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Friday, October 31, 2014

*** Ad headlines For Job Seeker *** {67}

👉 Headlines for Job "ADS". These are very important, because you have grab the readers attention within seconds, or they will move on, and by pass your message... 

Remember to get the readers attention. If it doesn’t get your attention then it probably will not attract anyone else... Use different headlines for each "AD"... 

👉 These Headlines Are Just Examples: Feel Free To Create Your Own...

=> Money Motivated Pros

=> Team Leaders Needed
=> Looking for Recruiters
=> Professionals Needed
=> Remote Agents Needed
=> Top Guns Only
=> Business Development
=> Marketing Reps
=> Senior Account Executives
=> Promotional Managers
=> Looking for Talent                                             
=> Junior Account Executive
=> Marketing and Sales
=> We Need Strong Phone Associates – Incoming Calls
=> Seasoned Reps /Team Leaders
=> Looking for Experienced Team Builders
=> Inbound Phone Associates
=> Sales Openers and Closer's Needed Now – All Inbound
=> Confident Strong Reps for Easy Phone Work
=> Inbound Sales/Marketing Representatives
=> Phone Based Sales - Team Leaders Needed – All Calls Incoming

😛💪https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12 (A call to action) - Get paid up to $300 per referral instantly and directly to you...

{Pre-written AD}:

Happy Monday!

I hope your Monday is going well! I always say,"Create life that doesn't know it's Monday!"

I have personally been able to help several people start owning their own lives.

It's an amazing process that all starts with desire. Desire to succeed and walk through the steps that have been laid out before us in this very easy to duplicate system that Derrick VanDyke has so graciously shared with us all!

What is your desire?

Why did you get into network marketing in the first place?

What is it that pushes you to want to do something great?

I would love to know! I will share mine with you as well.

Either give me a call or reply to this email and let's get you on the path to owning your life as well!!

Because YOU Are Worth It,

👻https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 👈(A call to action) - Copy & Paste ADS, Engagement Possts, Lead Gen Posts, and Facebook Cover Photos...


5 sales in 5 days ($250)...Now it's your turn! (IGNORE 👇)   

This is absolutely amazing! 5 people coming in the last 5 days.Don C. from New York was a rollup from an inactive Payliner. Bill M. from Alberta Canada, Rueben G. Washington, Jack K. from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and Michael W. from Ontario Canada.

That makes a total of 250 dollars because everyone of them could see the value of getting Package 1 and 2. If I can do this so can you, I simply put out ads and show my URL to others. Your DSP Team Mailer is a great tool to keep in touch with your Tour Takers.

If there is anything I can do to help you get started I am just a phone call or email away. Let's get this working for you so you can make some EASY money too!

https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2018/07/about-me-what-i-can-do-for-you-300.html  (DIGISOFT BREAKDOWN)


"Too many people quit just before payday in this industry. Â You gotta have a dream and you must not let anyone steal it from you. Â You can't ride two horses at the same time. Â Get in, give it all you've got for 2-3 years and you will succeed!" - Dale Maloney

*** Tips & Tricks On Organic MLM Lead Generation *** {66}

=> There are two main things you have to learn to insure organic MLM lead generation. One is how to generate targeted leads and two is how to qualify these leads... If you can master these two essential functions of proper MLM lead generation, everything will follow... You will have a daily flow of targeted leads and prospects hitting your website....💕

=> One of the first things you must understand about MLM lead generation is that it is all about the numbers... Specifically, the number of qualified people who enter your site... Your goal is to gain a daily flow of prospects from organic search engine results... Google, yahoo and MSN are the most popular search engines... This is because these search engines have millions, if not billions of people that enter their sites regularly looking to find information or research topics... With that sort of audience, it simply is not difficult to implement an organic MLM lead generation plan, no matter what product or business you are offering... There is always someone looking for what you have....

=> You will not be able to compete with the Internet Goliath's but if you set-up your site to be search engine friendly, within a few months you will start seeing daily traffic hitting your website. With just a few thousand people visiting your site each month, you can consider your site optimization efforts a great success. In fact, if you can average 5000 people visiting your site each month, you will probably earn as much money from a "one-off sale" affiliate product as you do with a network marketing program...

=> Lets breakdown the two things you can do to get started with your MLM lead generation efforts:...

=> First, you must learn how to generate leads... You need to have a web site optimized for the search engines and learn the strategies to get people to give you their e-mail address by joining your newsletter or Ezine... By building your opt-in mailing list you are insured success in the long run. You can provide related content, swap links with merchant partners or friends, write an article and submit it to directories and place classified ads in Ezines and ads services... These basic, usually free or low cost advertising methods will generate a large future client base...

