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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

*** Fitness/Health Tips/5 Day Diabetic Meal Plan/My Breakfast In A Blender Recipe *** {526}

πŸ˜€ I like to talk about various things on my posts, but ultimately they are geared around Network Marketing. Remember it takes a strong mind and body in order to be successful and I also make posts about fitness and nutrition. Hope you find value in my posts! God Bless!!!

πŸ‘Šhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323  (New Sign Up Link)



1) Wear lose fitting clothing while at gym!
2) Make sure to eat complex carbs approximately 45 minutes to an hour prior to workout! (example: oatmeal, banana) - {I eat 1 cup of oats with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter}
3) Make sure to consume protein/simple carbs within an hour after workout! (example: whey protein shake, sports drink/dextrose) dextrose is a simple sugary carb found in creatine, and is quickly digested to replenish fluids lost due to strenuous exercise.
4) Always remember to stretch the muscle/muscles that you will be training on the particular day, before, during, and after workout! *No bouncing, or jerking during stretch.
5) Always remember to keep hydrated! Drink between 3-6 cups of water every 15 minutes during exercise!
6) When performing any standing exercise, keep a slight bend in the knees to keep pressure off of the low back!
7) If training heavy, you should wear a lifting belt to help support the low back area!
8) Typically you should try to get between 5-15 minutes of light aerobic activity prior to workout!(example: treadmill)
*This will jump start your metabolism, and also loosen up tight muscles (this is not a must)
9) Work each body part 1-2 times per week!
*Vary your workout programs every 4-6 weeks to keep from plateauing.
10) Try to get between 30-45 minutes of cardio at least 3 times per week!
*Start out with low to moderate intensity and work up from there.
11) Never do high intensity programs for extended periods, vary your routines!
*High intensity programs will ultimately weaken your immune system.
12) Eat 5-7 small meals per day to keep blood sugar levels in check!

*For meal plans, you can go to a dietician, or find them on google.


{My Diabetic Breakfast In A Blender}

→ 6-8 oz of water  (substitute almond milk if you like)

→ 20-40 grams of protein powder

→ 4-5 strawberries (antioxidants)

→ half cup of blueberries (antioxidants)

→ half cup of blackberries (antioxidants)

→ half cup of raspberries (antioxidants)

→ 1 medium sized banana (22 grams of carbs)

→ 1/2 of an avocado (healthy fats)

→ handful of spinach leaves (excellent choice for diabetes)

→ 1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter of your choosing (healthy fats)

→ 1-2 tablespoons of organic Greek yogurt

→ 1-2 tablespoons of cinnamon (excellent for diabetes)

→ 3 shots of lemon juice

→ 3 shots of lime juice

→ 1 tablespoon of honey (your choice)

πŸ’₯What are antioxidants?  Antioxidants are substances that may protect your cells against free radicals, which may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Free radicals​

πŸ‘‰You are getting a nice blend of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats with this meal. Aside from the protein powder you will spend around $15, and this will make several shakes. You can even purchase protein powder for around $20 and that will give you usually around 15-20 servings per container. If you're strapped for cash and trying to get more servings per container, only use about half a scoop of powder with each meals, and/or try this every other day. 

*This is my breakfast everyday, and when I check my blood sugar approximately 3 hours later my numbers are very good. Keep in mind that as of now I take insulin, and Metformin. I hope you take your diabetes seriously if you have it, because I know what it does to people, and it's not pretty!

(5 Day Diabetic Meal Plan)

 ==> https://www.eatingwell.com/article/290785/5-day-diabetes-meal-plan-for-summer/?did=646450-20210622&utm_campaign=etg-living-well-with-diabetes_newsletter&utm_source=eatingwell.com&utm_medium=email&utm_content=062221&cid=646450&mid=60457273857


{E-mail for your tour takers}

Are you ready to fire your boss?

Are you ready to take back control of your finances, your time, and your life?

Just imagine being able to get up in the morning actually looking forward to your day...

Even if it's Monday!

You get up when you feel like it... Have a leisurely breakfast...take a walk, play with your kids, read for a while...

Or maybe take a little trip out of town for a few days, to one of your favorite relaxation spots...

It's all up to you...when you are your own boss!

