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Monday, September 30, 2024

*** The (3) Biggest Lies In Our Industry/Building Your Name List Strategy That I Recommend *** {585}

πŸ™Today's post is about 3 of the most common misconceptions in our industry according to my experiences over the last 18 years.

1) You need a plethora of knowledge in order to be successful"

This is absolutely false. Actually only about 20%-25% is about knowledge. Execution is the most important step, and you must learn that to become successful...

2) You will become successful as long as you work hard"

You can work until the cows come home, and if you have no idea what you're doing, than success is "NOT" going to happen, and you will never reach your "GOALS." It would be like lifting extremely light weight in the gym, and expecting to be able to lift heavy weights. You are always going to fail, and never going to be able to lift heavy weights...

3) You need a magic software that's going to make you rich"

This couldn't be further from the truth. Push button success doesn't exist and don't let anyone tell you other wise.

Honestly there is no short cut to success, but you can get there a little quicker, and save you some time and effort, and that is by getting mentored from someone who has already been there, and done that, while achieving the success that you're looking for.

Only an experienced and successful mentor can steer you in the right direction and tell you what you're doing right, while guiding you, and saving you a lot of time on trial and error...

πŸ’–https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - When you refer someone to List Infinity and they sign up, you get paid instantly and directly to your account!

You can accept payments via PayPal, Stripe, Square, Authorize.net, Cash App, Venmo, Zelle, Bitcoin, And Wise!

Imagine Seeing $7, $25, $100, and $300 Payments Hitting Your Account Every Day!


{Building Your Name List Recommendation}

If you're looking to start an online business, you must consistently be building your list, and if you follow my posts, you will hear that a lot. (Join/Promote/Earn/Repeat). You should always try to continue learning how to market, and keep up with the new trends...

Weather you're just starting out, or you've been doing this for awhile I have a strategy that you should try, and I would recommend doing this at the very beginning because this can get you off to a fast start while saving you some money...

{Here is what I recommend you do} 

1) Build your name list. Try to make a list of 500-1000 people that you know. I'm sure if you have Facebook, you have that many friends. To make you put more focus toward this, think in terms as if someone said that they would pay you $100 for every name you came up with, I'm sure you could reach your attainable number.

By building your list, this is the life blood of your business, and without a list, you have no business. Just make sure to spend some time building your name list...

2) You must continue to build each and every day, because this is a numbers game, and you will always sift and sort through your referrals until you find the right one's. Strive to meet new people daily, and add them to your list. It's always a good idea when talking to these people, if they can give you any referrals...

3) Work in depth. By the numbers. If you have a TEAM of 100 people, and and they each know 1000 people, that means you have 100,000 potential prospects, and helping your TEAM recruit from their warm market...

This is probably the easiest, and smartest way to build any online business so even if you don't try this strategy, at least remember the important lesson...

4) There are literally hundreds of ways to build a business, and One size DOES NOT fit all, and I've shown many ways on my posts. Find what works for you, and pick 3-5 strategies that you like, and would like to learn, and do those. 

Personally I like to use FREE/Paid/& Offline Strategies because there are a variety of ways from each method, but you do what works for you.

I have over 120 million leads and growing daily, and I like to utilize email marketing as one of my strategies, along with creating content on here (blog).

πŸ˜‰ https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - When your referrals send people to one of your lead capture pages, they “Pass Up” every 5th lead to you.

So, if 10 of your referrals generate 100 leads each, that’s 200 leads sent directly to your autoresponder account!

That's right! You get 20% of all leads generated from the efforts of your referrals!

And if any of those leads sign up for a membership, the commission on any product sales go to you!

πŸ‘ https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

πŸ’“ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


{Pre-Written AD}:

Stop paying HUGE sign up costs to join a Business.

Quit Failing Online - Check out my Power System! 


Check the system that crushes all other systems to the ground.

Go To: https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5  πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - Our lead capture pages consistently convert 30% to 50% depending on your traffic source. And you can view the clicks, leads, and conversion rate for each page you promote.

(Contact Info)


In a Chicago courtroom, eight men in white stood accused of the unthinkable, their betrayal of America's game laying bare the dark underbelly of a sport once thought pure and exposing wounds that would forever change how we view our heroes on the diamond. Continue Reading ...