=> You can also try paying other people to advertise your site or paying leads companies to mail to their subscriber lists. However, generating organic, free leads from search engines is much easier than you think... A few days of research and a few tweaks to your website will result in huge traffic down the line... It takes 3-6 months to really see the effects due to the time it takes for the big search engines to crawl and index your site. However, there are hundreds of smaller ones that will index you the same day... Check out

=> http://Spinsubmit.com for more on this. They provide a great paid submission service to the big search engines and hundreds of others...

=> Secondly, qualify your MLM leads. You don't want people who are interested in dog training coming to your site. You want people who are looking for what you have to offer... If you run an MLM online business, this should be less of a problem, as long as you have created a site that is related to your online MLM venture and product... If you sell vitamins develop a site that is content rich on vitamins and offers real information... Not a bunch of hype on the business aspect... If you have succeeded in creating a site that is interesting and unique, it will usually guarantee some of the people who visit will be interested in the potential business opportunity...

=> In a recent research study it was shown that only 2% to 4% of people who visit a website will click on a link that generates money for the website owner... As the Internet grows and more and more advertising is thrust upon the Internet community, people are less apt to buy right away... Another interesting fact is the already-small number shrinks further to .5% when it comes to those who will actually buy a product on the first visit... This is why developing a long-term relationship with your client base over time with an newsletter or Ezine will eventually result in a growing business and daily sales...

=> The failure most people fall into is they see the Internet as a sprint and not a marathon... The Internet is about developing a reputation for quality content and Pre-selling. Not selling! Pre-selling with good content and a personality, you will start to see results...

=> The name if the game in MLM lead generation is eventually making sales... By getting your website search engine friendly and taking the long-term approach you will gain ground... So many people start their websites and then stop. Very few gain the popularity necessary to produce quality MLM lead generation process... If you take a two-year approach to building the same site, adding quality content and building a name for your self by writing articles and posting responses is high traffic forums, you will be blown away within a few months at the traffic your site is generating.

💥https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12 (Go here now) - Get started with one of the 4 package levels. (Basic/Starter/Pro/Elite) = $7/$25/$100/$300. You can join FREE for 7 days...!

👉  http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)

{Pre-written AD}:

Your business for 2025...

What do you know?

2025 is here.

I'm excited, hope you are too.

Time flies, seems we just celebrated the new year this year.

Have you started your internet business?

Have you got off your butt and got it done?

Have you decided your plans for next year?

Either way, it's even more important to have a business online now than ever.

The Internet is here to stay.

It's time to get your business up and running for the new year - there's no time to waste.

Go here now to get your 2025 internet business!

👌https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/13 👈(Go here now) - You can accept payments via PayPal, Stripe, Square, Authorize.net, Cash App, Venmo, Zelle, Bitcoin, Wise, and more...


"It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort." – Jillian Michaels

Image result for downloadable mlm leads logos

*** More Ad Bodies For Your Business *** {65}

💜I just wanted you to see this...Here are some short "ADS" that I have for you to use as either signs, or flyers...Offline methods are just as effective as Online...Just make sure to implement your necessary info...Change to fit your narrative, and always be consistent...

👉{Short ADS}...

1) Tired of trading time for money?...This proven system can bring you an extra $???? each and every month!...

2) Do you want to work from home?...Do you want to make over $???? per month?...Our proven system will work for you . Guaranteed!...

3) Don't let an economy in the dumps keep you from getting what you want...Use my proven system to make thousands per month starting today!...

4) Did you know that 90% of the new millionaires in the world are internet millionaires?... Join the most respected online training program, and learn how to make your own fortune!...

5) Stop dreaming about making a six-figure income working from home online and follow these simple steps and you could start raking in $????? per month today!...

6) Fool proof system makes you $???+ per day. Step by step simplicity guarantees that you can't fail...Thousands of members can't be wrong!...

7) Find out exact steps??? Used to earn over $?????? in just six months working from his home office...You can earn as much as you want if you simply follow this proven system...

8) Are you tired of trading time for money?...CEO level income attainable in your first 180 days!...System proven for many to work perfectly...

💛https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/11 👈(A call to action) - Cutting -edge software tracks your clicks, leads, sales and conversions for any traffic source...

👉Flip these any way you like, or feel free to create your own!

{Pre-written AD}:

Your boss will hate this...

The reason why I'm saying your boss will hate this is because there is a high chance that this online business model may help you quit your day job.

