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Thursday, July 25, 2024

*** How To Find Leads On Craigslist Using The Resume Section With A Pre-Written Email *** {568}

 πŸ˜Today's training is about generating leads on craigslist utilizing the resume section. According to google there are around 2 million people per month posting their resume on craigslist looking for some time of job, or work. If you're not familiar with this section, you can scroll all the way to the bottom of this page, and check out the picture I posted. 

Just to the right of the resume section you will click US States, and once the list pops up, you can click any state you would like to start with. When I do this, I always start with California, New York, and Texas because they are the biggest, and generally have the most postings. 

What you want to do is go to Craigslist. I posted the link just below this, and then you click on any state you want to try first, then you click the resume box, and you are taken to resume postings. 

At the top of the page type in "work from home" in the search box so you can refine your search. In the bigger states you might have 500 resumes to look at, but when you refine your search, now you are down to about 25-50 to sort through. 

read the headline before you click to see what the person is looking for. For example if you see someone post, looking for work ASAP, you will want to leave those alone, because they are desparate for earning cash. Look for such things as data entry, admin, or even clerical.

When you find something worth looking at, open it up, and click whatever email company you use, and the page will open as if you're sending an email. 

πŸ‘‡I created an email below that you're welcome to send, or you can change to fit your narrative, or create your own with your personal touch. Copy and paste, and make sure if the person left his/her name that you type it in to better personalize your message. If you want to send a picture as well, you're more than welcome to do that.

Once your email is sent, you can back out, and go on to the next person. Remember, this is a FREE feature you can be using everyday, and you can spend 45 minutes to an hour doing this if you have the time. From a numbers standpoint, lets just say that you send out 25 emails daily. Thats 175 weekly, 700 monthly, and 8,400 people yearly that you contacted about your opportunity or product/s, and never spent a single dime. 

You can obviuosly do more or less, that's strictly upon you how many people you contact. Just know that you will never run out of people to contact. If you should try some of the other countries, you won't find much there, but you can try. I would work the bigger states first like what I mentioned. It even tells you when the person posted, and how long it's been there. 

You don't have to put anything in the subject line, because that's already been taken care of from the person posting their resume. Once you send the email, it goes to your email address as well.

This won't be life changing, and you're not going to get tons of people interested in what you're offering, but you can find a few interested prospects. When someone is interested in your offer/s, they will respond directly to your email address, and you go from there. If you notice, I send my affiliate link when I send my emails.

This is just another of many FREE strategies that you can try to generate a few leads, in order to build your business. Despite what you may have been told, this is a numbers game, and you're playing the numbers. Sifting, and sorting through the debree, until you find the right players...And as long as you stay consistent and DON'T QUIT, you will find those people, because they are out there...

πŸ™I really apprecate my readers, and will continue creating new content, because I want everyone to be successful so they can FIRE their boss!

πŸ’˜http://www.craigslist.org  (Go to the RESUME section)

πŸ’œhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Come join us @ Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


{Pre-Written Email} - Nothing In The Subject Line!

Hello {firstname},

My name is {your name}, and I saw that you were looking to make some extra money on Craigslist. 

I have been earning a good side income for a while now, by promoting this passive income system using Craigslist, and I'm helping others do the same!

The pay is instant, and 100% commissions. We help people earning between $25-$100+ extra on the side daily.

This is not a typical 9-5, so if that's what you're looking for, then this probably isn't a good fit for you. 

For more info, go to:  https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - 1-2 hours per day over an extended period of time is all it takes...

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”  πŸ”₯⭐πŸ’₯

Rick Brier (List Infinity Sponsor)πŸ‘Š
18 years in the industry! ✨πŸ’«
A top earner with the Daily Income Network & DigiSoft Payline! πŸ‘ˆ


πŸ’―Going slow sucks...

Yes, I know going slow sucks however it’s just the reality of building a long-term sustainable online business.

You just have to remember to be patient with yourself and with your business.

No matter how quickly people say you can make money online, it’s still going to take time.

However, try to think of it this way...

The beauty of having an online business is that you already have the opportunity to grow so much faster than offline businesses before you even started.

I mean where else can you start a business and expect to make profits already in your very first year?

🎯Only online businesses can do this for you.

So keep learning and taking action and learning as you go. By doing this you’re giving yourself the best chance to make things happen as fast as possible. (Realistically think in terms of 2-5 years)


{Pre-written AD}

Simple programs are often the best..

It's true you know!

Often the simplest of programs make the most money.


Because anyone can work them no matter what age you are or background your come from.

So take a look at our Simple little program that puts cash in your pocket while building a list that you can mail any time you wish.

Join me below,You won't regret it...

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/15 πŸ‘ˆ(Join us for $22-$27) FREE for the first 7 days...

(Your contact info)


1885 Former President Ulysses S. Grant Dies

On July 23, 1885, Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th President of the United States and a commanding general during the Civil War, died of throat cancer at the age of 63. Continue Reading ...


“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” —Paulo Coelho

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