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Saturday, February 29, 2020

*** A Business Goal And What It Should Look Like *** {361}

💙Your business goal comes from your mission statement. Your mission statement is nothing more than what you plan to accomplish. Your goals are how you plan to accomplish them.

Your business goals need to be challenging. You need to set goals that will require some effort to reach. Don’t make them so challenging that they are not obtainable, because that will lead to failure. You need to challenge everyone that is involved and responsible for its achievement.

Your business goal needs to say what is going to be done. It needs to be Task-oriented. A business goal must state what is to be accomplished as clearly as possible. Effective goals use action-oriented words like how.

- How you will implement this plan

- How will you establish our advertising is working,

- How will you make sure that the product is the right product for our market, etc.

Your business goals need to be short term. Today business moves so much faster with the use of the internet. Things are changing at “Internet Speed” So now we need to have goals that have shorter time frames. Most of them should be a year or less now.

Never just make up one set of goals and then forget about them. You need to be constantly re-evaluating our goals. Take a look at what goals you have accomplished and then set new goals for you to strive to meet.

Your goal needs to be very specific. You must state exactly what is required from each one that is involved. If the goal you set will lead you to a 6 figure business in one year then you need to clearly say that if we follow this goal we will be a six figure business in one year.

If we clearly define our goals it will be much easier for everyone or even just yourself if you are the only one involved, to understand, and achieve. You will also be able to measure the amount of success you had. It will help you to always see if you are still on track with where you are heading.

{Examples Of Goals To Set}

- Create an online Internet Marketing Business that will deliver high-quality products to my customers. Find the products that my customers want to buy.

- Create a website for my product that my customers can easily find. Make it a pleasurable experience once they land on my site.

- Create a good relationship with my list of subscribers that have chosen to opt-in, so they become responsive buying customers.

- Put in place a management structure and work with Joint Venture Partners to accomplish my goals more efficiently and profitably.

What is missing? Now that you know what a business goal is, you need to write out your business goal, or type it and print it out and stick in on your wall above your computer.

This will help keep you on track EVERY day!

😍https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/11  (New Sign Up Link)




“Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.” – George Sheehan

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Monday, February 24, 2020

*** It's All About the Numbers *** {360}

💚Any MLM business you're involved with is a numbers game. If you are told otherwise, that's just not true. This is a game of skill and strategy, but you will need to sift and sort through a large number of people to recruit a lot of distributors, in order to find your few key players. If you're able to find about half a dozen like minded individuals, they can literally build your business for you.

Most top earners have personally sponsored approximately 100 to 500 people, been with their current company 5 or more years, and make anywhere from 80 to 85 percent of their income from FIVE or fewer people.  Let that sink in!

To play it safe, let’s assume you need FIVE key people to build a large MLM Team. Here are some conservative numbers to show you how to do that.  Please note that most Marketers use the 20/80 Rule, to be as realistic as possible.  

  • To find 5 key people you need 25 distributors who actually do something
  • To recruit 25 people who do actually something you need to sponsor 125 distributors
  • To recruit 125 distributors you need to show 625 presentations
  • To show 625 presentations you need to approach 3,125 prospects
  • By Using this strategy, you would need to approach 3,125 people about your business opportunity. That sounds like a lot of people, but if you contacted just five people a day, every day, you could get that done in 625 days, which is less than 22 months. If you contacted 10 people a day, you could get that done in about 10-12 months. If you contacted 20 people a day, you could do that in about six months. Personally I use Facebook Messenger for my prospecting, and have implemented my own strategy on how to do so. Try to fix in your mind, how many people you want to prospect daily, and make sure you're consistent. (I have scripts that I use, and am able to contact at least 20 per day.)
That is the power of numbers working for you. The real key to success in this business is making exposures to new prospects every single day. This is a business of exposures. 

I suggest you pick a number that is doable, somewhere between three and twenty people, and make a vow to never go to bed at night until you have exposed that many people to your business that day. You will hear more "NO's" Than "Yes'" and that is completely normal. Just because your prospect told you "NO" today, that doesn't mean they will tell you "NO" tomorrow. Some of your best Team members will be the one's that told you "NO" originally.

If you had the discipline to do that, you could literally build a great business in less than two years, all while working your business part-time. An hour or so a day.  Now you know.  Eliminate the excuses and expose new people to your business opportunity daily.  Do that consistently and you will make it to the top of your compensation plan.  Don’t do it and you will struggle. 

How do you find these people and contact them?  There is no right or wrong answer. There are many ways to build a business, and I suggest you Pick 2-3 strategies that leverages your talents and abilities and focus on those. (If you need some ideas, please contact me, and I will take you too another one of my blog posts that will give plenty of ideas.)

For the lawyers reading this, I must legally say that individual results will always vary. I cannot guarantee you these exact same results. You might have to talk to more people to get these results, or you might have to talk to less people to get these results.  Each person's abilities are unique.

                                       Let's schedule a time to talk -  http://www.facebook.com/rbrier2323


“Follow effective actions with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.” – Peter Drucker

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 - Create account/Watch Video. Takes less than 10 minutes of your time, Then let's talk!  (812.264.3754)

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Thursday, February 20, 2020

*** Weekly Planner Guide, Use To Help You Get Organized With Life *** {359}

👌Weekly Planner

 Project: ____________________ Total Hours Planned: _____________

5:00 AM

6:00 AM

7:00 AM

8:00 AM

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

12:00 PM

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

5:00 PM

6:00 PM

7:00 PM

8:00 PM

9:00 PM

10:00 PM

11:00 PM

12:00 AM

1:00 AM

2:00 AM

3:00 AM

4:00 AM

Being a successful online Marketer means setting up a routine and knowing when and where you plan to work.  Developing routines is a key to your success!  Use this as your weekly schedule to map out when and where you will be and what you are doing.  By using a planner, it will keep you focused on all aspects of life. Statistics show that people that have a plan and set goals, are much more likely to be successful.

💚https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/7 (New Sign Up Link)

{Admin Update}

What is your why?

Hi Rick,

What Is Your Why?

Why do you want to earn some extra c-a-s-h online?

Everyone has their own reason, their own WHY!

I would encourage you to share your ``WHY`` today with your 
Tour Takers, and also with the MOST IMPORTANT People in your business, your Unqualified Payliners!

And be sure to ask them why they want to make some extra c-a-s-h online! Who knows, you might share the same ``WHY``!

Post 10+ Ads A Day!

Are you posting 10 or more ads a day?

This is even more important for those of you who have not Qualified yet!

M0NEY is a great motivator, and once you are Qualified at BOTH Package Levels, it is such a nice feeling to start receiving those instant $50 commissions!

I want to see all of you making M0NEY, a LOT of M0NEY! After all this is why you are here, right!

But you have to realize, it is a numbers game so to speak. The more ads you have out there, the more success you will have. It is that simple!

If you want to out earn your sponsor, then all you have to do is out post your sponsor!

Let`s Go Make Some M0NEY Today!

DigiSoft User ID: 


TeamWork Works!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline


“Action is the foundational key to all success.” – Pablo Picasso