Now, of course there are no promises but from the results I can see from our members, it looks very promising. More than most products out there.

😏https://listinfinity.net.rick2323/12 👈(Go here now) - Step-by-Step training shows you how to get FREE traffic from Facebook, and profit from solo ADS...


"Whatever is worrying you right now, forget about it. Take a deep breath, stay positive, and know that things will get better." - Unknown

*** The 10 Commandments Of Marketing *** {64}

Follow these proven steps, and theirs no limits to what you can achieve! You will also have my "Starter Course" Training over the next coupole of months, along with 200 FREE Leads, and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up...

😍https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/6 👈(A call to action) - You can build a profitable List from the efforts of your referrals...

👉Here are the 10 commandments of Marketing...

1) Thou shalt look at customers interests before thy own!

2) Thou shalt enjoy the thrill of success. And learn lessons from failure!

3) Thou shalt listen before thou speaks!

4) Thou shalt honor the product (it can be you) and nurture it until it grows!

5) Thou shalt immerse thyself in thy customers' wants and needs!

6) Thou shalt wallow in the beauty of ideas!

7) Thou shalt use tools of emotion in every sale!

8) Thou shalt not immerse thyself in self-pity!

9) Thou shalt blaze trails to the customer!

10) Thou shalt respect thyself and thy abilities!

{Pre-written AD}:

Checkout real results with List Infinity...

💯Curious about real results with List Infinity? It's time to see the proof.

✅Check out the List Infinity Proof Group on Facebook! (Link below)

This group is a goldmine of success stories. People just like you are building their lists virally... 🎯

While earning $7, $25, $100, and even $300 commissions like clockwork. ⏰

...And the best part?

🆒These commissions are paid instantly.

Pay Bills On Time: No more waiting to get paid.
Reinvest in Growth: Use your earnings to fuel further success.
Enjoy Life More: Financial freedom is within reach.

>>> Access the Proof Group from Your Dashboard  

Join the ranks of those enjoying instant earnings and viral list growth with List Infinity. You'll love it inside. :)

👀 See you there,

👍Starting NOW...  🚀 🚀 🚀  ($7)/($25)/($100)/($300) - Pick your package, and let's get you making money!

🍀P.S. We recently received a new lead capture page #16. Check it out 👇 

😃https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/10 👈(Go here now) -  Members have access to our Privare Facebook group where you can ask questions and post testimonials..


{Special 27% Discount Offer}: - DigiSoft Payline (IGNORE 👇)

If you have not checked out "The 230k Focus Group" in your Payliners Room yet, you need to do it now!

It is already helping people make more sales @ Package #2, and that is exactly what it was designed for.

One example - This happened not long ago!

Hellen Ondain sent the Special 48 Hour Offer to one of her Tour Takers, and it only took 30 minutes for Olga Lancko to upgrade a Payliner, and purchase Package #2. This also means that Olga Lancko will get Package #1 for FREE!

Congradulations to Hellen Ondain, and Olga Lancko!


"Network Marketing is really the greatest source of grass-roots capitalism, because it teaches people how to take a small bit of capital, that is your time, and build the American Dream. " - Jim Rohn

Image result for downloadable 10 commandments logos

***Advertising To Job Seekers*** {63}

A lot of people are terrified about the possibility of being a business owner, either because they have tried it before, or know someone who has. And they have had a bad opinion due to bad experiences, so in order to market to these people, is to make it sound like a job versus a business...

Below is a list of 10 job opportunity websites that you can use in order to place "ADS" for FREE! If you use Craigslist to advertise to these people, there are over 14 million unemployed...(Go to to the "Resume" section)

👉10 popular job posting websites for you to try!

1) Indeed.com - As the world's top job search engine, indeed recommends you sponsor your job posts @ a minimum of $5, but will allow employers a job post for FREE.

2) Wisestep.com - This great site not only allows you to post as many jobs and search through as many candidate resumes as you want, but it also allows you to sync your efforts up with various networks-such as your social channels, email lists, and talent pools-to provide an easy way to distribute your jobs to a wider audience.

3) TheLaddersPassport.com - The Ladders Passport offers unlimited job postings and unlimited resume searches all for free.

4) Craigslist.org - You can post job listings on Craigslist in many areas for free, although some locations do cost $5-$25 to post your job. (And in San Francisco prices are as high as $75. (50-60 million page views monthly. Best Option)

5) Backpage.com - This site is similar to Craigslist. While most postings are free, there are options to upgrade or sponsor your listing at various costs. (No longer exists!)