Life is too short to spend sitting confined in a gray cubicle, watching time slip by while resisting the urge to strangle your idiot boss...

And don't forget those daily hours wasted in that soul-sucking, polluted commute both ways...

It's just amazing that with all the modern technology we have, most people are still living in such a primitive fashion...

You can live your life on your own terms...

And make good money while doing so...

Thousands of lucky people are already doing it, with [DSP]...

It ain't rocket science...but if you're not used to doing it this way, you might need a little help in the beginning...

And that's what [DSP] is here for:

Give it a try, {!firstname}...you don't need any experience, and it's quite simple...

Once you have the keys in your hand...

Try it out for A few months...if you're not completely satisfied, then we can part ways with no hard feelings...

No questions asked!

So take your first steps to financial independence...you can get started in minutes, even if it's 3AM...

Just go to the link and you're on your way: (complete breakdown)

To your success!

[Rick Brier]


“Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible.” – Frank L. Gaines

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

*** How To Utilize TikTok For Your Small MLM Business (12 Minute Video) *** {525}


πŸ‘What is Tik Tok? TikTok is a social media platform for creating, sharing and discovering short videos. The app is used by young people as an outlet to express themselves through singing, dancing, comedy, and lip-syncing, and allows users to create videos and share them across a community.

😍https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/1 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - You are paid 100% commission on every sale...

πŸ’₯Checkout the 12 minute video from Elise Darma on how to utilize TikTok for your small MLM business

http://www.tiktok.com/rbrier2323. (My Personal Site)

πŸ˜€https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/report/ (Download Free Report)

πŸ‘‰https://freeadvertising247.com  (Submit 1 FREE AD)


{E-mail for your tour takers}

Please Read and Reply!

If you are truly happy with your financial situation and you have no desire to improve it, stop reading this email now because there is nothing I can do for you!

BUT! If you are like me and you are truly serious about creating a better life for yourself and for your family, please keep reading because this email is for you!

September 1st. and M0NEY Making Season is just a few months away, and I could not be any more excited!

I have set a goal of signing up 20 NEW Payliners between now and the end of September, and would really love for you to be one of those Payliners!

Like I said, ``I am serious about creating a better life for myself and for my family! ``If you are serious about doing the same, let me know when you will be ready to get started! The sooner the better!

If you are one of those 20 NEW Payliners, I will send you a list of my Best Advertising Resources to help you!

Let`s do this together!

πŸ‘Œhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) -This is simple copy and paste advertising...

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:

πŸ‘‰http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

Your Login User ID:

*Rick Brier


Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind. Jackie Joyner-Kersee

Monday, June 14, 2021

*** More MLM Recruiting Tips (Stay In Touch) *** {524}

πŸ’˜I've been a network marketer for many years now and most of my posts are from personal experiences, and what I've done to be successful. 

Today I would like to give you just a few more tips pertaining to the recruiting process.

If you've been involved in MLM for any length of time, then you already know that approximately 85-90% of your reps will quit at some point, and that's not your fault. 

I, like so many other marketers have the mindset that a potential prospect, is a prospect for life, or at least until they buy, or die! 

I've been fortunate enough to have been able to sponsor at least a hundred or so reps over the years, and many have quit and moved on, either to another company, or quit all together, and no matter what you do, this is going to happen...Period!

When this happens, I don't try to beg and plead for my reps to opt back in. What I like to do, is continue to send them helpful tips, tutorials, and videos, and never, and I mean NEVER ask them to opt back in. 

By doing this, you will get some former reps politely ask you to quit sending info because they have moved on from MLM. You will also have many that you will never hear from again, and last but not least, you will have a select few that see's the value of your content and will actually opt back in. (Staying in touch is key!)

You can write down everyone you've sponsored, or create a database. Either way, keep all contact info, and contact them from time to time. Just don't over do it and make a nuisance of yourself or may make someone mad, or they may tell you about it.

Never try to trick them, or lie to them, just be as honest as possible. It will get you farther in the long run.

It really doesn't matter how you contact them, with the exception of using the phone. You can use text, e-mail, social media, even direct mail, but again, NEVER ask them to rejoin you. 

Ask them how they are doing, and let them know nicely, that the door is always open if they ever want to opt back in.

It's ok to ask why they left the business, and see how you can possibly earn their trust back.

