πI've been a network marketer for many years now and most of my posts are from personal experiences, and what I've done to be successful.
Today I would like to give you just a few more tips pertaining to the recruiting process.
If you've been involved in MLM for any length of time, then you already know that approximately 85-90% of your reps will quit at some point, and that's not your fault.
I, like so many other marketers have the mindset that a potential prospect, is a prospect for life, or at least until they buy, or die!
I've been fortunate enough to have been able to sponsor at least a hundred or so reps over the years, and many have quit and moved on, either to another company, or quit all together, and no matter what you do, this is going to happen...Period!
When this happens, I don't try to beg and plead for my reps to opt back in. What I like to do, is continue to send them helpful tips, tutorials, and videos, and never, and I mean NEVER ask them to opt back in.
By doing this, you will get some former reps politely ask you to quit sending info because they have moved on from MLM. You will also have many that you will never hear from again, and last but not least, you will have a select few that see's the value of your content and will actually opt back in. (Staying in touch is key!)
You can write down everyone you've sponsored, or create a database. Either way, keep all contact info, and contact them from time to time. Just don't over do it and make a nuisance of yourself or may make someone mad, or they may tell you about it.
Never try to trick them, or lie to them, just be as honest as possible. It will get you farther in the long run.
It really doesn't matter how you contact them, with the exception of using the phone. You can use text, e-mail, social media, even direct mail, but again, NEVER ask them to rejoin you.
Ask them how they are doing, and let them know nicely, that the door is always open if they ever want to opt back in.
It's ok to ask why they left the business, and see how you can possibly earn their trust back.
Who knows, you may actually have a select few that opts back in. Remember, you no longer need thousands, or even hundreds of reps in your business in order to build it big. It literally only takes just a few leaders (Go-Getters), in order to build a significant business! It's just a matter of finding those people.
In closing, while you are trying to recruit new reps into your business, always, always, always, stay in touch with former reps, otherwise you are missing the boat!!!
*I really appreciate everyone who reads my posts. God Bless, and stay safe! Also if you ever have any Covid questions, please don't hesitate to contact me, because Covid and I have had a personal relationship for a few months now. I've been in the hospital 8 times to this point because of it, and almost died!
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Are you going broke online?
Are You Going BROKE Online? I Can Help!
Are you GOING BROKE on the Internet, by joining program after program, spending and spending, and still NOT MAKING A DIME?
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Rick Brier
“You dream. You plan. You reach. There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, with belief, with confidence and trust in yourself and those around you, there are no limits.”- Michael Phelps
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