6) ResumeBucket.com - Not only does Resume Bucket offer unlimited job postings and resume searches for free. They also distribute the jobs you post to other job boards @ no additional cost.

7) Snagajob.com - First timers on Snag a job get one free job posting, but there are limitations on the amount of traffic you can receive.

8) JobSpider.com - Like The Ladders Passport & Resume Bucket, this site offers unlimited job posts, and resume searches to recruiters.

9) PostJobFree.com - This site is very basic and user-friendly, and all job postings are free.

10) FlexJobs.com - While this site's audience is a bit limited, it's a great place to post your part-time jobs, remote work opportunities and flexible hiring needs for free.

😉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/9 👈(A call to action) - High-Converting Lead Capture Pages. Our lead capture pages consistently convert 30% to 50% depending on your traffic source. And you can view the clicks, leads, and conversion rate for each page you promote.

{E-mail for your tour takers}:  

Work @ Home Positions Available!

$??? HR. For any person who has a good work ethic! This is a work from home position. This is not at all a "HARD SELL," and you can realistically make $???-$??? per ??? in this Independent Contractors Position.

We pay daily. After a few months you will make significantly more. You would be promoting our unique marketing system globally.

You will be treated as a sales professional, not a telemarketer. You will be a valued member of the TEAM!

We have truly designed this to be a wonderful Long-Term position for the right person.

Spots are going FAST!

Tweak this however you like!

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite (Go here now) - It's simple. (1) Set Up Your System, (2) Select a Lead Capture Page, (3) Promote Your Link... We have 18 Capture Pages To Choose From...


"We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by action." - Dr. Henry Link

*** 10 Ways To Get Your Content Read *** {62}

😎Here are 10 ways you can use immediately to get your content read. You must make an appealing subject line, because you only have a few seconds to get your readers attention. Once you start to generate subscribers into your opportunities, always make sure to send your training or content on a regular basis. Whether that be daily, weekly, or monthly, that's your choice. Just be consistent with your messages. I currently have over 120 million Leads and send daily content to the most active, and I can do the same thing for you when you decvide to join me. I will be giving you 200 FREE Leads and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up...

1.) The ‘How-to’:

This strategy has been used for a long time, and it's still very effective. It is an easy way to come up with a subject line as it reveals to your reader that you will teach them how to do something. For instance, ‘How to Make $100 in Two Hours ‘ or ‘How to Lose 3 Pounds in a Day’.

2.) The Big Benefit:

In your content, you have emphasized the benefits of your product over its features. To make it more appealing, identify the biggest benefit and use it in your subject line. This will likely attract your email subscribers and increase your open rate. Try it and see your open rate start skyrocketing.

3.) The Numbered List:

Numbers have something almost magical, especially when used in headlines and subject lines. Using a subject line such as “Top Seven Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight” will have a greater impact than “Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight.” This is because it prepares the reader on the content that follows.

4.) Create Anxiety:

By creating a sense of urgency, you can increase your emails open rate. For instance, “Hurry While this Offer Lasts and  Get a Free Kindle Book Today ”You can also demonstrate  to them that they will lose out on a valuable offer. For instance "Save 20% by purchasing this Kindle book today. This offer ends at midnight."

5.) Keyword Bait:

If you are sending your emails to a targeted list, then you can include keywords related to their field to increase open rates. For instance, if your list is made up of bloggers, using words like SEO, conversion rates, search engine, and Google algorithms in your subject lines will trigger your readers to open your emails.

6.) Story Starters:

Everyone loves stories and having a subject line that introduces a story will make people open your emails. For instance "In the course of doing my morning chores, I noticed something different with my….” This will bait your readers to open your emails so as to read more.

7.) The Eyebrow Raiser:

If you can come up with an intriguing subject line that will raise your readers’ eyebrows, then you will have won them over and they will open your email. For example, “Why Chia Seeds are The New Weight Loss Pills” or “5 Foods That Can Make You Lose Weight in 3 weeks.”

8.) The Curiosity Raiser:

This is where you are not telling your readers anything in the subject line, yet you spark curiosity for them to open your email. For instance, “This is B.S!” “What was I thinking?” “Never Again!” etc.

9.) Ask a Question:

A question compels a reader to think and look for answers. For instance, “Is he the right partner for you?” “Would  paid searches improve your search engine rankings?”

10.) Discover Astounding Secrets:

Using words that evoke curiosity does wonders for your open rates - words like secrets, astonishing, amazing, and discover.

💥https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/8 👈(Go here now) - 100% commission paid directly to you on all package purchases...


