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Thursday, October 31, 2024

*** What Are Organic Leads? *** {596} πŸ˜€

 πŸ˜€What are organic leads?

These are potential customers who find a business through search engines, word of mouth, or social media rather than through paid advertising. They are organic because they discover a business naturally,,,

Organic leads are typically more interested in a particular brand because they found it without the aid of paid advertising, and they are also more cost effective because they don't require paying anything to get a customers attention...

There are two things that you should know about how to ensure lead generation. One is how to generate targeted leads, and second is how to qualify them. 

If you're able to master these two functions of lead generation, your business will run more smoothly, and you will have a nice steady flow of targeted leads on a daily basis...

When it pertains to MLM lead generation, it's all about the numbers. Specifically the number of qualified people who enter your website. Your main objective is to be able to gain a daily flow of prospects from organic search engines and There is always someone looking for what you have.

There are millions of people that use search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN, that are always looking to find information, or research topics. 

Regardless of the product or business that is being offered, it's not hard to implement an organic MLM lead generation plan, and there will always be someone looking for what you have to offer...

If you set up your site to be search engine friendly, you will start to see daily traffic to your offers over time. You obviously won't be able to compete with the Internet giants, but you can still get thousands of website visitors monthly...

If you're involved with Affiliate Marketing, you can earn as much money on one sale as you do with a Network Marketing program...

There are a couple of things you can do in order to get started with your lead generation efforts:

You need to have a website optimized for the search engines, and also you will need to learn some strategies to get email addresses by joining your news letter in order to generate leads...

You assure yourself success in the long run by building your opt-in mailing list. (I have over 120 million leads)...

You can write an article and submit it to directories, or swap links to friends, or partners. You can also place a few classified ADS in ezines, and FREE/PAID AD services...

These FREE or low cost advertising methods will allow you to generate a future large client base. You can also pay others to advertise your site, or by paying lead companies to mail to their large list of people...

This is not as hard as it looks. A few tweaks here or there to your website can and probably will help with your results for more traffic at a later date...

You're looking at 3-6 months minimum before you will see the effects from your efforts due to search engines indexing your website. A few of the smaller search engines will index you the same day...

Check out http://Spinsubmit.com. They provide a great paid service to search engines. Next you will want to qualify your leads. You don't want people who are interested on better cooking tips coming to your website, You want traffic coming from people interested in what you're offering...

If you're running an online opportunity this should be less of a problem as long as your website is geared toward your online opportunity...

If you sell health products, make sure your site is content loaded with product information, and not a bunch of hype on the apsect of the business...

If your website is unique, and interesting, it will pretty much guarantee that some of the people who visit your site, will be interested in what you're offering. (Business Opportunity)...

A recent study has shown that 2%-4% of people who visit a money making opportunity will click the link. People are less apt to purchase right away, but as the internet grows, more advertising is thrust upon the interent community...

Another interesting fact is, that already small number shrinks even further, down to around .5% when it comes to those who will actually purchase from you on the first visit, and this is why developing a long term relationship with your clients overtime, through your Ezine, or newsletter will help to grow your business and daily sales...

The problem why a lot of people fail is because they don't understand that the internet is not a sprint, but a marathon. It's all about developing a reputaion for good quality content, and along with personality you will start to see results...

The name of the game in lead generation is eventually making sales and that's the bottom line. By taking the long term approach you will gain ground. So many people start, and stop, which means very few actually gain the popularity necessary in producing the lead generation process...

By writing articles, and posting relevant content in traffic forums, give yourself at least 2 years if not longer to build your business, and you might be surprised at what you were able to accomplish. You can also see how much traffic your website is generating overtime...

πŸ’ͺhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) 7-DAY FREE TRIAL PERIOD 


{Pre-written AD}:

Contact me ASAP...

a lot of people say that they want to be successful from home but they aren't willing to put forth the effort necessary to achieve their dreams of calling their own shots. 

Nothing beats waking up whenever you want and planning out your day as you want/when you want. I have been able to work from home now for the past 18 years and it feels great!!! 

Take a look at List Infinity because it has allowed my teammates and I to be successful from home. Take a serious look at this business opportunity and contact me...

πŸ‘‹https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - You will receive 200 FREE Leads and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up...

