doing you will be successful.

A lot of people just like you are spending too much time downtown in gray partitioned cubicles 

when they could be making better money by working at home. No, you don't have to be a novelist, 

an artist or wealthy investor to work at home!

The power of the Internet now makes it possible for you to earn a very good income without ever leaving your house.

Whether you already have a business or a product of your own or even if you don't have the first 

idea how to begin an online business you can succeed with a few simple tools and a little 

persistence and determination. I can tell you personally that it's well worth the time.

Check out my Website and try it out yourself. It is easy to start a web-based business! 

Just select the Web site below and make today your first day on your road to success.

Your affiliate link

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{AD #8}


Are you making the money you want?

I would like to ask you something?

Are you making as much money as you want right now? Are you even making as much as you need to have a little comfort and security? Or are you in a rut where you're constantly stressed and barely getting by?

In the early 1900s, 95% of Americans worked for themselves while only 5% worked for someone else. 100 years later, and everything has been turned around. Nowadays, 95% of Americans work for someone else, and only 5% own their own business.

Guess which 5% are making most of the money?

You may be thinking, "What does this have to do with me? How am I going to start my own business?" You may even be thinking you don't have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, because you haven't had that much financial success in your life, or maybe you tried to start a business before and failed.


The majority of today's self-made millionaires struggled before they hit it big. Some of them were living out of cars, others in their parents' homes. Many of their first businesses failed or went bankrupt.

But they had two things in common that allowed them to succeed:

- They were willing to step outside the 9-5 wage slave routine.
- They kept believing in themselves, and they kept trying.

These are two things they may have in common with you. And if you've been struggling for years without the success you deserve, you've finally found your ticket to financial independence.

Want to be debt free in less than a year? Want to be your own boss and have a comfortable income flow even sooner than that?

What if I told you we have designed an unbeatable marketing system to go along with the ultimate cash generating compensation plan, and it's just waiting for YOU to put it in motion and start raking in the bucks?

All you have to do is click on the following link to see how you can become financially successful and be your own boss:

Click the link below!

Your affiliate link

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{AD #9}



If you're not currently getting the results you'd like, listen very carefully...

...The fastest possible way to make a lot of money online is to simply do what is already proven to work... Like This.

Better yet, imagine partnering with an internet millionaire and having him do most OF the work for you!


Watch This Video To Learn More Now!

Taking a little time to do this now could change your life forever.

Don't miss out

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{AD #10}


Potential Income Unlimited.

I am an Entrepreneur and Online Business Coach/Mentor-Motivator helping others to create 

and maintain a successful business, while gaining the personal growth needed to achieve 

the freedom much deserved.

Imagine having someone there when you need them most, for them to give you the support

needed to help YOU make money - it's Priceless!

My mission: To give you the stepping stones to create and maintain your new online business 

so that you can work online from home.

I want every single member of my team to achieve incredible results, the only question is..

Are YOU going to be one of them?

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{AD #11} 


Instant Cash Is Just A Click Away...

Stop Working So Hard at trying to make money online when you can do something that is So Very Simple...Yet Extremely Effective at putting Instant Payments in your pocket Over and Over again?

And your opportunity to get yours is just a click away at the link below...

Sign up today and I will send you a list of my best advertising resources...

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{AD #12}


[Proven Path To Success] Follow The Path.

If someone took you by the hand and showed you exactly what they did to earn money online; 

Would you duplicate them exactly?

I hope the answer is yes! However there are huge numbers that would not follow. Strange isn't it?

The real key to earning online is:

1) Solid business

2) Excellent marketing system

3) Growing traffic sources

This Proven Path gives you all of that and more!

Here is the link:

This is the system and the path that could change your life!

Talk to you soon!

Your Affiliate Link

Your Contact Info


{AD #13}


Your lucky day!

You have just received one of the most coveted links in the world!

The link at the bottom of this email was only sent out to a few select people, and you are one of them!

If you don’t click on it soon, the embedded script will deactivate the link.

This kind of offer rarely presents itself, so I’m happy it found its way to you.

Please consider what you’ll miss out on if you don’t take this option to click on the link.

You will understand what I mean once you do!

I hope you’ll do the right thing - take care and talk soon!

Your Affiliate Link

Your Contact Info


{AD #14}


Does a second income interest you?

Would a 2nd income interest you?

And all that from the comfort of your own home!

Get All The Details Here!

This is perfect for all beginners looking to make $100/day or more.

If you have bigger goals, this can get you to any goal you desire.

Anyway Check Out The System HERE?

See you on the inside!

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{AD #15}


Simple programs are often the best...

It's true you know!

Often the simplest of programs make the most money.


Because anyone can work them no matter what age you
are or the background you come from.

So take a look at our Simple little program that puts cash
in your pocket while building a list that you can mail any
time you wish.

Join me below, You won't regret it!

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You can send these to your prospects if you like! Everyone Loves FREEBIES. You have a Downloadable

Request your Free E-book called: 100 ways to get more traffic! And I will send it via E-mail

👉FREE DOWNLOAD! '7 Timeless Principles to Unlock Your Success' guide. I trust that  Success follows you in 2023 and beyond as a result of following these principles to success. Your product link is below: This is a thank you gift for following my content!

Freebie Page: Downloadable Software/E-book Products @ Your Disposal! Pass this                                                                      along to your subscribers! => https://www.partnersinsuccess.net/freebies/access.html

Rick Brier - (List Infinity Sponsor)



“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” – Benjamin Franklin

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