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Friday, May 26, 2023

*** Welcome Aboard List Infinity (*New Members*)/ 2000 FREE Advertising sites *** {547}

 😀Hey There,

Welcome aboard new List Infinity members, I hope you're having a great day. I decided to create a few pages for my downline. You're more than welcome to send anything you get from me to interested prospects, or members of your own. Below is just a few things I will be sending. ($7, $25, $100, $300 Instant Payments) FREE for the first 7 days...

👊https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5 👈(Go here now) - You will receive a re-brandable E-book with 57 ways to generate more leads to your offers, and 88 FREE Classified sites so you can post your affiliate links

1) List Infinity Intro Page: (A complete Breakdown Of The Program) - Page #1

2) List Infinity Welcome Aboard Page. Over 2,000 FREE AD sites: (For New Members) - Page #2

3) List Infinity Ad Page: (I Will Be Sending A Few Pre Written Ads.15 to be exact) - Page #3

(You also have more in your back office area....Simple Copy & Paste Advertising)

--- As a member I will also be sending you a series of E-mails, 1 per day with 25 links per page to my blog posts, and they are all marked so it makes it easier to sift through and find what you're looking for. Right now I have well over 500 blog posts, and continue creating new posts randomly. You will  eventually get everything I post, so make sure you create a folder on your PC so you can keep everything I send! The reason why I put in the work is because I want you to be successful, while helping you get there a little quicker.

In our industry we have a saying that goes, you can earn while you learn. Your responsibility as a newbie is to learn your back office/business, while posting your daily ADS, and I will do the rest. I'm grandfathered into several ad sites where I no longer have to pay, and have free daily access to post daily ADS.

What I do for my new downline members is post ADS on their behalf, and send them a copy of what I posted. You're welcome to keep those, or delete them... Your choice! 

I have many methods of advertising, and you will learn them as you go. Focus on getting at least 10 ADS out daily in the beginning, and working  up as you go. You will wake up with random payments in whatever payment processor/s you use. It's really a great feeling. Also once I see new members upgrade under your affiliate link, I will send them all of my pages so you don't have to. I just want you to focus your attention on posting, and learning. Any questions from prospects/new members, I will answer for you! I want to simplify things as much as possible. This is something you have to do daily, and spend at least 1-2 hours per day. Obviously more is better, but do what you can, and eventually you will be able to fire your boss as I did!

You will receive random E-mails from me with tips, tutorials, & videos helping you with your advertising efforts. Should you have questions, you can contact Admin Derrick Van Dyke, or myself. You also have google, and Youtube which I also teach. Just type in List Infinity in the search bar, and watch a few videos on our business. I gave you a link on page #1 of our facebook group page. Feel free to check it out because other members are giving their advertising secrets.

Everything is pretty well done for you once you upgrade to the level you can afford, and get everything set up, which doesn't take long. If you need a Paypal account, I posted a step by step tutorial on how to set that up, and on page #1 you will see a Youtube link showing you how to set up your Autoresponder.

This keeps track 
of all of your prospects, and Is a FREE valuable tool to have. You will have 30 days of messages that automatically go out to your prospects without you doing a thing.

In closing I just want to say good luck, and don't hesitate to contact us if you need anything. This is your business to run as you see fit. Watch for my info, and change anything you like, in order to fit your narrative. Make sure to read each section below!!!

Please Ignore anything you see pertaining to DigiSoft Payline. It was a company I was with before this one which COVID took down!


Who we're looking for:   

*Stay home mom's & dad's, Earn for your children's future without leaving them during the day!

*Part Time home based reps, Earn extra in as little as 10 hours per week!

*Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Start your own business without headaches or hassles!

*Experienced Team Leaders, Get in and climb to the top for 6-figure income potential!

~Watch the short video and how about let's talk!

Have a great & prosperous Day!


1) {How to create a Paypal account for business}

There are 2 types of PayPal accounts: Personal and Business.

Here’s how to sign up for a PayPal account:

  1. Go to the PayPal website and click Sign Up at the top of the page.
  2. Select the type of account you would like to open, "Personal" or "Business" and click Next.
  3. Provide your email address, create a password and click Next.
  4. Fill out your personal information and click Agree and Create Account.

You can start to use your new PayPal account right away.

>>> (Create a "PERSONAL" account) because Paypal is funny about online businesses


2) {Approximately 2,000 FREE Advertising Sites}:

*All you have to do is click the link, go to the site, create a FREE account, and start advertising!

If the site doesn't work, just go to another one. Sometimes sites will disband and shut down!



3) {Advise From An Amway Legend}:

Here is a quote I found from Amway Legend Bill Britt. This is what he credits to his success. 

"There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200 people. 900 said 'NO' and only 300 signed up. 

Of those 300 only 85 did anything at all. Out of those 85, only 35 were serious, and  out of those 3511 made me a millionaire." 

This statement validates the power of working the numbers until you find your key players. This is a numbers game, no matter what anyone else tells you. 


4) {Your Job As A Sponsor}:

Your Real Job as a Sponsor

You probably don't want to hear this, but you need to hear it.  

Your real job as a sponsor is simply to get people signed up and started.  

