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Thursday, October 24, 2024

*** 10 Marketing Tips For Beginners/7 Day FREE Trial Period With List Infinity *** {593}

πŸ‘Today's post is geared toward "NEWBIES" into the marketing industry, and these tips can possibly help to shorten the learning curve along with my help. Regardless if you're a "NEWBIE" or a seasoned veteran, this is a numbers game, and will take time and effort on your part working 1-2 hours per day building your business, and there's no exceptions. 

I want to make this perfectly clear. List Infinity just implemented a 7-day FREE trial period, and I'm getting a lot of "NEW" sign ups from complete "NEWBIES" because they think they will be making money during that period, and I tell them honestly that's probably not going to happen. Obviously I can't say for certain, but more than likely that's not going to happen...

Why am I honest, and tell them that? It's because I don't want to waste their time, and vice versa. I already know that after the 7-day FREE trial is over, they are going to quit because they don't have the very inexpensive start up fee, or not willing to pay it because they already think it's a scam, when it's clearly not! 

I actually try to discourage these individuals just because I know that we are wasting each other time, so if you're not willing to commit for the long haul, then I would respectfully wish you would find another program to join. But if you're truly willing to go all in, then I will do everything in my power to help you succeed. 

I can't make you successful, but I can help you get there a little quicker. The faster you learn, the more you can earn, but you must take 20-30 minutes per day, everyday for personal development, which means watch a YouTube video, or one of the many videos in your List Infinity back office area once you join. FREE members also have complete access to everything we offer. You can read a chapter in a book, or you also have access to Google. You have everything at your disposal in order to be successful, so you have no excuses not to join us...

{Here are the 10 tips in no particular order}

1) You must stay focused, focused, focused, 100%. When starting out only work with one stream of income until you get acclimated to what you're doing, and that one stream is stable before working with  a second stream of income. It's common knowledge that if you spread yourself too thin you won't do well...

2) Give yourself time to succeed. You've hear the term, "Rome wasn't built in a day?" Regardless of what program you decide to join, you must make a commitment to one company, and stay with that particular company for at least a year to reevaluate your situation at that time, and personally I say 2-5 years, but that's only my opinion based on what I know and see within this industry. 

This is not a short term opportunity, and you're working a little bit each day, for a long time. You must think of this as tomorrow money, and not today money. That doesn't mean that you can't make money from day 1, but don't get discouraged when you go log periods of time in between sales. 

The first ever McDonald's didn't show a profit for 8 years after starting, so as I said, give yourself time to succeed. Sure you're going to make some mistakes along the way, and that's ok. We all have. Learn from them and move on. Always try to make the process as easy on yourself, and your TEAM as possible and your attrition rate might not be as high... Be patient!

3) Make sure you follow a daily mode of operation. You must figure out a few ways (4-6), things you can do on a daily basis to grow your network marketing business. I have a blog post that I recently created where I listed just off the top of my head 75 ways to grow your network marketing business, and I didn't really even put much thought into it. One size does not fit all, meaning there are many different ways to grow a recession proof business, we just have to figure what strategies are good for you, so you can do those and get good at each one. 

Be productive, and focus most of your attention on income producing activities such as always launching new TEAM members, prospecting, lead generation, and promoting events. Always ask for the sale in a non aggressive manner. You lose out on 100% of all sales that you don't ask for...

4) Build your list. This is without a doubt the most important step in building you business. Treat everyone's contact information as if it's your child's well being. It's that important. I'm sure you've heard the term, "The money is in the list." This is absolutely true because without customers, there is no business. Keep a database of everyone you talk to, and consistently stay in touch because this is how you get them to know and trusty you better, which makes selling to them a little easier. 

I currently have over 120 million contacts and growing by the day, so if you join me @ List Infinity, I will be sending you more than you can handle, and use them in your email marketing if you choose to utilize that strategy. I use it, and have been very successful with it. 

Most top earners have sponsored anywhere between 100-500 people into their organization, and that's why they are successful. In just 1 year with List Infinity alone, I already have over 500 subscribers, and that number grows by the day so build your lust and always follow up...

5) Get out and meet new people. There are literally millions upon million of people out there, if nothing else get around your local community and meet more people like yourself. For instance, when I go to stores, or restaurants, I'm always introducing myself and passing out business cards. 

Create a 30-45 second elevator speech as I call them just quickly highlighting what it is you do, and I always ask if the person has a possible friend that may be interested as well. In most cases, they probably don't, but you never know when and where you might find that one person.

More than likely your friends and family probably won't be interested nor support what you're doing, and that's quite alright. Love and cherish them anyway, and continue to focus on your dream...

I have some cheap flyers that I created that cost me .4 cents per copy at my local print plus store for just plain black and white copies, and hang them on bulletin/cork boards wherever I go, and you can do the same. This is extremely cheap advertising for you business. The more ways you can find to get yourself out there, and better odds you will have at attracting new customers...