“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing.” – Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, September 28, 2024

*** (3) Quick Tips To Blow The Lid Off Your Online Business/Fitness Tip/Bill Gates Success Quote *** {584}

πŸ˜‰Today I'm going to share (3) quick tips that will blow the lid off your online business.

You need to lead if you have a team, because talking to people won't be enough. This is important because you will most likely get burnt out and overwhelmed. 

Here are (3) simple steps you can implement to grow your business.

1) Dig your ditches:

If 2,000 people joined your business today, would you be ready? If not, you have to Dig Your Ditches. Set up your system by having action steps in place so that bringing in new team members will be fun and easy.

πŸ’˜I have everything already mapped out. Once a new subscriber joins my business, I send them a "Welcome Aboard" email with steps to get setup and started, and then I sprinkle a daily email on them helping to educate and teach them about how to be a successful Marketer. I also help by randomly advertising their Affiliate Link. Members also get access to everyone of my blog posts to use as there own, and much, much more...

2) Delegate:

Even though I do a lot for my TEAM, I can't do everything to make them successful. and some things they have to do themselves. With my emails, and posts, I can however show them tools and different ways of advertising. I utilize FREE/PAID/& OFFLINE methods because I feel like I'm exhausting every effort for success. If you're getting the same questions over and over, you may want to create a simple short video on where they can find the answer to there problem... Used tools will only help to simplify your business, and that's what you want. To make things as simple as possible...

3) Duplicate:

By doing this you're helping to make everyone's job much easier. This is one of the best parts of Marketing. Make sure you teach your TEAM this strategy. With that being said, Duplication doesn't mean that anyone of your TEAM will be as successful as you simply because we all have a completely different work ethic, and different ways to promote a business. You will have to pick a few ways that you're willing to implement, and that works for you. Learn those and get good at them. You will also have to be persistent if you want to see positive results... You must treat it like a business, and NOT a hobby, or you're setting yourself up for FAILURE!

As a leader, try to implement these simple strategies and it will make everyone's job much, much easier...

πŸ‘ https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - Step-by-Step training shows you how to get free traffic from Facebook and profit from solo ADS...

😍 https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

✋ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)

{Fitness Tip}:

I like to throw in a simple fitness/nutrition tip in some of my posts because I want others to have every advantage of being successful. A strong body & mind are an unbeatable combination...

When lifting weight in the gym, or home, always make sure to protect your lower back, and you can do that by keeping your knees soft during any standing exercise. 

What that means is have a slight bend in your knees when doing standing exercises because this will help to take some pressure off of your lower back.

Also if you're older, around 50 or so, you should probably give up squatting. Don't get me wrong, it's a great exercise, but at that age the risk far out weighs the rewards. 

If nothing else, at least use light weight, with more time under tension. This is when you take each set to at least 45-60 seconds, and even in some cases you can take a set to failure. Studies have shown that this is just as good as lifting heavy because your are able to put just as much tension on the muscle as lifting heavy, plus you're protecting ligaments, tendons, and joints, over the long haul. You're welcome to use either strategy to build muscle, just remember the older we get, the harder heavy weights are on the human body. 

I know this because I'm old, and I've also been into fitness since 1973, and have devoted my entire life to staying fit and healthy. No matter how safe you are, if you do this long enough, you will most likely tweak or hurt something. It's the nature of the beast...


πŸ’―Affiliate Marketing is a BILLION $$$ Industry and real people are making real money. This isn't hard, you should always be building your list...

Bill Gates Quote: "I just showed my plan to 1,200 people. 900 said NO, 300 showed some interest. Only 85 actually did anything. 35 of those were serious, and 11 made me a billionaire. πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€ 

QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION!!!  (Join/Promote/Earn/Repeat!πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ’₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3 πŸ‘ˆ  (Go here now) - Cutting-Edge Software tracks your clicks, leads, sales and conversions for any traffic source...


{Pre-Written AD}:

Rev up your money machine starting today.

Everything you want in life is within your grasp...it's all in how you think about it... 

If you want to make money online, be your own boss, set your own hours, and be in charge of your own life and destiny... 

You can do it! 


So , why haven't you already? πŸ’₯πŸ™πŸ’–

It's OK, it's not your fault... 

So many so-called online "gurus" and other self-appointed "experts" have tried to cram their get-rich-quick products down your throat... 

