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Monday, December 16, 2024

*** Dealing With Stress *** {606}

πŸ˜₯Today's post is all about dealing with stress, the silent killer. With all of lifes pitfalls it's very easy to be stressed out on a regular basis, and for me, I take a supplement after my daily workouts at the gym in order to lower cortisol levels. It's the stress hormone that gets released from our bodies. I post workout videos of me on Facebook if you would like to check them out. A strong mind, and body are an unbeatable combination, and if you want to succeed at anything in life, your health is important so I hope you will take it seriously...

πŸ’₯If you're interested in working from home, and not sure where to start, just click one of the links at the bottom of this page and request the 3 minute video by typing your Email address into the box provided, and I will send you an Email with more information, and how to get started for FREE (7 Days)...

http://www.facebook.com/rbrier2323  (Go here to check out my videos)

πŸ™Here are a few ways to deal with and manage stress:

*Identifying your triggers: Figure out what's causing your stress levels to be elevated, and what you can do to lower them...

*Exercise: This is right up my alley because I've been into the fitness industry for many decades. Taking walks, yoga, or jogging just to name a few can help to ease your stress levels and clear your mind...

*Proper Nutrition: Eating 4-6 small meals per day is much better than 3 big ones. Also part of my expertise. Any questions, just ask...

*Relaxation: Muscle massage, meditation, deep breathing, a warm rag to the head, or soft music...

*Taking breaks: Step away from the news, and social media. Turn your phone off for a few hours, and do this randomly when you feel like your stress levels are elevated...

*Channel negative thoughts: It does you no good to stress about things out of your control, so put those thoughts out of your head, and focus on positive thoughts... 

*Better sleep: Try to get into a nightly routine where you're going to bed at a specific time, while trying to get 7-9 hours every night in a dark room while avoiding screens...

*Self-care: Do things that make you feel good like talking to friends, or if you have a specific hobby or hobbies such as animals. I have fresh water fish tanks and watching them has a calming affect especially with the sound of running water...

*Seek help: If all else fails, seek advise from a DR. or therapist. It's always nice to find someone to talk to in order to get things off of your chest that's causing you harm...

πŸ’˜If you have other affective methods that you like, and know works for you, then do those. Just make sure to combat stress because it can kill you if not treated... (Strokes/Heart Attacks) are what can come from untreated stress or high stress levels over time...

πŸ‘‹https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite πŸ‘ˆ (A call to action) - ADMIN Derrick VanDyke has over 25 years in the Industry...


{Pre-written AD}:

The silent disease is killing us all.

They call it the disease of "busy-ness"...

We lead busy lives don't we?

From the start of the day til your head hits the pillow you have 1001 things to do, get accomplished and tick off that list.

Life ain't easy but it sure is busy.

My point is this;

When you don't have much time you need to find fast and easy shortcuts.

So if you've only got 60 minutes to make some money online today then you should do this;

(Your URL)

(Your contact info)

πŸ‘Šhttps://listinfinity/net/ri9ck2323/14 πŸ‘ˆ (A call to action) - Video Marketing tutorials in the back office area + my daily training = success unless you QUIT!

πŸ‘Œhttps://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2023/05/welcome-to-list infinity-info-page.html (List Infinity Complete Breakdown)


Six weeks of horror began in China's ancient capital, as invading forces unleashed a storm of atrocity that would haunt two nations for generations. 


“The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.” —William Jame

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