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Saturday, October 25, 2014

*** Give Until it Hurts *** {22}

πŸ˜ƒIf you want to keep getting Email Addresses, start giving stuff away... Since you can't send a toaster through the Mail, give them something far more valuable-- and far more affordable to you- Information/Service or expert advice...

It has been said that you can get rich with an E-mail list of just 1,000 people!... So get going on new ways to capture and keep E-mail addresses, and always make sure that they know your sign-up link! 

***Drip, Drip, Drip... You'll want to have a series of newsletters already set-up so they can be "Dripped" on your prospects on a regular basis... send a message daily, every other day, or on whatever schedule suits you best. BUT MAKE CONTACT AT LEAST EVERY 7 DAYS!... 

***Contact the right person... A message left on voice mail is almost always a waste of time, and therefore a waste of money... Harnessing the power of E-mail marketing given the internet problems with traditional marketing techniques... It's important to master the basic strategies for integrating E-mails into your overall campaign... As I've just shown you , sending out an E-mail can be much cheaper than other marketing methods... proceed with caution, however, E-mail can also cost you a fortune-- in lost opportunities, and cold hard cash--

If you don't know the basics... First always keep in mind that your "primary objective" the mastery that unlocks your "success vault". In internet marketing is to build your mailing list- your E-mail mailing list...

(of 10 referred to as your "in-house list")... The addresses you collect are going to mean the difference between the middle-of-the-road results that average Joe and Jane are achieving, and the through-the-roof-,over-the-top, to-the-moon- and back mega-success that top online sellers achieve... (The difference really is that dramatic) So don't miss the boat: the time is now to start building your list of E-mail addresses (prospects)! 

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite ($7/$25/$100/$300) Packages

{Pre-written AD}

Don't wait another minute...

List Infinity Is Like No Other You have Seen!

Don't make a mistake and think this is like all the other programs, you have seen in the past. (It's Not)

Imagine a real system generating Real Income to every single member no matter what!

Take the FREE TOUR today πŸ‘‡ FREE for 7 days...

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FREE "Starter Course" Training Provided!


{Admin Update}:

Welcome to all NEW Payliners

Dec 18, 2017

Google Translator: https://google.com/search?q=translator

Hi Rick,

Welcome To DigiSoft!

I would like to welcome all the NEW Payliners who joined over this past week, and there were a lot of you! It is so great to have you all onboard as we get ready for 2018!

It is time now to roll up your sleeves and start posting your 10+ ads every day! Posting a minimum 10 ads a day does not make that much time, but if you plan on making 2018 your best year ever online, then you should not be stopping after you have posted 10 ads!

No doubt you have seen The 230K Game Plan in your Member Center. the income potential here is HUGE! Unlimited in fact!

How many ads are you willing to post to make 230K in 2018?

Now that is something to shoot for; ``230K in 2018``!

September to the December Holidays is a great time to make mon-ey online, BUT January to June is an even GREATER time to be making mon-ey online because people spend more time online during the winter months, and until the kids are out of school in June!

Tour Takers It Is Time To Get Started!

We are less than 2 weeks away from 2018! It is time to get your ducks in a row! Upgrading to a Payliner now will give you some time to get yourself familiarized with our Payliners Room, and even get some ads posted before the New Year!

If you upgrade to a Payliner now, you will have lots of time you get yourself Qualified at BOTH package Levels before the New Year!

If you want to make 2018 your best year ever online, you need to get everything set up now!

You can get started at Package #1 for just $22 ($7 Payliner Fee + $15 Package #1). At Package #1 you start receiving INSTANT $15 Commissions with your second sale!

Or you can go all in at both Package Levels like most people do so you can start receiving those $35 payments infinity deep at Package Level #2.

DigiSoft User ID: 


TeamWork Works!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline


Quote of the Week:

"Exposure is everything. The fortune is in the follow-up. Work with the willing." - Brian Carruthers

Image result for logos that say give

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