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Sunday, October 26, 2014

*** 31 Relatively Inexpensive Ways To Advertise Your Business Locally *** {28}

😃Pick a few of these methods, and give it a try... You can get supplies from (www.vistaprint.com). They always have great deals!

💥Post an "AD" on (www.craigslist.org)

💣Pass out flyers @ your local mall.

💜Place your business cards under windshield wipers @ your local Walmart.

😍Pass out business 'buttons' to everyone you meet.

💓Hand out pens to people.

💦Create simple welcome gifts to give to give to newcomers with your business info enclosed.

👉Ask to leave business cards or flyers in some of your local area businesses. (make sure their services compliment yours!)

😎Stamp all envelopes you mail out with your own personalized business stamp.

💕Likewise include a business card inside ALL outgoing mail.

💛Rent a booth @ local events to showcase your business &/or products.

💧Post flyers on the message boards @ local colleges & trade schools.

💚Slip a business card into relevant books @ your local book store. (don't over-do this one)

💥Likewise, ask the local library if you can create bookmarks to slip inside some of the books.

💝When you receive junk mail...Give the sender a dose of their own medicine!...Use the postage paid envelope to mail your own flyer back to them. :)

😎Slip a business card, postcard, or flyer, under the wipers of cars @ your church.

💖Consider passing out a magnetized business cards...They are more 'sticky' than your typical business cards.

💟Purchase a car magnet for your car...They aren't very expensive, and can last awhile.

💣Additionally you can choose to get vinyl stickers for your back windshield to advertise with.

💪Leave business cards on the bathroom counters of local diners.

💘See if you have a local area 'welcome wagon' type group and ask if you can contribute samples and promo materials to the welcome gift.

😇Join your local Chamber of Commerce...This can be a great way to network and make valuable contacts.

Visit local daycare centers and pre-schools...Ask if you can leave business cards or flyers in the lobby.

Likewise with rental agencies, real estate offices, and lease offices...Offer the office members a special gift or discount for allowing you to advertise with them.

💙Use snack bags and create mini 'promo' packages. Include your business card, a mini flyer, a goody such as candy or a pen, and then hand them out wherever you go.

Rent a booth as school events and take the opportunity to showcase your business to other parents.

💞Give friends and family members a small incentive to pass out your business cards for you throughout their daily activities.

👉Leave your business card when you tip your waitress.

😉Donate a product or service to your local radio stations...They always hold giveaways and are looking for new sponsors.

💗Consider placing an "AD" in those FREE Renters Guides, and Home Owners Guides.

💚Attend networking events and meet ups in your local area...You will be amazed at the new and profitable contacts you can make.

💜Finally...Don't neglect the power of word of mouth...Tell people about your business and ask them to tell others...Hold a contest or offer some sort of incentive to prod them along...


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