It's not surprising that you've become a bit gun-shy at this point... 

That's too bad, because it really is possible to make all your dreams come true online... 

Whether you want to have more time to spend with your kids, play golf, read, or take a vacation to that favorite dream spot... 

Or just want to have more free time, or a little extra money each month to pay off those credit card bills... 

It's very real, and it's within your reach... 

The Number One thing that holds back the 98% of the online marketers that don't make it? 

They don't TAKE ACTION... 

All You Have to Do... 
Is DO Something!  πŸ˜‰

That's where it all starts, and everything else follows from that... 

Over 95% of the people who say they want to be online marketers never do anything about it... 

So ALL you have to do to be in the top 5% or higher, is to actually take action... 

It's so simple, it's ridiculous... 

All you have to do is visit the link below: 

But you have to do it now, while you're thinking about it, or you'll just slip back into the ranks of the slumbering herd who aren't going anywhere... 

So just do it: 

πŸ‘‰ https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/11 πŸ‘ˆ  (Go here now) - The only way you fail is if you QUIT...!

(Your Contact Info)


1914 Babe Ruth Makes MLB Debut

 Babe Ruth, one of baseball's most iconic figures, made his major league debut on July 11, 1914, pitching for the Boston Red Sox against the Cleveland Naps.  Continue Reading ...


The big time is not a place; it's the state of your heart. It's not something you get; it's something you become.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

*** 10 Tips On How To Help Your Team/FREE Advertising Method *** {583}

✌Network/Affiliate Marketing is all about sponsoring, and teaching others. In today's article I will be showing you 10 simple tips on what you can do to help your TEAM.

The objective is to help people, who help people, who help people, all the way to infinity. 

We are no ones boss, but their mentor, and motivator, and coach if you will. By helping to implement some strategies toward your new members, you are doing more than most marketers do to help their new members.

I just want you to know that you are not responsible, nor can you make anyone successful because each person is the CEO, and in control of their own destiny. You are just there as a mentor and coach and to set the example. If they don't follow your lead, that's on them, and not your fault.

I'm going to give you 10 simple ways on how you can help your downline, and these are based on my experiences in the Industry. If you do this long enough, I'm sure you will develop your own methods of success...

1) Be patient with everyone you work with:

Keep in mind that most people you work with already have a job and probably a boss that they don't care much for, so don't be bossy. Have patience and know that everyone learns at a different speed, and will grow at there own pace, so remember this, and understand this when working with different people...

2) Look for the good in others:

Everyone has good qualities and traits, and we all have flaws, so recognize this with each individual you work with, and always work on building there confidence while letting them know both their good and bad qualities so they can work on always getting better. Anyone vested in the business will want to hear this and appreciate you for it...

3) Treat everyone with respect and put the relationship first:

You are going to lose around 80% of your TEAM, that's just how it works. Always do the best you can by treating everyone well, and with respect. This can limit some of the depreciation, but not all. This is a business, and you will want to build long term relationships, so you can earn long term cash. Your members don't really care about how much you know, until they know how much you care. They are less likely to quit on a friend. That's why you want to build a strong bond with your TEAM members if possible...

4) Never push a TEAM member to do more with the business than they want to:

The first thing you want to find out is your TEAM members goals because everyone will have have different GOALS, and no one you bring in will as committed as you are, so please don't pressure anyone to do anything they don't want to do. Just be there for them when needed. Always be patient because if you push someone to much, they will likely quit on you, and move on...

5) Help your new TEAM members make a list of possible interested candidates, and sponsor their first 2 people: 

By doing this you're helping them build up a belief in the business, while still getting them quick results. They can also share their success story with upcoming prospects...

6) Lead by example and do things you hope your team will also implement:

Your job is to set the example. You can tell them what to do, but they will do what they want to do. If you can set the example high enough, you can be happy if they only do a quarter of what you do, and if they don't follow your lead, that's not your fault...

7) Promote events, and encourage your TEAM to attend:

Some businesses have events, and if so, everyone should make an effort to attend whenever they have one. All successful reps attend, and that's why they are successful. Events are where leaders will help reps within the company with any issues, or problems, and will always be showing new techniques and guidance. A good sponsor should always be promoting the next event...

