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Friday, August 9, 2024

*** Dumb Marketing Mistakes To Avoid + Your List Infinity Recap/Opportunity Text Messages *** {569}

πŸ™Today's main subject is all about mistakes to avoid when joining an MLM/Affiliate Marketing Business. A lot of people will generally talk about the things they did right, but I'm going to share a few things that I did wrong, which hindered my success for a long time, so let's dive in to this so hopefully you won't make the same mistakes that I made...

πŸ’―Dumb marketing mistakes to avoid:

We learn from our mistakes, and it is normal to make them, and I've always said that you must make some mistakes along the way before you find success.

Most marketers will fail their way to success. They will make a mistake, fall down, get back up and move forward like nothing happened. You may fail several times before you figure it out, but you can't let failure beat you down. You must have a very strong mindset in order to succeed especially in this industry.

If you're able to find a successful upline, you want to attach yourself to that person because they've been there, and done that, and can help get through the rough patch, and help you to avoid some of these MISTAKES.

When I started in this industry back in 2006, I was very determined to change my life, and I failed miserably for years because I didn't have a successful sponsor to learn from. I had one failure after another until I finally learned how to be successful, and now working with me, will help you achieve success much quicker without all of the MISTAKES...

If you've ever been involed with marketing, I'm sure you can relate to some of the MISTAKES I made along the way, because we've all been there. 

1) Not being coachable: This is very common in our industry, and this really wasn't me, because as I said earlier, I never really had anyone to learn from. My learning came from watching YouTube video, and reading a few books. I also received a lot of emails from other Entrepreneurs and researched everything I sent via Google.

2) Giving up too soon: This was absolutely me. I, like most others woud join a program, and work it for 30-90 days, and get frustrated with my lack of results, and quit thinking the grass was greener on the other side. I ust figured it was a bad opportunity, and in some cases they were, but mostly it was me, because I didn't really know what I was doing, and that was my fault! Over my years in this industry, I probably blew through over 20 programs, and lost a ton of money, but I never quit, and now here I am being successful!

3) Promoting Multiple Deals: In the beginning of my online journey, I did promote multiple deals thinking that success would be much quicker because I was trying to diversify which is getting more popular now versus back years ago. The philosphy is that if you promote more than one  opportunity, and you're giving a prospect more than 1 option. It all sounds great, but the failure rate in our industry is 98.2%, and now it's even higher because you're taking focus away because now you have multiple opportunities to worry about. There are people that have found success by doing more than one, but I like to keep the focus on just one opportunity. Kudos to the people finding success with more than one opportunity, it's just not for me. 

The only way I will ever join multiple opportunities is if DigiSoft Payline came back. We went down in 2021 due to Covid, and ADMIN told me that when Covid died down that he was going to bring it back, and it's still gone. I have over 1,500 subscribers into that business before it went down, so Yes I would work both programs only because I put a lot of time and effort into both and have had success with both DigiSoft, and List Infinity. I'm already nearing 500 subscibers into List Infinity, I'm onky 1 year in at the time of this post. Focus is key!

4) Chasing Shiny Objects: Again I'm sure many of us have done this as well. We look for something that's fast and what we think is easy because we think success comes instantly, and that couldn't be further from the truth. I would look at a program and all the hype surrounding it and thought this is great. People are making a life changing income from day one. Nope, not happening! This could cost you a lot of money, and you're only prolonging your success!

5) Starting & Stopping: This wasn't really me, but very common. If you want to be successful in this industry, you must devote a lot of time and effort. If you ask most of the top earners how much time they devote to their craft, I'm pretty sure most of them will tell you that they work their business all day, everyday. The objective is to work smarter, not harder. Generally it is said that you can work 1-2 hours daily. One size does not fit all, We all must find what works for us, and stick with that for the next few years. (2-5 realistically!) If you have to work a JOB while putting in a few hours per week building your business over that time, I think you will be pleasantly surprised at what you're capable of doing with your finances! Nothing in your life is ever going to change, until you change something you do daily! 

A lot of newbies in the industry have this mindset that they are going to work their business for an hour or so on Monday, and then maybe they will wait until the weekend before working again, and I can guarantee that it doesn't matter who you are, you will NEVER be successful, and that's a FACT! 1-2 hours everyday, for a few years without jumping from program to program. Yes you're going to get frustrated, and you will want to quit at some point, but evalute your business and try to figure out what you can do differently. Even if you have to have a one on one with your upline, do that!

6) Being a Lone Wolf: I really didn't have a chance to be this because I had to learn on my own. If you have a great opportunity, and a great upline, then you can stay plugged in to your success team. Marketing is a TEAM SPORT, so put your ego aside and ask if you need to..

