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Thursday, October 9, 2014

***A Plethora Of Success Tips For Your Small Business.*** {4}

😀Today's post is about more ways to generate leads into your online business in no particular order, and more tips...

1) Church Bulletin Boards: Just about every church that I know of has a public bulletin board for members to post about activities, so you can post something about your products or services...

2) Postcards: Another great way to get yourself out there, but can be a bit pricey. You can start out with 100 - 500 depending on your budget, and can pay between .05 - .07 cents per postcard is about the going rate right now, and then you would obviously need to purchase stamps which cost .73 cents a piece, and then you would have to find a leads vendor that you can trust. If you don't have the necessary funds, you can wait until you make some money from your products/services and then put some back into your business. @ 100, you will spend around $80 with stamps, and your leads...

3) Local Newspaper: Many people use the newspaper although it has taken a hit due to the internet, but you can still create an AD and post it in your local newspaper. Prices will obviously vary depending on where you live. Just try to be aware of the wording because the more words in the AD, the more you will pay, so cut corners if you can in order to cheapen your advertising budget...

4) Radio: This can range from a few dollars to a few thousand dollars depending on many factors such as time of day, length of AD, Market size, location, and more...

5) Magazines: Many years ago I was involved in a co-op where the more you pay, the more spots you get within the co-op. Depending on how many shares you purchase will depend on how many spot in the rotator your URL will be displayed. I'm sure there are still opportunities out there that offers a magazine co-op as part of their advertising packages, you will have to google that to find out for yourself. You can purchase 1 share and pay a minimal amount of money for your URL to be displayed in the magazine for a month...

🙏{Part Timers/Daily Routine}: 1-2 hours daily!

💥Make a minimum of 5-10 exposures daily!

💥Follow up with one prospect, one team member, and one customer daily!

💥Send 2 hand written notes daily!

💥Personal development. Read or watch training videos for 20-30 minutes daily!

💥Spend about 10 minutes daily on product education!

👉{How to be more productive in your online business?}

😍 Spend at least 80% of your business hours on money producing activities daily!

😍Every sunday evening before you go to bed, plan out your upcoming week!

😍Plan out your day every morning witha prioritized "to-do" list!

😍Set your business hours for your Network Marketing Business!

😍Find a quiet work space where you can work uninterupted!

😍Try to get in a set routine where you're working about the same time everyday. You are creating positive habits by doing so!

😍Do your money producing tasks first!

😍Keep a journal and document your daily activities!

😍Set written business goals each month, and yearly!

😍Team up with a "running partner" and work together!

😍Celebrate your successes, buyt don't let the defeats get you down because that will happen!

💤 Get plenty of rest each night!


{E-mail for your tour takers}:

Watch out for Liars, Fakes, & Scammers

There will always be fakers, liars, and scammers online, and the worst part is, it's very hard sometimes to tell who is BS'ing you, and who is telling the truth.

My advice is, if there is anyone who seems a little suspicious and what they say sounds 'too good to be true,' watch them very carefully over a period (weeks or months) before you make any decision to invest with them.

You can always tell them by their fruit. If they are walking the walk, and not just talking the talk, then you can assume they're legit. Do your due diligence and research them first!

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 (New Sign Up Link)


Quote of the day - People hop from deal to deal, then blame their failures on our industry. The key to long term success is very simple, find a great company, a great upline, and a product you love, then go to work full-time & make a two-year commitment - unknown

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