8) Encourage each person to get autoship so they can have a favorable experince with the products:

People love testimonials so be someone that tries the products so you have a good testimonial to share. This will help to sell what you're offering. Be your best customer by trying the products. If no one purchases from you, that measn you're not making any money, and that's bad for business, so really push to get your entire TEAM on autoship. You can't go wrong by implementing this strategy...

9) Never do something for someone that they should be doing themselves:

Your job as a good sponsor is to get trained as quickly as possible so they aren't always dependent on you. Ultimately it's thers business, and you are just there to get them off the ground. It's up to them to find their way once you've taught them the necessary things to do. If they are always dependent on you, then their business is going no where, and ultimately they will quit. The GOAL is to try getting them out of the nest within the first 90 days of joining. It's ok to always be there to answer questions along the way, but each member will have to find what works for them, and implent those strategies...

10) Encourage your TEAM to work on personal development:

This is huge because the success of ones business depends on it. As a leader share helpful content, videos, or podcasts with your TEAM. You can have a book of the month club so you can share ideas. Make it fun for everyone. I recommend watching 1 Youtube video daily if possible. I'm sure you can find 20-30 minutes daily for personal development in between your busy work schedule. The quicker you learn, the faster you're able to FIRE YOUR BOSS!!!

πŸ’– https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/ πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - This is simple. Step #1: Set up system/Step #2: Grab a capture page/Step #3: Promote your affiliate link/Step #4: Collect your commissions, and repeat...

πŸ’₯ https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

πŸ’œ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


{Free Advertising}:

 Welcome to Pro Ad Board!

We are pleased that you have decided to join our fast growing community.

πŸ‘‰You can now login to your account at: (Or create a FREE account)  https://www.proadboard.com/login.php  πŸ‘ˆ

We hope you have a great time at Pro Ad Board.

Jerry Iannucci

PS - If you need anything don't hesitate to ask :)

Create your FREE account, and post your URL. You're allowed up to 80 characters in the subject line, and post. Takes minutes to do...


{Pre-Written AD}

πŸ’° Money motivated pros

We are looking for highly motivated, professional individuals who are perceptive, confident and enthusiastic.  

There is absolutely no cold calling or outbound calling.  

Work remotely after training getting incoming calls and directing them to our virtual presentation.

πŸ‘‰ https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/9 πŸ‘ˆ  (Go here now) - You can't change your life until you change something you do daily...

(Your contact info)


Two years, 8,000 miles, and countless perils after their departure, a band of weary explorers returned to civilization, forever altering America's understanding of its western frontier. Continue Reading ...


‘All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.’ – Mark Twain

Monday, September 23, 2024

*** 4 Tips On How To Recruit More Reps/Aces & Joker Example/FREE Advertising MLM GATEWAY *** {582}

✊Why is it that some people can recruit hundreds of reps, and others can't recruit anyone? So what is the secret to recruiting more reps?

In all of my years in the Industry I believe it comes down to belief, and skill set. So many people in our industry just don't give themselves a chance to succeed. They think it should happen overnight, and That's not happening regardless of who you are. 

We all struggle as "NEWBIES," that's just the reality of the situation. There are just certain people in this world that have the right mindset, and willing to stick around and learn, while others give up after the first 60-90 days in most cases because they aren't getting results. 

Sadly about 80% of your TEAM will end up quitting on you at some point, and that's not your fault, so don't beat yourself up over it. Just work with the willing, and let the tire kickers quit!

πŸ™Jesus Christ could be steering the ship, and there would still be a large percentage of people dropping out like todays kids dropping out of school. 

I want to make this perfectly clear. No one is born a good recruiter. We all have to learn, and develop our own skill set, so don't feel bad if you want to join an opportunity, but you have no experience, because that doesn't matter. We have a saying that says you can earn while you learn.

Anyone can learn to be a good a good recruiter and it doesn't take a college degree to do so. You're going to make some mistakes along the way, and that's ok. Just learn from them, and move on.

The beautiful thing about our Industry is that there is no such thing as one size fits all. Everyone builds there business in there own special way. You will have to find what works for you, and get good at that. 

With the many ways there are to build a business, I always recommend to my TEAM that they pick 3 or 4 ways , and get good at those things. 

I utilize Free/Paid/& Offline methods of advertising so I'm maximizing my efforts. You do what works for you. 

