πIn this post I'm going to be talking about the correct way to market online. This is not easy, and takes some time to get first page rankings on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. If you're able to accomplish this, you will have a million dollar business, because this is all FREE traffic.
πhttps;//listinfinity.net/rick2323/5π(Go here now) - We have a plethora of video marketing tutorials in the back office to help you with your advertising such as YouTube, Social Media, and Email Marketing just to name a few, and you can get started for FREE for the next 7 days!
(Getting 1st page rankings on Google, Yahoo, and Bing.)
The internet is based around search engines, so let's dig in. You will first need to get your marketing campaign started by googling "KEYWORD TOOL." And then get paper and a pencil so you can write down some keywords for your campaign with keywords, or phrases that you like for your business.
π(Example: Work from home)
After typing in your keywords/phrases, you will see a number of people that are using what you typed in. Try to create around 5 phrases, and make sure not to use the the ones with the most, or least amount of uses. strive to hit somewhere in the middle. You will understand what I mean.
Spend about 20-30 minutes to see what wordage suits you best, and once you've decided, it will be time to put them to use. Should you decide to market mostly online, make sure to use your Keywords in everything you do online. When writing articles make sure your keyword density is between 3%-7%. What this means is that if "work from home" is what you're using for your keywords, make sure to sprinkle that into your article between 3%-7% throughout the article. One of the best sites you can use is Ezine.com. You can either write your own articles, or find articles that you like, that is similar to your niche, spin them. What I mean by that is reword the article fitting your narrative. You can copy and paste it into your notebook, or note pad, and start breaking it down to whatever suits you.
You can do this with Articles, Blog Posts, or even making Videos. The reason why you want to sprinkle in your keywords so often in all of your content is because search engines (Algorithms- robots) will be able to see if your content is original. If not, your content won't be recognized, and you will have to start over creating your content.
Once the Algorithms start to gather your information, and see that your Keywords are original content throughout your campaign, you will be credited with a good article. Over time your content will gain momentum, and could very possibly get you first page rankings on the search engines. (FREE traffic) In order to keep your high rankings you will still need to create fresh content weekly. This isn't easy to do, but if done properly, and consistently you can get an unlimited amount of FREE traffic to your offers. Your content doesn't have to be a lot, but make sure that if you have a blog, you will want to cross reference everything back to it. Articles, Videos, ETC... 30 minutes a day is all it takes. I know a lot of people that implement these strategies, and have done very well, so give it a try, watch your business explode!
It may take you 6 months to get the rankings you want, but I can assure you the work you put into it will be well worth your time effort. These techniques will never change, and will work every time if done properly because it's all based around search engines.
The only down side is that you're also competing with a lot of other marketers, so I wouldn't recommend solely this as your way to market your opportunities. make sure you're utilizing at least a few other ways as well. Most opportunities don't tell you the proper ways to market, and that's why 98.2% are failing, and it's not your fault!
{Stats & Facts}:
➤ The Home Business Industry generates approximately 427 billion dollars a year!
➤There are approximately 125,000 New Home Businesses Started Weekly!
➤Every 11 seconds someone starts a Home Based Business!
➤There are over 20,000 millionaires through Internet Marketing!
➤There are 75,000 new Internet Users daily!
➤For every 100 people that views your opportunity, your conversion rate is about 3%!
πConsistency is key, so you have to get your opportunities in front of the masses!
{Article Submission Sites}
πhttps://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2018/06/digisoft-paylines-how-it-works-video.html (Old Business Breakdown)
{Pre-written AD};
Your Retire In ??? Days Action Plan
Getting up and going to work is a pain and irritating! Your whole day consist of work, work, work! Your typical day starts off waking up and getting ready for school or work. Driving dealing with horrible traffic!
Work all day long, doing the same boring things over and over again! Leaving school or work back in that same horrible traffic which is now worse because people are rushing to get home.
Getting up and going to work is a pain and irritating! Your whole day consist of work, work, work! Your typical day starts off waking up and getting ready for school or work. Driving dealing with horrible traffic!
Work all day long, doing the same boring things over and over again! Leaving school or work back in that same horrible traffic which is now worse because people are rushing to get home.
Now you are home, you have to cook dinner, help get the kids together, or get your own homework done and ready for school or work the next day.
By the time you finish all that you look at the time and it's already time to go to bed!
Enough is Enough, RIGHT?!
Click the link π in this email and we will show to a better life..

"Failure Will Never Overtake Me If My Destination To Succeed Is Strong Enough." - Og Mandino
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