Who knows, you may actually have a select few that opts back in. Remember, you no longer need thousands, or even hundreds of reps in your business in order to build it big. It literally only takes just a few leaders (Go-Getters), in order to build a significant business! It's just a matter of finding those people.

In closing, while you are trying to recruit new reps into your business, always, always, always, stay in touch with former reps, otherwise you are missing the boat!!!

*I really appreciate everyone who reads my posts. God Bless, and stay safe! Also if you ever have any Covid questions, please don't hesitate to contact me, because Covid and I have had a personal relationship for a few months now. I've been in the hospital 8 times to this point because of it, and almost died!

😎https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - @ List Infinity you have 18 High-Converting Lead Capture Pages at your disposal to use for your advertising efforts...

πŸ˜€https://www.instagram.com/rbrier2323/channel/ (My workout videos)

πŸ‘‰http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323    (GONE)


{E-mail for your tour takers}

Are you going broke online? 

Are You Going BROKE Online? I Can Help!

Are you GOING BROKE on the Internet, by joining program after program, spending and spending, and still NOT MAKING A DIME?

Well, you are certainly not alone! In fact, I hear the horror stories all the time from people who call me looking for some guidance.

Here's what I tell them:

STOP joining all the CRAP!

Here's what I call CRAP:

-Programs that Promise Spillover

-Money Games that Don't Last
-Cyclers and Cycler Feeders
-MLM Pre Launches
-Programs that Pay Peanuts

In fact, most of the stuff you see being promoted on the net is Hype, Lies and Empty Promises and you will find out the hard way if you don't listen to me.

Not only that, but many of the programs online right now will be gone in a few months, and they'll be replaced by more of the same...CRAP.

I know. I've been making a living online for 15+ years, and I've seen it all.

Well, I don't listen to the hype anymore, and I don't look at the convoluted comp plans that are just confusing and don't work anyway.

I'm too busy MAKING M0NEY and I will show you HOW!

Your Mentor To Success!

😎https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/16 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - Each package has a plethora of Video Marketing Tutorials for you to use...

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:

πŸ‘‰http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

Your Login User ID: 

Rick Brier


“You dream. You plan. You reach. There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, with belief, with confidence and trust in yourself and those around you, there are no limits.”Michael Phelps

Sunday, June 6, 2021

*** (3) Quick & Easy Low Carb Diabetic Friendly Smoothie Recipes (Blender) *** {523}

πŸ˜€Today Is all about Nutrition, and below are some low carb smoothie recipes specifically for diabetics such as myself. This is the perfect combination for keeping blood sugar stable, and still tastes delicious. (Strawberry, Pumpkin Apple, & Tropical Mellon Smoothie recipes below)

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - I post ADS on your behalf, and send you copies of what I post...


{Recipe #1}- Strawberry Smoothie

*Blend Time/Prep: 5 minutes

*Servings: 1

*Calories: 167 per serving


*5 medium strawberries 

*1 cup unsweetened soy milk (Or unsweetened almond milk)

*1/2 cup of low fat Greek Yogurt

*6 ice cubes


{Nutrition Facts}

Calories 167                                         Calories from Fat 54   


                                                                 % Daily Value

Fat 6g                                                                 9%

   Saturated Fat 1g                                              6%

   Polyunsaturated Fat                                        0.1g  

   Monounsaturated Fat                                      0.03g

Cholesterol 8mg                                                 3%

Sodium 161mg                                                   7%

Potassium 520mg                                               15%

Carbohydrates 11g                                             4%

   Fiber 2g                                                           8% 

   Sugar 6g                                                          7%

Protein 16g                                                         32% 


Vitamin A 1050IU                                              21%

Vitamin C 49.5mg                                              60%

Calcium    400mg                                               40%

Iron           1.4mg                                                8%

*Daily 2000 Calorie Diet


{Recipe #2}- Pumpkin Apple Smoothie

*Blend Time/Prep 10 Minutes

*Servings 4


*1 1/2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk

*1 1/3 cups chopped apples (2 medium)

*1/2 can pumpkin (15 ounces)

*3/4 cup plain nonfat Greek Yogurt

*1/2 cup ice

*2 tablespoons maple syrup

*1/4 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice

*1/8 teaspoon salt

*1/4 cup high-protein honey-almond-flavor granola, (Bear Naked Brand)



(Step 1)

In a blender, combine almond milk, apples, pumpkin, yogurt, maple syrup, pumpkin pie spice and salt. Cover and blend until smooth. Top each serving with 1 tablespoon of granola.