I've studied a few top earners over the years, and for this post, created these very simple 4 ways to generate more leads, in no particular order, and I will cover them in more detail below...

1) Improve your skill set: 

You want to be someone worth joining, and that can happen, but you must always be improving your skill set. Slight tweaks are always welcome as you move forward in your journey.

People join people, and not businesses, surprise, surprise!

Skills pay bills, and the more skills you have, the more people you will sponsor. (2-5 years)

Make sure you're working on your attitude, confidence, salesmanship, and closing skills. You always have google, and YouTube at your disposal with anything you need, so make sure you're using the resources available at your fingertips so the quicker you hone your skill set, the better recruiter you become.

2) Talk to more people:

What your upline will probably tell you is that the more people you talk to, that will make up for the skills you lack. If you're talking to more people, you will stumble your way to some signups along the way.

You've heard the saying, "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut." This is the same thing. It's better to be getting yourself out there, and make some mistakes along the way, than doing nothing at all.

With that being said, you will always want to enhance your skill set so you're not wasting a lot of time recruiting because you will get horrible results. 

Make sure you're leaning on your educated upline when needed because that's what they are there for. Even if you have to go several levels above you to find that person, it's ok to do just that. 

3) Refine your strategy:

When starting any business, weather it's brick and mortar, or an online venture, you will want to create a game plan, otherwise you can never be successful at anything you try because strategy is everything.

You will want to create a game plan as soon as you join an opportunity so you can start to implement your strategy right out of the gate. If you're not attracting customers, you may want to refine your strategy until you're happy with the results you're getting. 

You will want to create a simple game plan because when you convert some of your leads to members, in most cases, they will be NEWBIES, and feel overwhelmed if it's too complicated, and they will think they can't do what you're doing and ultimately quit! 

If you have to, walk them through the sales process, and help each one of your new members to get 1-2 sign ups and then let them find out what works for them. I create a lot of content, and send daily emails to a small portion of my massive list of 120 million +

The best ways to find prospects is by paid advertising, content marketing, and attraction marketing. If your company doesn't have a strategy in place, you're going to need to create a simple plan for your members and sprinkle info on them. I have everything written out, so I can just copy/paste/& send! 

This doesn't have to be difficult. You are building your list, and converting a few of these individuals into customers. The goal is to get these people contacting you. If you're able to do that, you are destined for success! (KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid!)

4) Talk to better quality prospects:

The best way to go about this is to find people already involved in Marketing, and leave your broke Aunt Ester alone.

You want to find people in your niche. For example if you're an Affiliate Marketer such as myself, look on Facebook for those individuals into Affiliate Marketing. There are tens of thousands just in those groups alone to prospect. Check them out by reviewing their profile page, so you can see if that person is someone you want to work with, and if so, reach out to see if they are open to checking out what you're offering. 

In some cases, you will get shot down immediately, and you will find others that you will have to get to know a little better before they make a decision. This is called building a rapport with that individual and there's nothing wrong with that. Just make sure you're always recruiting because as you already know, this is a numbers game.

You may have contact 50 people before someone says YES to your opportunity. Just try to limit your time with each individual so you're not wasting a lot of time. Individuals who work on commission may be interested in your opportunity if you're an Affiliate Marketer like myself. Focus on those people first.

If you're trying to find people looking for a job, the likely hood of them joining you is pretty slim. They typically aren't interested in commission based work. The Entrepreneurs already have experience and more apt to join you, which makes your job much easier training them because they should already have developed some type of skill set, even though they may have to tweak that to get better.

{Final Thoughts}

Anyone can learn to recruit, just follow these 4 steps and you will be well on your way to becoming a recruiting machine, while building a huge TEAM... Give yourself time to succeed!

πŸ’™ https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2  πŸ‘ˆ  (Go here now) - FREE for the first 7 days...

πŸ’š https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

πŸ’› https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


{Quick Tip}

Aces and Jokers    

For this example I'm going to use a deck of 52 playing cards. Everyone should know there are (4) Aces, and (2) Jokers in every deck, and for every (52) people you talk to about your opportunity, you should find (4) quality people (ACES), and (2) not so normal people (Jokers). 

This is just a rough average, so don't hold me to the exact numbers. Just know they will be pretty close give or take...