Sign them up, train them for an hour or two, and help them get one or two people signed up. 

That's it. 

You aren't their boss, parent or therapist.

*** Don't make the mistake of trying to be one of those things to your team.

Each person is responsible for their own business. 

You are only responsible for your own success. 

You can't drag anyone across the finish line or make them successful. 

Just help them get started, be accessible and lead by example. 

That's the best thing you can do. 

If you think it's your job to make other people successful, you will get burnt out and eventually quit. 

Remember, this is a volunteer Army and each person is their own boss. 


5) {Our Mission}

The Mission: 

{List Infinity} is on a mission to help people turn their life around and conquer their financial struggles by providing tools, benefits, and education to help start a successful leveraged business. 

Leverage is the only way you can create true freedom, if you are only being paid while you are at work there is no way you will ever have time freedom and if your income depends solely on you there is very little chance you will achieve financial freedom, so how about joining us so we can all be successful...


6) FREE REPORT: 1 Sign Up A Day Strategy:

I have a special report for you today.

It's called "One Signup A Day Strategy".

No optin needed. No gimmick. 

Give this away to potential members

I can only send this in an E-mail, Sorry! Just Ask!


ENJOY YOUR DOWNLOAD:-) @ The Bottom of My Email


7) You Can't Quit!

Do NOT Ever Quit!

The ONLY way you can ever fail in network marketing is by quitting. This might sound cliche, but it is true. 

The successful network marketing professional’s of today at one time or another, had thoughts of quitting but didn’t, 

and that’s why they are where they are now… TOP INCOME EARNERS!

Network marketing does take time, but be assured the Results WILL SOON Follow!


8) A Thank You E-mail To Send To Your Tour Takers If You Wish. Just Change My Info, And Input Yours.

Hi, {firstname} 

This is Rick, and I wanted to thank you for recently visiting my website. You may not remember because you may be researching things online. I just wanted to introduce myself and encourage you to pay attention to the E-mails you will receive from me.
It's so important that when you start your search online for an online business, that you Keep your mind open!
As I'm sure you are well aware. There are some very strange characters out here on the internet, and some are only interested in one thing.....Your mo-ney.
But you need to know that not everybody is the same. Some do actually  want to help you on your journey to success!
I'm happy to be one of them:)
I have been fortunate enough to be a stay at home dad for sometime now, and I have to tell you it's exciting!
I like to give back, And there is no better feeling than knowing that you have played a big part in someone else's journey to financial freedom. Very satisfying, I can assure YOU.
Talk soon 

Rick Brier (List Infinity -- Sponsor)


9) An Ad For You To Use At Your Convenience. (Feel Free To Change Anything You See)

{Subject Line}: So Easy An 8 Year Old Child Can Do This...

{Ad Body}: In a hurry? Just Go To The Site Now: 


Let's see how you can benefit:

- Partner With Industry Leaders

- Find Out How The Wealthy Get That Way

- Learn Proven Methods That Will Make You A Fortune

- Anyone Can Afford It

- Absolutely No Selling

- No Meetings To Attend

I guess you're probably wondering what the catch is?

Well, You need to be able to follow simple directions...and have at least 10 hours a week to invest into securing your financial future.

Take advantage of this opportunity now, or you might want to kick yourself later!

See YOU At The Top!!!

Your Affiliate Link
Your Contact Info


10) Your List Infinity To Do List:

Google Translator: https://google.com/search?q=translator


Here Is Your List Infinity To Do List! => DO NOT DELETE!

1. Post 10 Ads A Day

Post a minimum of 10 ads a day, or more! The more ads you post, the more success you will have. It is that simple!

If you post 10 Ads a day and someone else posts 20 a day, who do you think will have the most success?

2. Send Welcome Email To New leads

Every time you sign up a NEW prospect you should send them a Welcome Email to encourage them to upgrade as a new member. You can also ask them to Let you know where they saw your ad. This information will help you to know What advertising resources work the best. ( I will post your welcome E-mails on page #3 with your pre-written ADS!)

3. Contact your leads

Email your leads every 2-3 days, and every time you get paid. I have pre-written emails that you can send, and we also encourage you to write your own emails! These are found in the back office area, and my blog which you will have access to.

4. Share Advertising Resources

When you get a New Lead, always share some advertising resources to help them get their first sale faster! The faster they get some sales, the faster you will be able to get their 5th member passed up to you. 

5. Know Your back office area

We have a lot of tools in your back office area to help you! Take some time to Click on every tab and watch the videos so you know where everything is. 

You should not have to contact Admin to ask where something is (and wait up to 24 hours for a reply). Just go look for it, and in doing so you could find other good stuff to help you! I'm available as well if you need anything!

--I take the guesswork out of it, so your job is much easier! And I want you to be successful!!!

Rick Brier (List Infinity - Sponsor)

My Websites:  

👉Your Job As An Affiliate, Once Your All Set Up:

1) Post Your ADS Daily!
2) Learn Your Business/Back Office Area
3) Watch Your Paypal Account Grow!


“Victory is sweetest when you’ve known defeat.” – Malcolm S. Forbes

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