6) You must think of this as a business and not a hobby, and what I mean by that is be consistently working your business everyday just like a brick and mortar business. Don't develop the attitude that you're going to work for an hour on Monday evening, and then say that you're going to work it again on Saturday morning because it's the weekend, and you have the day off, because if you do that, you have zip, nada, zilch, zero chance of ever being successful, and therefore you might as well not even get involved and keep your 9-5 job...

Even if you spend $27 to join List Infinity, try to develop the mindset that you have a million dollars vested into your business. By having that attitude, you're much more likely to take it seriously, versus only thinking of it as a $27 business. It's just to easy to get discouraged, and lose your focus...

Also the more you change to a more positive mindset, you're creating good habits, and it will carry over into everyday life. If you're thinking of yourself as the CEO of a million dollar company, you would have a vision, set realistic goals, and be able to identify the mission of the company, and above all else, have a game plan before starting. 

You should be working your business part time if that's all you can do, with a full time attitude. You must be all IN!

7) Find a mentor that you're comfortable with, and trust, and also someone whos been there and done that. A good mentor such as myself can help you with the learning curve in order to find success much quicker. When I started in this industry back in 2006, I couldn't find another me anywhere, and therefore, I failed miserably, and lost thousands of dollars in the beginning, but I'm very stubborn, and determined, and never let myself become defeated, and everyone out there can accomplish the same things I have, if they will just apply themselves and stay focused. This doesn't have to be difficult...

When you find a worthy mentor, always stay in touch, and look within your team even if it's several levels above you. Just make sure that person is still actively in the program building their business, and not just selling E-books, and courses...

If you're not able to find anyone you can trust or feel comfortable with, you can direct your attentions to social media, or YouTube, and be mentored that way...

Just remember that duplication is a real thing, and you can copy a successful marketer, but your time frame for success won't be the same. It will probably take you more time and effort to get there, but if you don't quit, then you can't fail... Remember that!

8) Do what works, and don't try to reinvent the wheels of success especially when you're a "NEWBIE." Follow your sponsors lead until you get acclimated to the system and start making some money. Once you start making money on a more consistent basis, and want a little more freedom to do as wish, then go for it. Just understand that it will take some time and effort on your part to learn the ins and outs of your business, and what methods are working, so try not to overcomplicate things because this is a very simple process, and doesn't have to be difficult at all...

9) Branding yourself. People join people and not companies. You are actually the real business and not your products/services or the company. Attraction marketing should be part of your marketing strategy. This is a strategy that draws customers to a product or service without actually asking them to buy...

The GOAL is to create a loyal customer base by building trust and authenticity, while turning interest into lasting relationships...Try not to focus solely on your products and services in every post or message, or your prospects will buy from someone else. 

Branding yourself will set you apart from everyone else, and makes you more unique than your competitors, which also means that your customers will be able to find you much easier...

10) Don't just push your products and services. Yes you need customers, but when you get involved with Network Marketing it's a numbers game, and you must play the numbers. When you find the right players, it's about a lot of people doing a little bit, and not one person doing a lot.

Obviously you would like to find a few customers who use your products/services, but you want to focus most of attention on recruiting others into your business...

Customers whom purchase your products/services are great, don't get me wrong, but by recruiting a large team of people into your organization, this is where you will receive the big money, and possibly a life changing income, due to leverage...

πŸ’–https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/17 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - After the 7 day FREE trial period you can join for $22-$27 depending on what Autoresponder you choose...


If you're contemplating joining an online business opportunity, and unsure about the process, It's ok to be scared and skeptical, because we were all there at one time or another. We have a saying in this industry that says you can earn while you learn, and the faster you learn, the quicker, and more you can earn. Just give yourself time for success. Have the mindset that whatever program you join, you will still be there 5 years from the time you join. I think you might be surprised at what you can accomplish working a couple hours per day, for an extended period, and I would be happy and honored to be your sponsor!

I hope my content helps because I really enjoy doing it, and it keeps me always thinking...

Rick Brier (List Infinity Sponsor)πŸ‘Š

A top earner with the Daily Income Network & DigiSoft Payline! 

18 years in the industry! ✨πŸ’«


{Pre-written AD}, 

7-Day FREE trial period

Joining List Infinity has been one of the best business decision I have ever made online! The Products are great, and the 100% commission pay plan is pretty good as well! PLUS you receive every 5th sale from your downline to infinity. how cool is that...

Our 18 high converting Lead Capture Pages and Business Plan is making it so easy to get signups! You're going to love those unlimited instant daily 100% payments!

To get started, create your FREE account, and watch the 3 minute video and upgrade to a Payliner, by purchasing your Product Package so you can take advantage of our system...

(Your contact info)

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - Once you click the link and type your email address into the box, you will be able to watch the 3 minute video, and then you will recieve an email from me with more information and how to get started...

πŸ‘Œ https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


High above the gasping crowds of Paris, a daring aeronaut stepped into thin air, trusting his life to a canopy of silk and the winds of change, forever altering humanity's relationship with the sky and paving the way for a future where falling could mean flying. Continue Reading ...


“When you arise in the morning, think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love.” —Marcus Aurelius

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