π₯If you click the link below, you will see an article from Naomi Trower, with some great Linkedin tips for your small business... π
✊https://www.linkedin.com/in/rick2323/ (My Page)
πhttp://DigiSoftPayline.com/?rick2323 (Never close your own sales again)
{Top 10 research tools for internet marketers: - Bonus}
➤www.BacklinkBuilder.com - Submit your website to huge numbers of web directories. (Back Link Builder)
➤www.googleadwords.com - Check popular keywords & get suggestions on alternative keywords. (Google Ad Words)
➤www.googleinsightsforsearch.com - Check keywords. Searches based on location and other variables. (Google Insights For Search)
➤www.websitevaluecalc.com - Get a rough idea on your websites. Value based on popularity. (Website Value Calc)
➤www.keywordspy.com - Check your competitors PPC keywords.
➤www.googlesearchbasedkeywordtool.com - Check keywords search volumes, based on real searches. (Google Search Based Keyword Tool)
➤www.googletrends.com - See what people are searching for, now and in the past.
➤www.wordtracker.com - A good alternative to Google's keyword tool.
➤www.nichebot.com - Another good keyword tool.
➤www.alexa.com - Provides a useful insight into a websites traffic ranking and also has some other useful features.
{3 things you need in order to work for yourself}:
There are so many different reasons to start working for yourself, and not everyone’s is exactly the same, but broadly, these reasons fall into three categories: First, people who want to earn extra income on top of their regular jobs; second, people who are unemployed and are either struggling to find full-time work or prefer not to enter the job market; and third, people who have chosen to leave whatever full-time job they have and be self-employed instead. Whichever of these three categories you fall into, there are three things you will need before you get started to make sure you can make the most of working for yourself.
1 – A Plan:
You’d be surprised at how many people start trying to work for themselves without any kind of plan. They might have an idea, then immediately start trying to make it happen without any proper planning. They soon realize they are in over their heads and more often than not find their great idea is turning into a huge failure. Now, you don’t need to have the next five years mapped out in detail, but take a bit of time to research the work you’re planning on doing, what it takes to market yourself, and all the details of running your own business or sideline gig. If you use a company that gives you the plan, you’re a few steps ahead, because a lot of the planning and admin are taken out of it for you. Make sure you understand the way the company operates so you can maximize your earning potential. Don’t forget, your plan should also include things like what your working hours will be, how many hours you’ll work per day, and what critical activities you need to focus on to get the result you are after. We’ll go into what makes a good plan in a future article.
2 – A Space:
Whatever work you’re going to do, dedicate a space that’s suitable for the work and for you. If all you need is a laptop and somewhere to put it, it does make things a lot easier, but try to find a space that can be used permanently. There’s a good reason for this. Self-discipline is vitally important to being self-employed, whether it’s full-time or in addition to your regular job. It’s so easy to get distracted if you’re not being supervised and when you’re working for yourself, time really is money. One of the ways to instill a sense of discipline is to have a dedicated space for work. Make it clear to family, roommates, or other people you share your space with that this is your work area and when you are there, you are not available for leisure activities. It also helps you focus on your work and get into an “I’m working now” mindset.
3 – The Right Equipment:
For many work from home opportunities, all you need is a laptop or desktop computer, a telephone line, and a good internet connection. Make sure that your computer is up to date with the right software, has a big enough hard drive and enough storage space, and isn’t likely to crash on you halfway through an important piece of work. If the work is going to entail spending a lot of time on the phone, look into a call plan that gives you unlimited calls for a fixed fee, or look into telephone alternatives like Skype. Make sure before you start whether making those calls will cost you more than you’re making! As far as your internet connection goes, make sure it’s with a reliable supplier. Whether you’re using something linked to you phone line, mobile data or satellite internet, it needs to be reliable and affordable. For these and any other equipment to run your home business, take the time to research it. It’s always tempting to buy the cheapest option, but if it’s poorly made, it could let you down at a crucial moment. That doesn’t mean you need to buy the most expensive kind, though – often you’re paying for a name and not quality. Read as many reviews on the product as you can, find out if there’s a way to test it for yourself, and always make sure there’s a good warranty on it.
πhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323 (New Sign Up Link)
{Pre-written AD}:
A Secret from the Amway Legend Himself... π°

The interviewers talked with large numbers of people who failed ( quit ) Amway.
Many complained the business didn't work. Some even called it a scam.Towards the end of the episode, they interviewed Bill Britt, a top earner in the company.
They asked him why he was so successful when most people failed. Here is his response.
"There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200 people 900 said, “No” and only 300 signed up. Out of those 300, only 85 did anything at all. Out of those 85, only 35 were serious, and out of those 35, 11 made me a millionaire."
Bill is now deceased, but for nearly fifty years, he earned a HUGE residual income in network marketing, with one company. Best of all, that residual income is still paid to his family each month, even though he is no longer alive.
This is the power of network marketing. Leveraged residual income. No, not everyone will make it big, and earn the big money that he did. Most will still fail. Some will earn less than Bill did.
However, if you put in the numbers, develop your skills, and stay the course, there's a high likelihood you will build and maintain a stable residual income, even if it's not millions like Bill earned.
On the other hand, if you don't put in the work, and don't stay the course, there is a 100% chance you won't succeed.
The income you earn in this industry will simply be based on the number of people you approach each day, and how long you can CONSISTENTLY do that. It won't always be fun or easy, but it's worth it. What other industry even offers this opportunity?
Of course, individual results will vary. But there are literally THOUSANDS of people in our industry who have earned long-term residual income in ONE company. Why not be one of them?
"There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200 people 900 said, “No” and only 300 signed up. Out of those 300, only 85 did anything at all. Out of those 85, only 35 were serious, and out of those 35, 11 made me a millionaire."
Bill is now deceased, but for nearly fifty years, he earned a HUGE residual income in network marketing, with one company. Best of all, that residual income is still paid to his family each month, even though he is no longer alive.
This is the power of network marketing. Leveraged residual income. No, not everyone will make it big, and earn the big money that he did. Most will still fail. Some will earn less than Bill did.
However, if you put in the numbers, develop your skills, and stay the course, there's a high likelihood you will build and maintain a stable residual income, even if it's not millions like Bill earned.
On the other hand, if you don't put in the work, and don't stay the course, there is a 100% chance you won't succeed.
The income you earn in this industry will simply be based on the number of people you approach each day, and how long you can CONSISTENTLY do that. It won't always be fun or easy, but it's worth it. What other industry even offers this opportunity?
Of course, individual results will vary. But there are literally THOUSANDS of people in our industry who have earned long-term residual income in ONE company. Why not be one of them?
✌https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5 π(Go here now) Join us for $22-$27 depending what Autoresponder you choose after your 7 day FREE Trial Period has ended... {List Infinity + Aweber = Success}
"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." - Conrad Hilton

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