{Nutrition Facts}

Serving Size: 1 cup per serving: 151 calories; 8.1g protein; 24.9g carbohydrates; 3.9g fiber; 17g sugar; 3.3g fat; 0.2g saturated fat; vitamin a iu 8493. IIU; vitamin c 5mg; folate 8.2mcg; calcium 200.8mg; iron 1.6mg; magnesium 23.5mg; potassium 267.3mg; sodium 173.4mg. Exchanges: 1 vegetable, 1/2 Fruit, 1 Starch, 1/2 Fat


{Recipe #3} - Tropical Melon Smoothie

*Blend Time 5 minutes

*Servings 1


*3/4 cup reduced-fat milk

*1/2 cup chopped cantaloupe

*1/2 cup chopped papaya

*1/2 cup frozen mango chunks

*4-6 ice cubes

*Lime zest for garnish



(Step 1)

Combine milk, cantaloupe, papaya, mango and ice cubes in a blender. Puree until smooth. Garnish with Lime zest, if desired.


{Nutrition Facts}

*Serving Size: 2 cups

*Per Serving: 207 calories; protein 7.7g; carbohydrates 38.4g; dietary fiber 3.8g; sugars 33.7g; fat 3.9g; saturated fat 2.3g; cholesterol 14.6mg; vitamin a iu 4339. 4IU; vitamin c 93.4mg; folate 50.1mcg; calcium 242.4mg; iron 0.4mg; magnesium 44.3mg; potassium 589.3mg; sodium 106.6mg; thiamin 0.1mg; Exchanges: 2 Fruit, 1/2 Reduced-Fat Dairy


πŸ‘‰If you're a diabetic whether you're type 1 or 2, you really should be counting your carbs. It can save your life. You should shoot to keep your carbs under 150 grams per day! If you're on medication and your sugar is still high, lower your carb intake, and see your local Physician, or see about getting an endocrinologist. We all only have 1 life, and letting diabetes go for very long untreated will cause many serious problems, and will ultimately kill you!!! I will be posting more Diabetic friendly crockpot/smoothie recipes on later blog posts so I hope you will subscribe below!

πŸ’₯https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2020/04/digisoft-payline-q-376.html πŸ‘ˆ (IGNORE)


(Pre-written AD}:

Being wealthy is just A mindset...

"If all it takes to be wealthy is money.... Why is it that lottery winners will almost always end up right back in the same financial state they were in before they won the lottery?”

The reason is because being wealthy is a mindset.

Now don’t get me wrong here, I totally believe that money is a critical part of wealth. And anyone who tells you that it isn't plain and simply doesn't have any – period!

Important as it is, though, it's only a part of wealth, and deep down inside, you know (or at least suspect) this is true.

Most of the time the excuse we use for not having money is “I’m Not That Interested in Money”

What this really means is you’re not interested in making the life-transforming changes necessary to pull up your stubborn roots – to move beyond job security and toward financial freedom.

It is going to take some changes in your life and I am hoping at this point I have convinced you that you are ready to make those changes needed.

Most of the Truly Successful People Are

- Not any smarter than you

- They're not any more gifted than you

- They're not any luckier than you

- And they don't work any harder than you

The reason they have what they have is because they have a different mindset.

If you are thinking you want to start down the same path to your own financial freedom, there is something that needs to happen first.

You must first understand how the rich think about money and how it differs from the poor and middle-class way of thinking.

Regardless of how much money you make, you will end up right back where you started if you don’t change your thoughts about money.

Make an active commitment to mentally remind yourself that it is simply a TOOL to build the life you want.

😁https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/18 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - I give you everything you need to succeed. Failure is not an option unless you QUIT...!


  • "Either find a way to succeed or make one." – Suzie Hoyt, Double-Goal Coach® Award Winner, 2017

Instructions Chec

Friday, June 4, 2021

*** DigiSoft Payline In A Nut Shell/And How I Can Help You Succeed! (6 Minute Video Below) *** {522}

 πŸ˜€We are currently down due to some system upgrades, but I will contact you again when we are up and running. If you like what you see here, please feel free to pass this along to anyone who you think might be interested in earning an income from home. They are welcome to contact me anytime with questions!  Please  make sure to watch the 6 minute video below 

https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/15 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - I give you everything you need in order to succeed...