😁https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

😍https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


From the streets of Boston to the sacred sands of Mecca, a revolutionary's raw and unflinching journey would emerge as more than mere memoir – it was a declaration that would shake America's conscience and forever alter the conversation about race, faith, and the power of transformation. Continue Reading ...


“If it makes you nervous, you’re doing it right.” —Childish Gambino

Monday, October 28, 2024

*** What Is Holding You Back?/Why Are Goals So Important? *** {595}

😎What is holding you back from the success you want and deserve?If you're struggling with everyday life, and not where you want to be, it could be one of the reasons I listed below...

No Game Plan - Most people spend more time on money spending activities with family, then they do building their lifelong finances, and that's the wrong mindset to have. I'm not at all saying that you can't have fun time with family, but you have tuo be smart about it, and I'm sorry to say, that JOB isn't going to do it. I've worked my share of JOBS over the last 40+ years, and I found out that we have all been brainwashed into thinking that we NEED that JOB. We don't need a JOB, because you can make a life changing income online and most people don't know that, and it's not your fault. if you just devote a little time and effort learning how, You might be surprised at what you can accomplish over a 5 year span working partime online, and I can show you the way to financial freedom...

Confusion - This is absolutely normal for anyone looking to join an online opportunity, and that's ok. When you get involved in an online opportunity, a good sponsor will take you by the hand, and walk you slowly through the process until you get better acclimated to what you're doing and then you can earn while you learn. As long as your sponsor doesn't overload you with information, anyone has the ability to be successful, if they have the right mindset. Just don't reinvent the wheel. Follow your sponsors lead, and keep it simple stupid (KISS)...

Lacking a burning desire to succeed - This is key with anything you do in life and If it was that easy, then we would all be succesful. It all boils down to how bad do you want it? If you don't have that burning desire in your gut, then success will never happen. Anyone who joins me @ List Infinty has a better than even chance of acheiving success because I'm always here to help guide you. You do have a 7 day FREE trial period so you can see if we're a good fit for you...

Absolute Fear - People have fear for a few reasons, and those are fear of failure which is probably the most common, then there is the fear of success, and yes, that is a real thing. There is also fear of rejection or being accepted. When I first got involved with marketing in 2006, I scared to death because I had no knowledge about what I was doing, and it was way outside of my comfort zone. Looking back, I'm so glad I got involved, because If I didn't, I would still be working my dead end JOB just trying to survive, so I'm very greatful, and willing to spread my knowledge to others because I enjoy helping others solve problems...

Being outside of your comfort zone - Most people get comfortable with everyday life as long as they have a roof over their head, and food on the table. They don't see the vision, and don't really care about bettering themselves. As long as they have all of the basic necessities in life, they are just fine even if that means working paycheck to paycheck, which around 95% of the total population are doing just that. You won't get most of these individuals to come outside their comfort zone for anything, Because they have spent their entire lives just getting by, so why change now...

πŸ˜›I would encourage you to evaluate yourself in each one of these categories, so you can see what's holding you back. Talk to your significant other, upline, or sponsor if necessary, and come up with game plan that works for you in order to build your online business...

😭It has been said that within the next 5-7 years, 300-400 million people worldwide will lose there JOB, due to Artificial Intellegence, so please don't let that be YOU! Have a plan "B"...

πŸ™I hope this post will help you figure things out because I want YOU to be successful even if you never join me...

πŸ‘https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - List Infinity is about 3 1/2 years old as of now, and I don't see it going anywhere anytime soon...


{Pre-written AD}

The Right Way To An Online Income.

Let Me Ask You A Question,

How long have you been Working Online trying to Generate an Income with no positive Results.

Are You Tired of hype and over-inflated promises, Are You Ready to learn a simple step by step system,

Are You ready to Work with our team and learn this step by step system for earning weekly and monthly checks!

We'll even pay to get you started! Do Not waste Your time and Money any longer.

Join me Today and be on your way to finally, Making An Online Income.

I am Always here to Help,

πŸ˜€https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - You will have access to hundreds of Pre-written ADS, along with as many FREE Classified sites to post them on...


Why are GOALS so important?

 - Must read On the best sunny day, the most powerful magnifying glass will not light paper if you keep moving the glass. But if you focus and hold it, the paper will light up. That is the power of concentration. 