You might have to talk to 25-50 people before you turn your first (ACE), Just know that for every NO you receive, you're that much closer to a YES. Always stay professional, and always ask for the sale in a Non aggressive, Non pushy way...

By talking to more people, you will find quality prospects eventually, so try not to prejudge anyone until you get to know them a little bit first. Sometimes it's hard to know what category they may fall into...

This is one reason why many marketers fails. They aren't getting there fast enough, and decide to quit. I've got news for you. everyone who joins an online venture, will fail. Maybe more than once, but you can't quit! 

The 6-7 figure earners all failed at some point, and managed to fail themselves to the top, and you're no different than they are...

I really hope people will take control of their future because within the next 5-7 years it has been said that 300-400 million people worldwide are going to lose there job due to AI - Artificial Intelligence. Don't let that be you! Take action now while you can...

Even if you don't join me @ List Infinity, do your research and get involved with something online. You're only working 1-2 hours per day on your computer, and over the next 5 years, you might be surprised at what you were able to accomplish...

The start up cost to join us is ridiculously low. You can join us for $22-$27 depending on what Autoresponder you choose, and it's all listed on my website. Just click one of the links on this page, and request the 3 minute video, and while you're taking the FREE tour, I will send you an email with more information, Including a link to one of my blog posts breaking everything down in detail...

I do most of the work, and you collect the cash... πŸ’°

πŸ‘https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/8 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - Members recieve a plethora of FREE Downloadable Ebooks...

                                                                          DON'T BE THIS GUY!!!


{FREE Advertising}


What is MLM Gateway?

MLM Gateway connects those who are involved in network marketing, providing home-based business leads. By contacting other members and presenting them the home based business they work in, MLM Gateway users create effective lead generation. This results in a rapidly growing network of business leaders in the network marketing program structure. Since MLM Gateway members already have experience with network marketing, it's far easier to establish a partnership with them.
We encourage you to recommend this website to your downline, so they also recruit new leaders. You then accelerate your network marketing business even faster! Use our simple form to invite your team when you log in.
What MLM Gateway is not?
MLM Gateway is not an ordinary database of e-mail addresses intended to spam other users with offers of MLM programs. Nor do we sell our members' email addresses or phone numbers. Every member may choose to whom he gives his contact information.
What do I get if I sign up?
After successfully signing up, you gain access to the list of network marketing leads. You can choose whoever you want to contact and send them a partnership request. MLM Gateway has members all over the world so it doesn't matter if you are looking for free network marketing leads from the United States, Australia, Germany or South Africa. You are in the right place.
How much does is cost to sign up with MLM Gateway?
Registration and use of MLM Gateway is free of charge. You needn‘t spend a single penny to start building MLM business with us.
How does MLM Gateway work?
Following successful registration, each member may send a request for partnership to another member. The request is sent by means of a simple form that reveals neither the recipient's e-mail address nor telephone number. The recipient of the request controls whether they will contact the sender or not. Member privacy is assured.
Only one request may be sent to each member. If the recipient chooses not to respond, the same member cannot contact them again within 12 months.
To learn the best strategy for new leads, read how to get leads for network marketing using MLM Gateway.
Who has access to my data?
Your e-mail address and phone number remains concealed to other members. Your email address is shared only when you send a Partnership Request to other member or accept a Connection Invitation. You need not be afraid of receiving email messages or phone calls from unknown people.

{Pre-Written AD}:

How would you like to make a couple hundred dollars TODAY?


I have this really cool, but simple system that can generate you a couple hundred dollars + per day, with just an hours worth of work...Watch the short 3 minute video presentation and let me know what you think?

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4πŸ‘ˆ  (Go here now) - 200 FREE Leads and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up...

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On this day, a young American spy faced the gallows with a declaration of devotion that would echo through centuries of history. Continue Reading ...


“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” —Unknown

Sunday, September 22, 2024

*** πŸ˜₯The Truth About Your New TEAM Members/Nutritional Information For Diabetics/FREE Forum Advertising.*** {581}

πŸ˜€Although Network/Affiliate Marketing can change ones life, it's not all roses, and does have some pitfalls surrounding it, and I'm going to speak on one of them now...