{Founder/CEO of DigiSoft Payline} 

Ron Walsh of NewFoundland Canada created DigiSoft on Oct. 15th 2014, and has 25+ years in the industry. 

{What is DigiSoft Payline:}

This is a member to member personal payment program, meaning that when you purchase one or both packages you automatically make direct payments to your package sponsor. This is called the reverse 1 & 2 up infinity pay plan. Because of the way the payplan is structured, this is NOT MLM! NO SELLING, TELLING, OR EXPLAINING INVOLVED!


DigiSoft Payline has 296 Downloadable Software Products, and most of them will help you build your DigiSoft, or any other small business. As a paid member you have complete access to the entire Digital library and do as you wish. 

{Examples}: -Social Media marketing, Dog Grooming Tips, Fixing Bad Credit, Financing a vehicle, etc...


Package #1 - 1 time fee of $15 which gives you 76 Downloadable Products (Pay Your Sponsor Directly)

Package #2 - 1 time fee of $35 which gives you 160 Downloadable Products (Pay Your Sponsor Directly)

***You also have access to 60 more Downloadable Products as a paid member (Total 296 Products)

***If you choose to purchase Both packages, you will make a 1 time payment to your package sponsor of $50.

***The only other fee you will occur is a $7 monthly ADMIN FEE paid directly to CEO/ADMIN Ron Walsh. TOTAL = $57

πŸ‘‰{Because I want everyone to be successful, I'm giving a 27% discount which gives you package #1 for FREE, and saves you $15. Your total then would be a 1 time fee of $42!!!} - Lifetime Membership!!!


This is really cool. as a paid member you have access to the Inteliprotrac software, and what that does is allows you to send mailings to your entire database with 1 click of a button. Let's say you have 1,000 tour takers, which are people that have clicked on your affiliate link, and filled out the short create account form in order to access the 6 minute how it works movie. Once logged into your account, you can go to your back office training  area and either type, or copy and paste your message, and click submit, and whatever you send will go out to the entire database (Tour Takers). I use mine several times per day, and so can you once you start to get Tour Takers. You have around 40 Pre written "ADS" at your disposal to use for your advertising efforts. (I also have around 1,000 more at your disposal. simple copy and paste advertising)

{Payment Options}:

When making your payments, you first have to make your $7 ADMIN Fee Payment paid directly to Ron Walsh, and you can make that via western union, or send cash in the mail. That's how I make my payment, but the choice is yours. You can also pay via any major credit/debit card. Once completed you then make your package fee directly to your sponsor, and  that can be paid via Paypal, Western Union, Money Gram, or any major credit/debit card. 

We like the setup because ADMIN touches none of our money. We are paid  member to member, and you get paid daily on any and all sales created by you or your downline, and you only have to wait for usually only a few minutes to receive your payments.

{Training?} - What I do for you!

You do have a back office training area where there are some training tips and tutorials but not a lot. That's where I come in. Once you're a member, I start posting random "ADS" on your behalf with your affiliate link, and then send you a copy of everything I post. You never have to pay for advertising because I do that for you. I have several safelists that I'm grandfathered into and never have to pay again, and one of my best resources is herculist.com. There are over 400,000+ opportunity seekers and growing by the day. I'm also grandfathered in and never have to pay again. I make a post for all new members to the entire database, and can post 1 "AD" every 24 hours. Again, you will receive a copy of everything I post for you. The next thing I do for my team is send a daily E-mail with tips and tutorials, so i suggest creating a folder on your PC because you will receive a lot from me, including a list of all of my FREE advertising resources to around 2,000 classified sites. And lastly you will receive an E-mail a day for 20 days after a few weeks with the links to every one of my blog posts. I've simplified it so all you do is click the link and go directly to my post. there are 25 per page, and I have 500+ blog posts and growing! 