A man was traveling and stopped at an intersection. He asked an elderly man, "Where does this road take me?" The elderly person asked, "Where do you want to go?" The man replied, "I don't know." 

The elderly person said, "Then take any road. What difference does it make?" How true. When we don't know where we are going, any road will take us there. Suppose you have all eleven football players on the offensive side of the ball, enthusiastically ready to play the game, all charged up, and then someone took the goal post away. What would happen to the game? There is nothing left. How do you keep score? How do you know you have arrived? 

Enthusiasm without direction is like wildfire and leads to frustration. Goals give a sense of direction. Would you sit in a train or a plane without knowing where it was going? The obvious answer is no. Then why do people go through life without having any goals? 

πŸ’₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - You have to give yourself time to succeed. This all about working 1-2 hours per day over an extended period of time...

https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

πŸ’ͺhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


In the dusty streets of Tombstone, a fierce standoff blazed into legend, as a battle between lawmen and outlaws would echo through history and forever define the Wild West's gritty, untamed spirit. Continue Reading ...


"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary" — Vidal Sassoon.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

*** Reverse Marketing?/Follow Up Email When Pitched To/List Infinity Complete Breakdown Page *** {594}

πŸ‘«Also known as value or attraction marketing, Reverse Marketing focuses on building trust, and letting the customer come to the brand. More about Reverse Marketing below..

What is reverse marketing?

Reverse marketing is the concept of making potential customers seek you out instead of the other way

around. There are many approaches to this and the best would be with examples.

Traditionally marketing involves things like TV spots, print ads, or other methods companies actively do to attract customers for their product or service. An example of reverse marketing would be a company that sells water purifiers, and adds to their web site a long E-book or essay about subjects that potential customers are searching for on search engines.

Also they might post helpful answers on the Usenet newsgroup message boards, with their tag line at the end of each message. A strength of this type of reverse marketing is that customers searching the topic can find someone who first demonstrates their knowledge on a topic with helpful information and links at the bottom to check out their online store.

Compared to just putting a banner ad up on a web site, reverse marketing can attract very high quality customers who are ready to buy, especially after seeing that a company is knowledgeable and helpful about a product they wish to buy. A similar example of reverse marketing would be to put up an unbiased review site, with links to your web page for more information or a similar product to those you’re reviewing.

The main idea of reverse marketing is to put useful content out there where people will find it when they are researching a product. Paid links often return poorer results in this case, as the search engines display them separately. 

People respond much better to content when it’s main purpose is not an actual advertisement, and it gives you a chance to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise first.

Don’t be worried about putting in a plug or two for your company, but it would be best to put a disclaimer up front telling them that you run a business that sells these types of products, and to be an unbiased as possible. 

If it’s just a thinly veiled promotional letter instead of a truly useful guide to buying the types of products you sell, people won’t get far into it. Balance it well with useful information not only to build up confidence of the customer with your firm, but also to keep it from looking like a blatant advertisement.

Reverse marketing techniques of often the most powerful when done well, as people really let their guard down when they are getting the information they need, and often this is what gets them to buy on the spot when they have a great deal of confidence in the company they are purchasing from.

Obviously I’m a big fan of reverse marketing and I highly recommend you use it.

 πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€ http://listinfinity.net/rick2323/13 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) 7-Days FREE!


{Follow Up Email When Pitched To}

This is a simple follow up email you can use especially with List Infinity, when another marketer pitches their products/services. Feel free to change this to fit your narrative...

I got your E-mail (firstname)...Thanks

Hi {firstname},

I just received your E-mail today and I must say it sure caught my attention! I hope your business is going well
for you.

By the way, need more leads for your business...I can help! Check this out, It could be the perfect add on to what you're already doing...

😍https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/14 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - List Infinity is a worldwide opportunity, and FREE for the first 7 days...

Let me know what you think, and good luck with your business and all the best...


List Infinity Complete Breakdown Page:


πŸ‘https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

πŸ’œhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


πŸ™A fellow marketer sent this to me, and I liked it and wanted to share it with my readers...

Don’t listen to them liars...

Let me tell you a quick story about this group of frogs.

A group of frogs were travelling through the woods when two of them fell into a pit.

When the other frogs crowded around the pit and saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that there was no hope left for them.

However, the two frogs ignored what the others were saying and attempted to jump out of the pit.

