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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

*** Valuable Marketing Lessons That Everyone Should Know/Email From Aweber To Me *** {586}

πŸ™I've been into both MLM/Affiliate Marketing since 2006, and a top earner with the Daily Income Network, and DigiSoft Payline, and for this post, I wanted to give you a few valuable lessons that I've learned over my time as a marketer based on my own personal experiences...

For a change, it's not about who you know, it's about who your prospects/subscribers know that matters. Some of your best TEAM members won't be from people you've recruited, but from people further in your downline, that were recruited by other TEAM members...

To make everyone's job a little easier teach new members about the system as the solution, so they aren't always dependent on you...

By always being honest and professional, you will be able to attract a better quality group of people into your business...

Things have drastically changed since I started into the Industry back 18 years ago. With the way companies are created today, they are more geared around leverage, which means that you only need to find a few go getters in order to build it big. You will sift and sort in order to find those few individuals, but be consistent with your search, and you will find those people over time...

You won't want to hear this, but sadly about 85% of your TEAM will do absolutely nothing to build their business, other than be part time product purchasers once in awhile. Always work with the willing, but still treat the non aggressive individuals well because at some point they may catch the vision and decide to get serious. You can't want it more for them until they want it for themselves...

Building depth is where the real money is, and width gives you an immediate profit. The deeper you build your business, the more long term security you will create for yourself.

This is an industry all about momentum. It's hard to get and easy to lose, so try to stay the course...

Most of the top earners within the industry will sponsor somewhere between 100-500 reps give or take, and they will make the bulk of their income on just 3-4 of these individuals...

You've seen me say many times if you follow my content that you have to give yourself time for success, and I say you need 2-5 years, but most people with overestimate what they should be able to do within their first 2 years, and underestimate what they can do within their first 5 years if they decide to hang around long enough, because most won't, and that's ok. Wish them well, and move on. No harm, no foul...

This goes back to always being professional. Be the type of person you want to sponsor, and the professionalism will drip down to to your TEAM members that have caught the vision and wants to build it big...

All you can do is your best, which means do the things that you would like for your TEAM members to do also. You have no control of anyone but yourself. If you can make the first circle work, you hope that your TEAM members in the beginning can carry on your teaching throughout the downline so everyone can be successful...

Try to simplify the process and make your job as easy and and time managing as possible by using third party tools. Say less to more people. Be the messenger, and not the message...

You may not believe this but the only difference between the big earners on stage that do public speaking and the individuals that quit, are that those big earners stuck it out, and heard more "NOs" and stayed persistent, and consistent longer... Anyone can be successful in this industry if they will have a positive mindset, and allow themselves the time to be successful. This is one reason why we have a 98.2% failure rate... It doesn't have to be this way!

Make sure that you're talking about the products as well as the business, because not everyone will be interested in owning and running an online business, but many of those people will be consumers and purchase your products/services, so know every aspect of your opportunity/products...

The most important person that you need to stay plugged into is your upline, and if that person isn't your direct upline, look further up the chain to find that person, and stay plugged in to him/her...

Very few people will purchase anything on the first contact, and its been said that most prospects/consumers need between 7-20 follow ups before making a decision either way, so you must continue to stay in contact until they die, buy, or unsubscribe. It could be years later before a prospect joins you, it does, and has happened...

I'm sure you've also heard that this is a numbers game, and that's absolutely true. The majority of people you talk to won't be interested in your opportunity, and another percentage that do join you won't do anything at all, as mentioned above. It's not your fault, it's the nature of the beast...

People join people, and not businesses so always be working on your skills because skills pays bills, and you will be someone more attractive and worth joining, the more knowledge you have...

There are a lot of tax advantages to owning an online business, so if you decide to file, make sure to keep exact records of everything purchased or you could get into some trouble with the IRS...

This is a personal development industry with a compensation plan attached, so I preach to make sure you either read or watch a video from either YouTube, or one of your company videos, and try to get in 20-30 minutes per day, because the quicker you hone your skills, the more knowledge you have, which means the more money you can make...

