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Sunday, October 6, 2024

*** Using Postcards To Grow Your Online Business/List Infinity Admin Update *** {587}

Today's post is about Marketing an online business using postcards. This is one of the easiest strategies, that anyone can do, including an 8 year old child...

Purchase stamps (.072 a piece now at the time of this post), and stick one on a postcard, and then mail it. It's really that simple, and I've used this strategy in the past, and it does work... (You maybe able to get stamps cheaper strictly for Postcards)

Postcards in a digital world?

This is so easy and duplicatable that anyone of any age can do it. I know I repeated myself, but I wanted to make sure that you understand just how easy this 1 strategy is...

I recommend at some point in your marketing journey, that you give this a try. In my opinion I believe direct mail is better than online marketing because it's a little more effective, and takes up a lot less time...

What I will say, is that if you join a business and postcard marketing is a strategy that you want to try, I recommend putting this off for awhile, unless you have a little money from the start, because this can get pricey. I will show you what I mean, using just 250 postcards as my example...


1) 250 Stamps x .072 = $180

2) 250 Cheap non color Postcards = $37.95 (There are a lot of variables that will affect the pricing)

3) 250 Mailing List = .05 per name on average = $12.50 

Again the postcards, and mailing list are just rough estimates because you will have to look online yourself to see what works for you. I just randomly googled to find those prices...

So for 250 mailers, you've invested roughly $230.45. Now to get results, you will want to send out around 1000 postcards, so now multiply $230.45 by 4 = $921.80 to mail out 1000 cheap post cards, and when you send out that many, you are hoping for a 1%-5% conversion rate which is the norm. I have talked to other marketers that have said they spent around $600 to send out 1000 postcards, so either way, it is a little pricey if you're just starting and on a tight budget, that's why I said you can probably wait until you've made a few sales first...

Another way to go about this if you're wanting to do it from the start is try to mail out 20 postcards daily, or every other day, for 1 year, and see what you can accomplish. By doing this, you're always getting yourself out there, and with any luck you will get a few of these people contacting you about your opportunities. 

The bottom line is that Postcard Marketing has been proven to work, just work on finding the cheapest ways to create your own postcards, and a good vendor that will sell you a mailing list as cheaply as possible...

The biggest reason why direct mail works is because most people are promoting their business online, which means that less people are using direct mail methods which creates a greater opportunity for you to succeed.

We know that direct mail works because it's been around for over 100 years and used by bigger companies , and the internet has not been around nearly as long, and just works...

Do you think that Wal-mart, Amazon, and Ebay would be using postcards, if they didn't work. There are many major companies around the country that uses them because they know they work..

How often do you receive postcards in the mail? I get them all the time, and yes I do throw most of them in the trash, but I have saved a few of them because maybe they have a special discount offer on something I already use... 

The beautiful thing about mailing Postcards is that they don't have to be pretty, you can make them ugly with no graphics, or pretty images. They can be a bright yellow or teal if you like. (This is only my example of ugly. lol) The point is that everyone will look at your offer. Just make sure you have your offer on every card sent. Again graphics, and images aren't necessary unless you want to spend the money to create better quality, but honestly it's not going to matter much what it looks like...

Your best course of action when creating your cheap ugly postcards, is to make it short, sweet, and to the point. You will want a nice headline, with a small list of benefits from your offer, and a strong call to action in order to entice them to join you. 

If you do all three things listed above, you're making it much easier for people to want to join you...

A lot of people that use Postcards, have it backwards. They think that the look is more important than the message, and that couldn't be further from the truth... Good copy-writing alone will grab the prospects attention...

When you find a good vendor (google) to purchase your list from this will determine your target market, and you can start mailing. When the prospect gets your postcard in the mail, they will look at it because at one time or another, they were all looking for an online opportunity. Maybe they aren't anymore, but again, they will at least look at your offer, and many of them will even go to your website to check it out...

Postcard Marketing isn't used as much anymore, because most people have turned to the internet, which works as well, this is just an old way of advertising that many people have gotten away from...

For some reason most people get excited by getting their mail each day. (Personally I don't know why, because bills come in the mail, and I'm never happy about that. lol), so when people grab their mail, they aren't used to receiving postcards from someone promoting an online business, and they will be intrigued with what they see, and at least check it out, and that's what you want. More eyes on your offers...

Think about this for a minute. Have you ever received a cheap, ugly postcard in mail from someone promoting an online business, and you at least checked it out to see if it was a good fit for you?

I have (2) G-mail accounts, and get pitched to thousands of times per day, but I only receive a postcard from someone promoting a business about a half a dozen times per years, and I always at least check it out, which I'm sure most people do as well..

It's been years since I used postcards for my business, and you may be able to purchase special stamps for much cheaper strictly for postcards, so that's why there is a huge price discrepancy above, when I was trying to break down prices compared to what other marketers have tole me. The bottom line, I think to send out 1000 postcards, I can't see you spending less that $500, and probably a little more actually...

Another advantage of postcards is that even if someone isn't interested at the time of getting it in the mail, is that they will throw it off to the side, and possibly keep it to checkout at a later date. They will either go to your website, or call your sizzle call number which I've had in the past...

When a prospect receives an email from someone promoting an online business, it's real easy to just not look at it, and delete it...

Postcards do work, and I would at least recommend thinking about giving it a try, even if it's down the road a ways, you may actually like doing it, and be able to build a nice size business along the way...

πŸ˜€ https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2014/11/postcard-marketing-top-5-goals-of.html  (More Info About Post Cards)

πŸ‘‰ https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/11πŸ‘ˆ  (Go here now)

πŸ’₯ https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

πŸ’œ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)

πŸ™FREE GIFT FOR JOINING LIST INFINITY: Free  E-book Download: 100 ways to generate more leads...


{Fitness Tip}:

Squatting: This is a great overall exercise for the entire body, but as we age there are certain exercises that we should probably stop doing due to the long term wear and tear that it does to our bodies, and squatting is one of them...

I was a heavy squatter for many years, and I ultimately shattered a disc in my bank from going heavy, and the DR. told me that it didn't matter that I went heavy, because it was going to happen anyway, because I did so much over an extended period of time that the wear and tear on my disc caused a lot of damage...

My recommendation from my 50+ years experience is that once you hit fifty, I would say that squatting should be a thing of the past because the risk far outweigh the rewards...

At the very least, you can squat very lightly, and even use dumbbells or even kettlebells. This will be a much safer option versus the bar squat. Even a front bar squat would be a better option because you're taking all the pressure off of your spine, and focusing more on quad development...

πŸ™I hope this quick tip helps, and keeps you safe...


{Pre-Written AD}

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πŸ’°Admin Update - List Infinity! (Paid Members/Commissions) 10/2/24

Hi Rick,

We now have 410 Basic members, 1,630 Starter members, 1,278 Pro members, and 264 Elite members. = 3,582 total paid members

Commissions earned: $250,620 to date!

And, more updates: I put in a 14-hour day yesterday and I was so tired, I forgot to upload changes to the live server.

You can now see clicks, leads, lead conversions, and lead pass-ups in your back office!

And, you can view clicks, leads, and conversions for each optin page.

Note: The new stats will not reflect any click/lead data from past promotions.

Your partner in success

Derrick Van Van Dyke


On an autumn night in 1959, television viewers stepped through a portal into a realm of imagination, where ordinary people faced extraordinary circumstances, forever changing the landscape of storytelling and holding up a mirror to the anxieties of a nation. Continue Reading ...


Obedience is the mother of success and is wedded to safety.’ – Aeschylus

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