Despite their efforts, the group of frogs at the top of the pit were still saying that they should just give up. 

That they would never make it out.

Eventually, one of the frogs gave in to what the others were saying, gave up and fell down to his death.

The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die.

He jumped even harder and finally made it out. 

When he got out, the other frogs asked...

“Did you not hear us?”

The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time!

Powerful story, is it not?

So if you have people in your life that are making you feel like you should give up, don’t listen to them. 

Ignore them as if you were that deaf frog.

Hope this inspired you stop doubting yourself and take massive action towards your online success.


{Pre-written AD}:

Your Breakthrough to Better Days

Do you need a financial breakthrough? Your opportunity has arrived!

Here's your introduction to a revolutionary home-based business that, no matter what your current life situation, will help you dramatically improve your financial fortunes right away!

No other home-based business compares-there are no gimmicks, no sleight of hand, just an amazing vehicle to propel YOU to financial independence!

All you have to do is click on the following link and you'll learn how to get started on your road to financial freedom:

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/9πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - We have a very nice Facebook group page with 9.1k members worldwide. Link is above... ☝

If you're truly serious about changing your life for the better, don't let doubts block your route to success; YOU CAN MAKE THIS BUSINESS WORK FOR YOU!

How do I know you can do it? Because all it takes is drive. And you have a lot of demands on your time-it says something about your character that you're choosing to spend your energy on a chance to better your situation.

If you have any additional questions, please send me an email including your name, phone, and the best time to reach you. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals.

Click the link below Now!

πŸ’˜https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/9 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - We have hundreds of testimonials on the group page...

(Your contact info)


On a crisp October day, spectators gasped as a wooden barrel teetered on the brink of the thundering cataract, carrying within it a 63-year-old schoolteacher whose audacious plunge would forever change the meaning of adventure and the economics of tourism at America's most famous falls. Continue Reading ...


“If the decisions you make about where you invest your blood, sweat, and tears are not consistent with the person you aspire to be, you’ll never become that person.” ―Clayton M. Christensen

Thursday, October 24, 2024

*** 10 Marketing Tips For Beginners/7 Day FREE Trial Period With List Infinity *** {593}

πŸ‘Today's post is geared toward "NEWBIES" into the marketing industry, and these tips can possibly help to shorten the learning curve along with my help. Regardless if you're a "NEWBIE" or a seasoned veteran, this is a numbers game, and will take time and effort on your part working 1-2 hours per day building your business, and there's no exceptions. 

I want to make this perfectly clear. List Infinity just implemented a 7-day FREE trial period, and I'm getting a lot of "NEW" sign ups from complete "NEWBIES" because they think they will be making money during that period, and I tell them honestly that's probably not going to happen. Obviously I can't say for certain, but more than likely that's not going to happen...

Why am I honest, and tell them that? It's because I don't want to waste their time, and vice versa. I already know that after the 7-day FREE trial is over, they are going to quit because they don't have the very inexpensive start up fee, or not willing to pay it because they already think it's a scam, when it's clearly not! 

I actually try to discourage these individuals just because I know that we are wasting each other time, so if you're not willing to commit for the long haul, then I would respectfully wish you would find another program to join. But if you're truly willing to go all in, then I will do everything in my power to help you succeed. 

I can't make you successful, but I can help you get there a little quicker. The faster you learn, the more you can earn, but you must take 20-30 minutes per day, everyday for personal development, which means watch a YouTube video, or one of the many videos in your List Infinity back office area once you join. FREE members also have complete access to everything we offer. You can read a chapter in a book, or you also have access to Google. You have everything at your disposal in order to be successful, so you have no excuses not to join us...

{Here are the 10 tips in no particular order}

1) You must stay focused, focused, focused, 100%. When starting out only work with one stream of income until you get acclimated to what you're doing, and that one stream is stable before working with  a second stream of income. It's common knowledge that if you spread yourself too thin you won't do well...

2) Give yourself time to succeed. You've hear the term, "Rome wasn't built in a day?" Regardless of what program you decide to join, you must make a commitment to one company, and stay with that particular company for at least a year to reevaluate your situation at that time, and personally I say 2-5 years, but that's only my opinion based on what I know and see within this industry. 

This is not a short term opportunity, and you're working a little bit each day, for a long time. You must think of this as tomorrow money, and not today money. That doesn't mean that you can't make money from day 1, but don't get discouraged when you go log periods of time in between sales. 