7) Bad People Skills: This is a people business, and let my intelligence take over. I knew how to talk to people in a cordial manner, but I really didn't have the people skills in the beggining in order to be successful. I had told my friend, who actually got me into Marketing, that I didn't know if I could be successful because it was way out of my comfort zone. I couldn't just walk up to a stranger and tell them what I did. Now I have what we call and elevator speach which is nothing more than giving a potential prospect a 30-45 second overview about your opportunity, and then handing them a business card if you have one, which I always carry with me. I believe that everyone involved with a small online opportunity should utilize offline methods as well. This is a strategy that a lot of people don't even use, and it can be very prosperous. I use business cards, flyers, and word of mouth to get myself out there. Give it a try! And if you have bad people skills work on personal development. Your bank account will thank you.

8) Self Confidence Issues: I believe everyone has this problem when they first get into the industry because none of us know what we're doing and how to be successful. As you grow overtime, so will your confindence. You will get it figured out and once you do, the skys the limit. Let's face it, when we join an online opportunity it can be a bit overwhelming. The great thing about joining me, I take that out of the equation for my members and make them feel very comfotable.

9) Focusing On Me: This one again wasn't really me. Even in the beginning of my marketing journey, I would gather a few sign ups for my opportunies, and would always follow up weekly just to see how my downline members were doing, and I didn't know much more than they did but at least I was willing to help, and that has continued. I'm very good with my downline about following up, even if some of them don't contact me. I choose to focus most of my time with the TEAM MEMBERS that stay plugged in, but have no problem with the others if they do need my assisstance, and that should be the attitude for any upline sponsor and his/her downline. Once again this business isn't about you or I, it's about TEAM!

10) Attending Team Meetings: Not so much me because I've only been with a couple of opportunities where we had weekly TEAM meetings at our local Holiday Inn, and another opprtunity we had video calls randomly, So if you're with a company that offers team meetings, you should really try to get to as many of them as possible.

 This is where the top earners in your company will brain storm, and teach methods for you to be successful. You're always allowed to ask questions, and talk before and after to the big guns in your industry. You can even go to YouTube and type in your favorite GURU, and learn that way as well. A lot these men/women create video content daily. I personally like listening to Ray Higdon because he's very friendly, and down to earth. He even creates funny skits to get his messages across. When he started in the Industry around the time I did, he has said that he was tens of thousands of $$$ in debt, and his now wife Jessica, who is also in the Industry helped to turn him around, and now they are multi-million dollar earners, so it is possible to achieve your dreams. Don't let anyone tell you that you're crazy, or stupid because you're working this industry, because with the right nindset, and a little luck on your side, you can achieve anything your mind can see! These are just a few, and I'm sure you can think of even more if you've been in the industry for any length of time.

Rick Brier (List Infinity Sponsor)πŸ‘Š
18 years in the industry! ✨πŸ’«
A top earner with the Daily Income Network & DigiSoft Payline! πŸ‘ˆ



A Dozen Opportunity Texts/Messages (Use as you wish)

# 1: Hi Joe. My name is Mike. I am an online entrepreneur. I got your information online that you wanted to work from home. At some point in the past, you filled out a form online requesting more information about working from home. Are you still looking to do that?

πŸ‘‰If they respond favorably, say this: I think you’d like what we’re doing. Do yourself a favor and watch this short video and let me know what you think.


# 2: Hi Mary. I’m Mike. We haven’t formally met before. Are you interested in learning how you could start a side hustle just using your cell phone, email, and social media?  I’m reaching out to people in your area to expand my business.

πŸ‘‰If they respond favorably, say this: We have a simple system anyone can follow. Check out this link, and watch the short video, to learn more about what I do. If you like what you see, let’s chat. 


# 3: Do you know anyone who might be looking for a good side hustle?

πŸ‘‰If they respond favorably, say this: We’ve found a simple home-based business anyone can do. If you can send emails and texts, you can make money with this. Check out my link and then let’s chat. 


# 4: I’m looking to expand my business. Do you know anyone with leadership, sales, or management experience?

πŸ‘‰If they respond favorably, say this: Here is a brief overview of what we do. If you like what you see, I can send you additional information. 


# 5: Would you mind giving me your thoughts on my new business?

πŸ‘‰If they respond favorably, say this: This short video explains what I do. After you watch the video, reply to this text, and let me know what you think about it.


# 6: I need a favor, could you help me out?

πŸ‘‰If they respond favorably, say this: I’m in a contest to share this website with 100 people. Will you look at it and give me your input? 


# 7: Do you keep your money-making options open?

πŸ‘‰If they respond favorably, say this: I’ve found a simple home-based business anyone can do. If you can copy our texts and email system, you can make money with this. Look at this link and let me know what you think. 


# 8: Do you have an interest in learning how to make money in a home business?

πŸ‘‰If they respond favorably, say this: Awesome. We’ve discovered a simple home- based business anyone can do. If you can copy and paste our messages, you can make money with this. Check out my link and let me know what you think. 


# 9: If I could show you how to save money on your taxes by having your own home-based business, would you want to know more?

πŸ‘‰If they respond favorably, say this: Smart move. This short video explains what we do. We have a simple copy and paste system. Plus, the tax advantages of being your own boss are out of this world. 