There is no such thing as the perfect company because they are all flawed, so don't try to find something that doesn't exist. Do your research and find one company to join and stay with that company for the long haul. The top earners in the industry will find one company and work through all the problems and difficulties for years, that's why they are successful...

By company jumping, you are guaranteed not be successful. Every time you start and stop while joining another company, you are starting all over at the bottom even if you had no success from your last company, and you're not giving yourself time for success. If you try to do multiple opportunities, which some people do, and have been successful, most people won't be because you're taking focus off of one or the other, so I recommend finding one company and staying with it for at least 5 years, or longer. You just might be surprised at what you can accomplish over that time period...

A lot of people fail within the industry because they don't have much invested, and with that being said, don't have an I want to succeed mindset. To change your mindset, you need to think of your business as if you have a million dollars invested, and learn everything you can about it, because that will give you a better than even chance for success...

Create a list of what you're going to accomplish everyday to grow your business and follow it religiously, and no matter what, make sure to always finish everything on your list, everyday before you go to bed. You are creating positive habits by doing so...

Unless you're talking to people daily, you will not succeed. You should try to speak with 5-10 people daily for the long haul, and it doesn't really matter how you contact them. Always work the numbers, consistency is key...

If you want success in this industry, it's all upon you, and you can't half a** it, you must go all in and make it happen...

One key trait to really focus on for better results is your people skills. Become more likable, and that will go along way. This is a people driven industry, and you can make life changing money by just being a better version of yourself...

Regardless of how long you've been in the industry this should be fun for you, and if it isn't then you're doing something wrong. Sure you're going to have good and bad days, but all the hard work will pay off if you just stay consistent, be professional, and be happy...

If your company has live events, I encourage you to go to as many as you can, and also try to get your TEAM to go as well. Many years ago I was with a company called Quixstar which is a parent company to Amway. I went to all of the events that were always held at our local Holiday Inn, and I promoted those events with other potential prospects, so they could go, and see what we were all about. This helped get some of those people that are on the fence to join us. Once they went and seen all of the positivity, they were more likely to sign up as a rep. Plus this is where you can brainstorm with other members if you're having some issues. Confiding in other members is not a bad thing, and can only help you grow your business...

And finally always strive to help others. The more people you help, will help you succeed as well. To be a great leader, take the emphasis off of yourself, and help your TEAM members with success...

(Zig Ziglar Quote:)

"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want"  πŸ‘ˆ (This)

https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/14  πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)

πŸ’₯ https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

πŸ’œ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


{Aweber Email}  (10/1/24)

AWeber Hello rick, We'll be paying you shortly! Due to your continued referrals of AWeber Communications, Inc. you've earned enough commission for us to process a payment to you. The commission pay period is processed on the 1st of every month and you will receive a digital payment during the first week of the month. If you would like to change your payment information, please log in to your advocate control panel and make your changes under the Payment Options section, which can be found under My Profile. The change will then go into effect for your next payment. Come join me at List Infinity, and you too could receive small payments for your continued Success from aweber as well! Just ask me for more info, and I would be glad to send full details! ($7/$25/$100/$300) with 100% commissions for everyone you bring into your business, along with every 5th pass up from your entire downline to Infinity!!!

πŸ‘https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)


{Pre-Written AD}

Don't you think it's about time to take control of your future?

Do you know the most common characteristic nearly all millionaires share?

If your answer is "Owning their own business" you are absolutely correct!

Coincidence? I don't think so...Think about it. Is your JOB ever going to make you rich?

There is a solution, Take a few minutes to checkout a webpage that will explain in simple steps, what you need to do in order to be successful...

πŸ‘Šhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)

(Your contact info)


In living rooms across America, the crack of the bat and roar of the crowd crackled through cathode-ray tubes, bringing the diamond into the home and forever changing how a nation would watch its national pastime. Continue Reading ...


 “Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”  –  Conrad Hilton

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