The first ever McDonald's didn't show a profit for 8 years after starting, so as I said, give yourself time to succeed. Sure you're going to make some mistakes along the way, and that's ok. We all have. Learn from them and move on. Always try to make the process as easy on yourself, and your TEAM as possible and your attrition rate might not be as high... Be patient!

3) Make sure you follow a daily mode of operation. You must figure out a few ways (4-6), things you can do on a daily basis to grow your network marketing business. I have a blog post that I recently created where I listed just off the top of my head 75 ways to grow your network marketing business, and I didn't really even put much thought into it. One size does not fit all, meaning there are many different ways to grow a recession proof business, we just have to figure what strategies are good for you, so you can do those and get good at each one. 

Be productive, and focus most of your attention on income producing activities such as always launching new TEAM members, prospecting, lead generation, and promoting events. Always ask for the sale in a non aggressive manner. You lose out on 100% of all sales that you don't ask for...

4) Build your list. This is without a doubt the most important step in building you business. Treat everyone's contact information as if it's your child's well being. It's that important. I'm sure you've heard the term, "The money is in the list." This is absolutely true because without customers, there is no business. Keep a database of everyone you talk to, and consistently stay in touch because this is how you get them to know and trusty you better, which makes selling to them a little easier. 

I currently have over 120 million contacts and growing by the day, so if you join me @ List Infinity, I will be sending you more than you can handle, and use them in your email marketing if you choose to utilize that strategy. I use it, and have been very successful with it. 

Most top earners have sponsored anywhere between 100-500 people into their organization, and that's why they are successful. In just 1 year with List Infinity alone, I already have over 500 subscribers, and that number grows by the day so build your lust and always follow up...

5) Get out and meet new people. There are literally millions upon million of people out there, if nothing else get around your local community and meet more people like yourself. For instance, when I go to stores, or restaurants, I'm always introducing myself and passing out business cards. 

Create a 30-45 second elevator speech as I call them just quickly highlighting what it is you do, and I always ask if the person has a possible friend that may be interested as well. In most cases, they probably don't, but you never know when and where you might find that one person.

More than likely your friends and family probably won't be interested nor support what you're doing, and that's quite alright. Love and cherish them anyway, and continue to focus on your dream...

I have some cheap flyers that I created that cost me .4 cents per copy at my local print plus store for just plain black and white copies, and hang them on bulletin/cork boards wherever I go, and you can do the same. This is extremely cheap advertising for you business. The more ways you can find to get yourself out there, and better odds you will have at attracting new customers...

6) You must think of this as a business and not a hobby, and what I mean by that is be consistently working your business everyday just like a brick and mortar business. Don't develop the attitude that you're going to work for an hour on Monday evening, and then say that you're going to work it again on Saturday morning because it's the weekend, and you have the day off, because if you do that, you have zip, nada, zilch, zero chance of ever being successful, and therefore you might as well not even get involved and keep your 9-5 job...

Even if you spend $27 to join List Infinity, try to develop the mindset that you have a million dollars vested into your business. By having that attitude, you're much more likely to take it seriously, versus only thinking of it as a $27 business. It's just to easy to get discouraged, and lose your focus...

Also the more you change to a more positive mindset, you're creating good habits, and it will carry over into everyday life. If you're thinking of yourself as the CEO of a million dollar company, you would have a vision, set realistic goals, and be able to identify the mission of the company, and above all else, have a game plan before starting. 

You should be working your business part time if that's all you can do, with a full time attitude. You must be all IN!

7) Find a mentor that you're comfortable with, and trust, and also someone whos been there and done that. A good mentor such as myself can help you with the learning curve in order to find success much quicker. When I started in this industry back in 2006, I couldn't find another me anywhere, and therefore, I failed miserably, and lost thousands of dollars in the beginning, but I'm very stubborn, and determined, and never let myself become defeated, and everyone out there can accomplish the same things I have, if they will just apply themselves and stay focused. This doesn't have to be difficult...

When you find a worthy mentor, always stay in touch, and look within your team even if it's several levels above you. Just make sure that person is still actively in the program building their business, and not just selling E-books, and courses...

If you're not able to find anyone you can trust or feel comfortable with, you can direct your attentions to social media, or YouTube, and be mentored that way...