# 10: I’m looking for sharp people to help me expand my business in your area. Are you keeping your options open or are you locked into what you are currently doing?

πŸ‘‰If they respond favorably, say this: Smart move keeping your options open. This is a short video that explains what I do. Check it out and if you like what you see, let’s talk. 


# 11: I’m sure you’re happy with your career but do you know anyone who would like to earn an extra $2,500 to $5,000 per month part-time?

πŸ‘‰If they respond favorably, say this: Thanks for the reply. We have a simple copy and paste system people can use. Ordinary people are making money. Look it over and let me know what you think. 



πŸ’― I Want to Help You…

I'm tired of seeing good people Struggle financially, So I want to help you! πŸ’° 

πŸ€I believe,  if I help enough people get what they want... I'll get what I want.

In order to provide you with the best possible service, I am currently looking for only 5 people that are willing to be trained using my proven marketing strategies.🀩

πŸ‘‰I will spend my time showing you how to make more than you could ever imagine.

No hype, just fact.  πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€

😒You must be willing to be trained and stop using methods that just eat away at your income.

If you have had enough of the insanity and really want to succeed, then contact me for more info...πŸ’ͺ



                                           {Recap/List Infinity} -  WORLDWIDE  - $22/$27 

1) Go to my website, and watch the 3 minute video and then take the FREE tour, and while you're doing that, I will send you an email with more information... (https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/16) πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - Type your Email address into the box so you can view the 3 minute video, and I will send you an Email with more information...

2) Take about 10-15 minutes at your convenience to see if what I'm offering will be a good fit for you...

3) If you like what you see/hear, you will make your package purchase to your sponsor. (ME). ($7/$25/$100/$300) + Admin Fee (No Admin Fee on the $7 purchase)

                                          {Paypal/Venmo/Payoneer/Western Union/MoneyGram}

4) After payment is secured you will login to your account, and go to the back office area where you will set up your system which takes about 30 minutes. You will also have to make an Autoresponder purchase, and they are also in the back office area. The monthly payment would be ($15-$20) Video Tutorials in the back office area to help with your setup. (I also send you a welcome aboard email)

5) Once your system is setup, you will start advertising your affiliate link, and you also have access to training videos, and my daily emails. You also have google, and YouTube at your disposal. Start out by posting FREE ADS and learn your business. Work 1-2 hours daily and earn while you learn. Later after you start making a little money, I will show you some inexpensive ways to advertise your business...You also have 16 lead capture pages in your back office area at your disposal..

{NOTE}: Promote Your Link/Build Your List/Follow Up 

{2} things you should do... Create a List Infinity Folder on your PC so you can keep my daily emails, and also create a follow up message for your subscribers so you can introduce yourself. Anything I send, you're welcome to use as your own...You will be receiving 120 million leads from me to use along with FREEBIES! 

You must give yourself 2-5 years realistically... Do you have what it takes to succeed in this industry???

πŸ’˜https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2023/05/welcome-to-list-infinity-info-page.html (Complete Breakdown)

πŸ’₯https://www.facebook.com/groups/listinfinity (Join the List Infinity Group Page)

πŸ’›https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Join Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)

The List Infinity Group Page has members posting screenshots of payments received and at the time of me writing this, we have over 8000 members and growing daily. Just under 3 years old...

The Affilaite Marketers Hub is just over 3 months old, and we are over 3,000 members and growing daily as well. Come join us, and learn more about marketing...


πŸ‘‰AWeber (Autorespnder) - $19.99 per month! $239.99 Yearly! Hello rick, We'll be paying you shortly! Due to your continued referrals of AWeber Communications, Inc. you've earned enough commission for us to process a payment to you. The commission pay period is processed on the 1st of every month and you will receive a digital payment during the first week of the month. If you would like to change your payment information, please log in to your advocate control panel and make your changes under the Payment Options section, which can be found under My Profile. The change will then go into effect for your next payment. Almost 700 subscriber now...


If you are venturing into paid advertising to meet new prospects, you will need to establish some type of marketing budget. Since most network marketers don’t have much money, this might not work for many of you reading this article. I tell my new members to start out with FREE methods until they earn a little money, and then they can put some into their advertising efforts.

But, if you do have money for paid advertising, it’s vital that you pick a monthly advertising budget you can stick with for at least 18 to 24-months. I recommend you set aside at least $300/$500 per month in the beginning for paid advertising. I can show you some nice inexpensive ways to promote your business...

😭If that sounds too expensive to you, you should focus on free lead generation strategies first such as...

1) Social Media (Billions of people are using SM everyday)
2) Craigslist (2 million new resumes posted each month)
3) Free Classifieds (Fast & Effective way of advertising)
4) Offline (Word of mouth, Flyers, Business Cards)
5) YouTube Videos (3rd most trafficked site on the net)


1775 U.S. Postal System Established

On July 26, 1775, the United States established its postal system with the appointment of Benjamin Franklin as the first Postmaster General. Continue Reading ...


“When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return. You should give a good thought to the happiness that you can give out.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

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