One of the biggest reasons it takes so long to build your online business is because for everyone you sponsor, and bring into your business, approximately 80%-90% will do absolutely nothing to help build it regardless of the help you give them, and many will even drop out. They will either move on to another opportunity, or they will quit completely complaining about not getting the results they hoped for, and they will blame YOU in some cases!

Depending on the business, many of these people will be done within the first 90 days, but will still purchase some products, monthly, or every couple of months. It just doesn't matter who you are, you're not giving yourself enough time to be successful. You may not want to hear this, but you should join a company and stay with it for 2-5 years minimum just to see what you can do... (You may be surprised)

No matter who quits, always make sure to still be nice to these former team members because as mentioned, some of them with still purchase products from you, and also you never know who may decide to join you again. I've had this happen more than once...

About 10% of your TEAM members will be part timers, and will at least make an effort to actively be recruiting new customers and reps, and will probably be needing your guidance to help them...

Work with these individuals and help get them plugged into the system, and then help get them a sign up or two, while inspiring them with your actions in your own way...

You will have 1%-3% of your TEAM that will see the light at the end of the tunnel, and will build a huge business with or without your help. This is where you will find your LEADERS. Some of these individuals will be leaders from day one, and some will take a little time to develop into good LEADERS. Approximately 90% of your income will come from them because a good business is built around LEVERAGE, or Residual Income...

πŸ’˜List Infinity is built around Leverage because everyone you bring into your business, they all have to pass up every 5th sale to YOU, to Infinity, and this is where you can generate a large daily income!

https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2024/09/what-is-paid-ad-rotatorand-what-i-usean.html  (Earning Potential)

My recommendation is to keep the Non-go-getters on the back burner but still be there for them if they ever have any questions or need some help because otherwise you're just wasting your time, and you want to be time efficient with your business...

Most Marketers will work 1-2 hours per day, everyday in order to build their business, and that's ok. The million $$$ earners will work complete days in order to build there business opportunities. Just focus on whatever works for YOU and stick with that. 

Affiliate Marketing is a BILLION $$$ Industry and real people are making real money. This isn't hard, you should always be building your list...

Bill Gates Quote: "I just showed my plan to 1,200 people. 900 said NO, 300 showed some interest. Only 85 actually did anything. 35 of those were serious, and 11 made me a billionaire. πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€ 

QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION!!!  (Join/Promote/Earn!) πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ’™ https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) -  You are going to have good and bad days, the important thing to remember is to keep grinding, and never QUIT!

πŸ’š https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

πŸ’› https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


πŸ™{Diabetic Nutritional Information}

πŸ‘‰bit.ly/3XzXinF  (A list of foods you should avoid)

πŸ‘‰bit.ly/3XRvufN (A list of foods you should be eating)

πŸ‘‰bit.ly/4dhlHV5   (25+ Superfoods)

πŸ‘‰bit.ly/3XSqfNa  (10 Healthy breakfast ideas)


{Free Advertising Method}

Free Adz Forum (dot) com  STATS: πŸ‘‡


Post such things as info about your products/services, business/income opportunities, and articles, all for FREE. Just sign up by creating an account, and start posting. Free-adz-forum is located in the United States, and has somewhere between 19-25 employees. The site has a net worth of around 5 million $$$... 

Once you create your FREE account, and start posting, you can always login to your account whenever you like, to see how many members have read your content. I just posted an income potential article with List Infinity, and had 87 people that clicked my link within a 24 hour period, and this is quite common results...



{Pre-written AD}:

Do you want to make mon-ey?

Because if you don't, I have to wonder why you registered for the FREE Tour at List Infinity?

If you want to make mon-ey then let`s go make some M0NEY!

If you can Copy-Paste-Post, then you can make mon-ey with List Infinity because I help to close your sales just like I'm doing for me, and my upline!

We have one of the best Pay Plans online today that pays instantly member to member, and it is affordable to the masses!

You can get started at Package #1 for just $22-$27 depending on what Autoresponder you choose, and you will start receiving instant 100% commissions on your first sale...

If you upgrade today, I will send you a list of my best advertising resources to help you get off to a fast start!

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/6πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - Once you join you will recieve my 56-day "Starter Course" Training Series in order to help you get off to a fast start...

(Your Contact Info)


In 2017, this natural disaster claimed nearly 3,000 lives and caused more than $90 billion in damages. Continue Reading ...


“If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.”  –  Steve Jobs