Just remember that duplication is a real thing, and you can copy a successful marketer, but your time frame for success won't be the same. It will probably take you more time and effort to get there, but if you don't quit, then you can't fail... Remember that!

8) Do what works, and don't try to reinvent the wheels of success especially when you're a "NEWBIE." Follow your sponsors lead until you get acclimated to the system and start making some money. Once you start making money on a more consistent basis, and want a little more freedom to do as wish, then go for it. Just understand that it will take some time and effort on your part to learn the ins and outs of your business, and what methods are working, so try not to overcomplicate things because this is a very simple process, and doesn't have to be difficult at all...

9) Branding yourself. People join people and not companies. You are actually the real business and not your products/services or the company. Attraction marketing should be part of your marketing strategy. This is a strategy that draws customers to a product or service without actually asking them to buy...

The GOAL is to create a loyal customer base by building trust and authenticity, while turning interest into lasting relationships...Try not to focus solely on your products and services in every post or message, or your prospects will buy from someone else. 

Branding yourself will set you apart from everyone else, and makes you more unique than your competitors, which also means that your customers will be able to find you much easier...

10) Don't just push your products and services. Yes you need customers, but when you get involved with Network Marketing it's a numbers game, and you must play the numbers. When you find the right players, it's about a lot of people doing a little bit, and not one person doing a lot.

Obviously you would like to find a few customers who use your products/services, but you want to focus most of attention on recruiting others into your business...

Customers whom purchase your products/services are great, don't get me wrong, but by recruiting a large team of people into your organization, this is where you will receive the big money, and possibly a life changing income, due to leverage...

πŸ’–https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/17 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - After the 7 day FREE trial period you can join for $22-$27 depending on what Autoresponder you choose...


If you're contemplating joining an online business opportunity, and unsure about the process, It's ok to be scared and skeptical, because we were all there at one time or another. We have a saying in this industry that says you can earn while you learn, and the faster you learn, the quicker, and more you can earn. Just give yourself time for success. Have the mindset that whatever program you join, you will still be there 5 years from the time you join. I think you might be surprised at what you can accomplish working a couple hours per day, for an extended period, and I would be happy and honored to be your sponsor!

I hope my content helps because I really enjoy doing it, and it keeps me always thinking...

Rick Brier (List Infinity Sponsor)πŸ‘Š

A top earner with the Daily Income Network & DigiSoft Payline! 

18 years in the industry! ✨πŸ’«


{Pre-written AD}, 

7-Day FREE trial period

Joining List Infinity has been one of the best business decision I have ever made online! The Products are great, and the 100% commission pay plan is pretty good as well! PLUS you receive every 5th sale from your downline to infinity. how cool is that...

Our 18 high converting Lead Capture Pages and Business Plan is making it so easy to get signups! You're going to love those unlimited instant daily 100% payments!

To get started, create your FREE account, and watch the 3 minute video and upgrade to a Payliner, by purchasing your Product Package so you can take advantage of our system...

(Your contact info)

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - Once you click the link and type your email address into the box, you will be able to watch the 3 minute video, and then you will recieve an email from me with more information and how to get started...

πŸ‘Œ https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


High above the gasping crowds of Paris, a daring aeronaut stepped into thin air, trusting his life to a canopy of silk and the winds of change, forever altering humanity's relationship with the sky and paving the way for a future where falling could mean flying. Continue Reading ...


“When you arise in the morning, think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love.” —Marcus Aurelius

Sunday, October 20, 2024

*** Your Best Prospects?/Admin Updates (List Infinity) *** {592}

πŸ™Who should you be recruiting into your online business opportunity, and why? This is a great question, and most people aren't really sure what kind of people they should be trying to recruit into their marketing business...

Obviously you want to find likeminded individuals such as yourself, but where do you find these individuals? The truth is, they are everywhere, and it's your responsibility to find them...

If you're involved in this industry long enough, you are going to come across a lot of what I call "Tire Kickers". These are people that go from opportunity to opportunity showing some interest in joining, but typically when they find a joining fee/s involved, whether it be big or small, they complain about not having any money. I'm speaking from my own experiences of course...

