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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

*** Fitness/Health Tips/5 Day Diabetic Meal Plan/My Breakfast In A Blender Recipe *** {526}

πŸ˜€ I like to talk about various things on my posts, but ultimately they are geared around Network Marketing. Remember it takes a strong mind and body in order to be successful and I also make posts about fitness and nutrition. Hope you find value in my posts! God Bless!!!

πŸ‘Šhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323  (New Sign Up Link)



1) Wear lose fitting clothing while at gym!
2) Make sure to eat complex carbs approximately 45 minutes to an hour prior to workout! (example: oatmeal, banana) - {I eat 1 cup of oats with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter}
3) Make sure to consume protein/simple carbs within an hour after workout! (example: whey protein shake, sports drink/dextrose) dextrose is a simple sugary carb found in creatine, and is quickly digested to replenish fluids lost due to strenuous exercise.
4) Always remember to stretch the muscle/muscles that you will be training on the particular day, before, during, and after workout! *No bouncing, or jerking during stretch.
5) Always remember to keep hydrated! Drink between 3-6 cups of water every 15 minutes during exercise!
6) When performing any standing exercise, keep a slight bend in the knees to keep pressure off of the low back!
7) If training heavy, you should wear a lifting belt to help support the low back area!
8) Typically you should try to get between 5-15 minutes of light aerobic activity prior to workout!(example: treadmill)
*This will jump start your metabolism, and also loosen up tight muscles (this is not a must)
9) Work each body part 1-2 times per week!
*Vary your workout programs every 4-6 weeks to keep from plateauing.
10) Try to get between 30-45 minutes of cardio at least 3 times per week!
*Start out with low to moderate intensity and work up from there.
11) Never do high intensity programs for extended periods, vary your routines!
*High intensity programs will ultimately weaken your immune system.
12) Eat 5-7 small meals per day to keep blood sugar levels in check!

*For meal plans, you can go to a dietician, or find them on google.


{My Diabetic Breakfast In A Blender}

→ 6-8 oz of water  (substitute almond milk if you like)

→ 20-40 grams of protein powder

→ 4-5 strawberries (antioxidants)

→ half cup of blueberries (antioxidants)

→ half cup of blackberries (antioxidants)

→ half cup of raspberries (antioxidants)

→ 1 medium sized banana (22 grams of carbs)

→ 1/2 of an avocado (healthy fats)

→ handful of spinach leaves (excellent choice for diabetes)

→ 1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter of your choosing (healthy fats)

→ 1-2 tablespoons of organic Greek yogurt

→ 1-2 tablespoons of cinnamon (excellent for diabetes)

→ 3 shots of lemon juice

→ 3 shots of lime juice

→ 1 tablespoon of honey (your choice)

πŸ’₯What are antioxidants?  Antioxidants are substances that may protect your cells against free radicals, which may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Free radicals​

πŸ‘‰You are getting a nice blend of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats with this meal. Aside from the protein powder you will spend around $15, and this will make several shakes. You can even purchase protein powder for around $20 and that will give you usually around 15-20 servings per container. If you're strapped for cash and trying to get more servings per container, only use about half a scoop of powder with each meals, and/or try this every other day. 

*This is my breakfast everyday, and when I check my blood sugar approximately 3 hours later my numbers are very good. Keep in mind that as of now I take insulin, and Metformin. I hope you take your diabetes seriously if you have it, because I know what it does to people, and it's not pretty!

(5 Day Diabetic Meal Plan)

 ==> https://www.eatingwell.com/article/290785/5-day-diabetes-meal-plan-for-summer/?did=646450-20210622&utm_campaign=etg-living-well-with-diabetes_newsletter&utm_source=eatingwell.com&utm_medium=email&utm_content=062221&cid=646450&mid=60457273857


{E-mail for your tour takers}

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It's all up to you...when you are your own boss!

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To your success!

[Rick Brier]


“Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible.” – Frank L. Gaines

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