πŸ‘‰My Special Strategy:

My favorite method of prospecting is through Facebook Messenger, and I use it daily. I won't give away my secret right here, but I will tell you as one of my teammates, when I prospect others, I send them "YOUR" affiliate link instead of mine, and what this means is that I contact opportunity seekers, and when they want more info about DigiSoft Payline, I send it, along with "YOUR" affiliate link, so when they create a FREE Tour Takers account, "YOU" will be their sponsor, and will be the one who either gets paid, or gets 1 of "YOUR" qualifying sales out of the way. It's a win/win for both of us regardless! If you get with us, I will do the same for you, and even teach you my secret strategy!

{What is your Job as a payliner?}

Everyone that joins us, has only 2 jobs, and those are, to acclimate yourself to your business/back office area, and post as many "ADS" as possible. When starting out, try to post at least 10 "ADS". One of the Early E-mails you will receive is called a Digi Do List, which tells you what you should be doing on a daily basis. 

In a nutshell: The system is automated which means that it tracks everything for you, including your income, so you never have to. You start advertising, and when someone clicks on your affiliate link, they will fill out the short form, and you will receive 2 automated E-mails from the system. 1 will be info about your tour taker. (name, phone#, email address), and the other one will have 4 tried and proven messages. All you need to do is pick one, and send it via E-mail to your tour taker. (copy/paste). This will try to entice your tour taker to upgrade  to a payliner. The average rule of thumb is that on average it takes 7-20 contacts before someone makes a decision either way. Again this is just an average. Ron has thought of everything, and simplified this to the point an 8 year old child could do this! 


This is the beauty of this business. If you were only paid by the people that you bring into the business, No one would be able to make it, but here's where it gets good so bear with me. Everyone who joins, has to pass up (3) sales to their package sponsor before they make any money, and the reason for this is because as a I stated...Leverage! Everyone that you bring in passes up their (3) qualifying sales. {1 for package 1, and 2 for package 2=3}. This is the only way to make the big money. The way the compensation plan was created is that let's say you bring 1 person a week into your business, for a year, and everyone else under you does the same thing, your potential earning is over 230k within the next year! You don't need to sponsor hundreds of people to make big money, and that's exactly what you want.


This is very simple. You advertise your affiliate link, and the system tracks everything for you. When your tour takers come to your site and fill out the short form, they are instructed to watch the 6 minute how it works movie where CEO/ADMIN Ron Walsh actually shows you the compensation plan and how you are paid, and also from your pass up sales. You're not selling anything. Just get them to the movie, and let it do the selling for you. (Can you invite others to the 6 minute how it works movie?)

1) Learn your back office/business

2) Advertise daily/Get others to the 6 minute how it works movie

3) Get paid


There is nothing to download. Everything is done for you and ready to go once paid. All you will need to do if you haven't already, is to create a www.paypal.com account which only takes a few minutes, and I have a tutorial if needed. There are a couple things you will need to do for your setup, but I show you what to do, and it only takes a few minutes of your time.

πŸ’₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/15 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - You can have everything in life, if you just help enough others get what they want...


Please read this. Results will vary, and I promise nothing except to do everything in my power to help you succeed, but you must put in the work, and give it time. You can make money everyday with this, but realistically it takes years of hard work to achieve the success that you're looking for. I always suggest giving it at least 2 years to see where you are at that time. Between Ron and myself, you have 24/7 support. You can send him a support ticket from your back office area under contact us, or you can contact me, and we will get back to you in a timely manner. Give yourself a chance at success, and get started today!

{Checkout the links}

=> http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (My Sign Up Link) - Disabled right now until we are back up and running

=> http://www.facebook.com/rbrier2323 (My Personal Page) 

=> https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2018/06/digisoft-paylines-how-it-works-video.html  (6 minute how it works movie) (GONE)

=> http://www.rbrier2323.blogspot.com (My Training Blog)

=> https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2020/06/digisoft-payline-paid-members-only.html (Sneak Peek @ your back the back office)


πŸ‘‰{Boost Your Immune System}

Take 5 OZ. of warm, not hot water, and mix 2 Tablespoons of Cinnamon, 2 Tablespoons of Honey, and 2 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice. Drink 3 times per week for best results. (You can squeeze a Lemon instead of using Lemon Juice if you like)


"I've learned two things. Never, ever believe in 'can't'. And be good to people and people will be good to you." - Dick Vitale