I get tons of people looking at my business, and I do send them the  necessary info, even though I know that most aren't serious about changing their futures, and these individuals will always continue to look for the next shiny object, and waste away because they have the belief that they are going to get something for nothing and not have to commit to anything in order to find wealth...

Because I recieve a lot of these "Tire Kickers" it does lower my conversion rate, but that's typical of anyone involved with Network/Affiliate Marketing. If someone asks for info, I do send it. You're not obligated to do that, because it's your business to run as you see fit, but you can determine who you want to work with...

There are many ways to build a successful recession proof business, and one size "DOES NOT" fit all, and that's the beauty of our industry...

I teach a lot of different methods, and so does List Infinity with our video marketing tutorials for all paid members, so there's no excuses why anyone should fail. We supply you with everything you'll need in order to be successful...

Everyone who joins us will have to figure out a few key strategies to use as their advertising methods, and that's something that I will help you figure out when you join me. Admin Derrick Vandyke just implemented a new 7-day FREE Trial period in which you can join at "NO" cost, and after the 7th day, you either must make your package payment to your sponsor of ($7/$25/$100/$300), or move on to the next shiny object...

Now back to the original question. Who should I be trying to sponsor into my online business opportunity? I believe your best prospects are individuals that are already involved in marketing, or at least have some experience, because they have an understanding of what's involved with creating wealth online, even if they aren't there yet...

I'm not telling you to poach them away from their current company, but with the millions and millions of people out there looking toward the internet for an extra stream of income, people come and go daily for various reasons with their current company, and there's nothing Illegal, Unethical, or Immoral about seeing if they are at least open to what you're offering, and it's probably going to be the fastest way to build your business...

Think of it like this. You own a restaraunt, and you're hiring a cook. You have 2 people applying for the position. Person A has cooking experience, and person B has no cooking experience. Obviously you're leaning toward person A, because he has the experience...

So if you're smart, you would hire the person with the experience because they are much more likely to succeed at that position, and it's the same case with Marketing. Your odds are much greater from the individual with the experience. It's not a perfect science, but the numbers would say pick experience first... 

Where do I find these individuals? I scan Facebook, and join some of the hundreds of group pages. For instance, in my case, I'm an affiliate marketer, so I type in affiliate marketing in the search bar, because that's my niche, and there are many different pages that pop up. I start joining a few of them, because there are always "FREE AGENTS" as I call them looking for something else, or to join multiple opportunities which I'm personally not a fan of for vrious reasons, but every individual has the right to do as they wish...

Once I join some of these groups, I read the rules for each group and once I'm accepted,  I look for those likeminded indivuals and you can somewhat tell because of the posts they make on facebook...

I look for people in the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK, and you will find tens of thousands of people in those areas alone. Obviously it's your business, and you can search wherever you like, but this is where I like to look...

Once I find someone that I think would be a nice fit, I will then send them a friend request. Facebook is a little wierd about that and won't let you send to just anyone because of their algorithms, and in that case, I just move on to the next person...

I typically try to send out 10-20 friend requests daily, and I will get a few of those individuals accepting my request, and when they do, I have a Pre-written message that I send them. In many cases they will want more info about what I do, and I send it. I already have all my follow up messages created, all I do is copy, paste, & send with the persons name...

If they click the link to my website, there is a box for them to type in their email address in order to watch the 3 minute video, and take the FREE tour. While they are doing that, I will then send them an email with more information because again, I've already created the content, and will just send. My Autoresponder (AWEBER), will send me an email anytime someone comes to my site and types in their email address, and I save it. It's called building your list. This is a must, and first priority when trying to build a recession proof business...

Now each evening, I will send out an email to 1000 of my massive list of over 120 million people and growing by the day. The reason for this is because now I'm building a rappore and trust with these individuals so they can get to know me better, which gives me a much better chance of getting some of them to upgrade and join me...

Everyone on my TEAM will have complete access to everything I use in order to be successful. All that's needed is for "YOU" to join us, and get your system setup with our help, and get started. Whatever I send, you're allowed to use, just make sure to take out any of my info, and input yours...I will even be sending you some leads to work with when utilizing email marketing. I personally think this should be in everyones arsenal...

I've basically taken out all of the guess work and simplified the entire process, because I want you to be successful, but I can't make that  happen, that's all on you. All I can do, is to educate you, and give you the tools in order to get it done, and at a much quicker rate than myself. Also if you choose AWEBER as your autoresponder, you will pay $19.99 per month. I pay yearly and that's $239.99, but you can choose whatever works best for you, and that includes the autoresponder. We have (4) of them on the website to choose from...

