πToday's post is about 25 more recruiting tips in no particular order. There are another 25 on the post before this one, so I'm giving you a total of 50 ways to recruit more prospects into your Network Marketing business...
1) Paid advertising is a must at some point, so I recommend finding ONE form of paid advertising, and learn everything about it, so you can implement it on a daily basis. With that being said, I also recommend finding a few paid methods that make your job much easier. There are many very inexpensive ways to generate some extra traffic to your websites...
2) When recruiting try to focus on no more than 2 niches. This will get you more quality leads because these individuals are looking for what you're offering, plus this will save you time and effort if you start trying to recruit everyone, because your conversion rate will be even lower than the norm 1%-5%...
3) Do your research to find out where you're target market is and spend your time there doing your recruiting...
4) Social Media is a great way to find recruits. I recommend utilizing at least one platform. I use several, but you don't have to unless you want to. There are millions of possible prospects all over social media, so I recommend taking advantage of these FREE platforms...
5) You should NEVER post your affiliate link all over social media because it just doesn't work. Be a person of value, because you're allowing your readers a chance to get to know, and trust you, which will help to make your job a little easier. It's all about building relationships...
6) When recruiting, learn about your prospect so you can relate better with that person and potentially form a better bond over the long haul...
7) You must treat this like a business and not a hobby. Consistency is key. Work your business 1-2 hours per day. More is better. Always focus on recruiting and building your list...
8) One craft to master is being a good story teller. That resonates with people because everyone enjoys a good a story...
9) Find a ways to capture people's email address, such as by giving information, or a free E-book, since you can't send them a toaster in the mail. By doing so, you're adding these individuals to your autoresponder, while building your list...
10) You want your prospects to learn more about you, so you will want to have a website, or a page all about yourself for them to see just who you are and what you're all about...
11) Use all of your abilities to your advantage, and don't pretend to be someone you're not. Just be yourself...
12) When you meet a new recruit online, try to take the relationship offline as soon as possible so you can start building the relationship while creating stronger bond... You don't want to take weeks building a bond with this person...
13) Make sure you have a positive body language, along with your tone of voice, and energy levels are where you want them to be...
14) Have a daily checklist of things you do daily by Creating a marketing plan to follow...
15) Use analytics and tracking tools with everything you do, so you can track your results to see what's working, and what isn't...
16) Set yourself apart from your competition by branding yourself. Even if your business folds, you are still the same unique individual that created a separate brand from everyone else, making it easier for people to see and know who you are...
17) Consider sharing your content on a few social media platforms. I use Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Nextdoor, Alignable, YouTube, and Tik Tok, but you choose what you like...
18) Short videos are huge and work great. You can use YouTube, and/or Facebook live. Both work and even if you're not good at making videos, you can write down what you want to say first, and read from a cue card if necessary. No one cares, Just keep your videos short, as in around 3-4 minutes if possible, even if you have to make a part 2. This is FREE to do, and YouTube is the third most trafficked site on the internet. Even bad videos get views...
19) Be different than your competition. This will help you standout in the crowd. You are developing your own unique way of selling. For example, when I created a Linkedin profile, I used Rick "Network Marketer" Brier as my handle. You can do this on any platform you like. Create a name that stands out. I don't recommend doing this on your Facebook page, unless you decide to make a secondary page just pertaining to business...
20) Recruiting and building your list are top priority and won't happen overnight. It will probably take several years to master this because no one, and I mean no one is good recruiter from the get go. Make sure you have a game plan, and stick to that for a couple years and reevaluate at that time to see if you need to make any changes, and do whatever you think is necessary for long term success...
21) Google "keywords" so you can see what your prospects use when searching for your goods/services/or business opportunity, and focus your content around those keywords...
22) Any content you create, try turning that into a PowerPoint Presentation, Video, or a Podcast. You are looking for more viewers surrounding your content...
23) When building relationships, try forming alliances with others in your niche, or non competing niches. Piggyback off of each others ideas...
24) By building your list, and a huge following, overtime you can usually get your tribe to subscribe and join just about anything you're offering which in turn can make you a lot of money. You can do this with Social Media, YouTube, and E-mail just to name a few...
25) You can create a weekly newsletter if you like providing Tips/Tutorials or information relevant to your niche...
π₯https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2024/09/25-recruiting-tips-from-my-own-personal.html (Page 1 of recruiting tips!)
πhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Join Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)
πhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)
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