{E-mail for your tour takers}:

New Marketing beginnings start today

M0NEY Making Season Starts September 1st, Right around the corner.

September to the Holidays in December is one of the best times to make M0NEY Online!

It`s time to get with the program and join DigiSoft so that you have time to get your ads online before kids are back in school and networkers turn to the Internet in the masses looking for a way to make some extra C-A-S-H!

Let's get everyone qualified so the season is money in your pocket! I know you can do this. Put your ads out everyday. Make this a great beginning of the week.

I am PROUD of all of you! Keep it up...

👉 https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5 👈(A call to action) -  
Imagine Seeing $7, $25, $100, and $300 Payments Hitting Your Account Every Day! And it's FREE for the first 7 days!

“Knowing Is Not Enough; We Must Apply. Wishing Is Not Enough; We Must Do.” – Johann Wolfgang Von Goeton

*** Getting Traffic To Your Website *** {61}

💖Category: Blogging...

The Golden Rule to start with If you are a newbie to blog and need a little traffic boost to your blog, here are my suggestions:...

💥 1-) Google the keyword that is related to your blog, go to some of those blogs, and leave a comment with your blog’s URL in the website field and your email address...

💥 2-) Be sure to subscribe to those blogs’ RSS feeds...

💥 3-) Join a couple of forums that are related to your niche or interest. For example, if you are interested in the Internet Marketing, join the Self Starters Weekly tips. Ask them questions; then some body there would be glad to give you a few tips... This is what I talked about asking, then you will receive. Similarly to a quote from a bible, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” (Matt. 7:7)... One great benefit of joining forums is that your Signature links from reputable forums will help new websites to be indexed by search engines and you can exchange your link with other members...

👉Here is a list of 26 forums that help you make money online I highly recommend checking out Digital Point, Wicked Fire, Earners Forum, and A Best Web ( if you don’t have time to visit all of the forums on the list, but you only have time to join one forum, try the Digital Point...

💜https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/14 👈(Go here now) - When you join me, I will show you my best advertising resources, both FREE/Paid versions...

=> 1. Digital Point...

=> 2. V7N Forum...

=> 3. Sitepoint...

=> 4. WebmasterWorld...

=>  5. SEO Chat..

=> 6. Earners Forum...

=> 7. High Rankings.com...

=> 8. Self Starters Weekly Tips...

=>  9. Wicked Fire...

=> 10. Warrior Forum...

=> 11. ABest Web...

=> 12. 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums...

=> 13. Affiliate Programs Forum...

=> 14. Ewealth...

=> 15. Affiliates4U...

=> 16. Get Paid Forum...

=> 17. Dream Team Money...

=> 18. Whydowork.com...

=> 19. Goldage...

=> 20. Work at Home Forum...

=> 21. WAHM.com...

=> 22. Talk Freelance...

=> 23. NamePros...

=> 24. DN Forum...

=> 25. Scam.com...

=> 26. Blogger Forum... 

(Pre-written AD):

It`s M(0)NEY Making Season! Let`s Do This!

With every passing week now more and more kids are heading back to school.

This is when moms and dads turn to the internet to make some extra c-a-s-h before the Christmas Holidays in December.

This is one of the best times to make M(0)NEY online!

IF you are an Active Payliner – Let`s kick this into another GEAR!

IF you are an Inactive Payliner – Reactivate your account for $7!

IF you are a Tour Taker – Let`s Do This Already!

🙏https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/7  👈(A call to action) - Leverage The Work Of Your Referrals!

When your referrals send people to one of your lead capture pages, they “Pass Up” every 5th lead to you.

So, if 10 of your referrals generate 100 leads each, that’s 200 leads sent directly to your autoresponder account!

That's right! You get 20% of all leads generated from the efforts of your referrals!

And if any of those leads sign up for a membership, the commission on any product sales go to you!


{Admin Update}:  (IGNORE 👇)

The Team Mailer is a Great tool that is part of your Payliner Tools.

This is a way to reach each and every Tour Taker at the same time. Put in your message and click send!

Are you going to use the Team Mailer Today? I hope you see the value in keeping in touch.

Your Tour Takers become Payliners and you get either qualified or money in your pocket if you are already qualified.

When you get an intellipro email contact them using the emails inside at the bottom of the email. This means they are at their computer and a super time to reach them.

I know you are the Best out there and I am proud of You.

👉 http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323  (GONE)


“We May Encounter Many Defeats But We Must Not Be Defeated.” – Maya Angelou

Image result for downloadable getting traffic to your website logos