You can make these people your target market, and send or create your own content. This should help grow your online business much quicker. A subscriber is a subsciber until they buy or die, or they opt out of your offer..

It's a very simple process. Find the people, and ask them in a non aggressive way if they are open to checking out what you're offering. If they say not interested, that's ok. Just move on to the next person. Your autoresponder will send your subscribers a daily email for a month, and then repeat the process until they buy or just opt out from your offer. It's a necessary tool to have when building a business, because it automatically follows up with your subscribers...

Looking for people already into marketing to build your business is one strategy that most top earners use, and it does work...

{Personal Development}:

This is something that I preach to the choir, and that's because you must be a student of the game. When you're trying to build a recession proof business, you must be taking 20-30 minutes out your busy day to learn something new pertaining to Marketing. You can watch a Youtube video, or if you join us @ List Infinity, you can watch one of our many training videos each day. I send daily emails as well...

 Make sure you're reading them, or you can read a book. There are many ways to be doing this. If you're a gym goer and walk on the treadmill, (which I recommend not doing), but if you do, you can watch a video while walking, or if you're at work, watch something during your lunch break. If you want it bad enough, you will find a way...

πŸƒBy the way, the reason I said not to walk on a treadmill for your cardio is because I'm an expert on fitness with over 50 years experience and will be happy to explain my answer. Feel free to contact me, and I will tell you why you're wasting your time. Well let's just say that I have a better way if you're physically capeable...

πŸ’˜https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/17 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) -What are you waiting for? 7- days FREE, and then $27 to join with AWEBER! Where else can you find an online business with as much value, and spend under $30? 


πŸ‘‰Even MORE System Updates! πŸ‘ (List Infinity)
Hi Rick,
I discontinued the free membership offer and added a free 7-day trial in an exit popup. When the trial expires, members must upgrade or jump to the next shiny object.
You can now skip the bridge page if you want to send your leads directly to the sales page.
I updated all four sales pages - Basic, Starter, Pro, and Elite. You can view the changes by clicking your referral link.
In case you missed my last email, you can now view total clicks, leads, lead conversions, leads passed-up, referrals, sales, and sales conversions in your stats.
You can also see clicks, leads, and conversions for each lead capture page.
I've also been working on a robust ad tracking for you that will track 10 important metrics for any ad source. I'll let you know when that's ready.
Your partner in success

Derrick Van Dyke

πŸ’₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/18 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) 7-day FREE TRIAL

#freetrial #freetrial #freetrial #freetrial #freetrial #freetrial #freetrial #freetrial #freetrial #freetrial #freetrial #freetrial


⚡Admn Quick Update 

Hi Rick, πŸ§


I have a couple updates for you today...


I redesigned the back office with new colors and icons. 


Your Affiliate Offers will now be displayed when your referrals click on Income Opportunities.


I added a video that shows you how to get leads from Facebook groups and a list of groups where you can post your ads.


I added 3 videos that show you how to buy solo ads on Udimi.


And, I'm working on a new system that will track your clicks, leads, sales, and conversions for any traffic source!


Let me know what you think πŸ™.


Your partner in success


Derrick Van Dyke


πŸ’₯ https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

πŸ˜€https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


{Pre-written AD}

The Rush Is On! Lock In Your Position Today!

This is without a doubt one of " THE BEST " business model & Pay Plan that I've seen in the last 18 years!

They Close Your Sales & You Keep 100% Of The Money on autopilot from Your List Infinity Payline!

==> Get Paid $7/$25/$100/$300 Instant Cash Commissions.
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==> 100% Profit -- No small percentages here!
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Take Action NOW!

πŸ’™ https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/7 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - List Infinity has a plethora of Video Marketing Tutorials in the back office area to help with your advertising efforts along with my daily emails. Failure is not an option unless you QUIT...!


In a quiet Oklahoma town, a disgruntled ex-employee's rampage forever altered the perception of a mundane profession, leaving a community shattered and etching a chilling phrase into the American lexicon. Continue Reading ...


“A surplus of effort could overcome a deficit of confidence.” —Sonia Sotomayor