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Saturday, September 14, 2024

*** 25 Recruiting Tips From My Own Personal Experiences/2 FREE Advertising Sites/List Infinity Link To Join $7 *** {578}

 πŸ‘ŒIn today's post I'm going to talk about 25 recruiting tips that I've learned over my 18 year journey, and they are in no particular order...I always like to write on my own personal experiences over my long history in the industry...

1) Always have a simple series of steps for your prospects to follow because recruiting is a long term, never ending process. You want to make things as easy as possible for the prospect, otherwise they will think that it's too hard, and will have self doubt, and ultimately they will quit...They must believe that they can do this, so always simplify the process... I'm with List Infinity and have a game plan, with everything pre-written so everyone can understand, and it takes all of the guesswork out of the equation... 

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now!) πŸ‘Starting NOW...  πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€  ($7)/($25)/($100)/($300) - Pick your package, and let's get you making money!

2) It has been said that most prospects will need 7-20 follow ups before they will buy or join your opportunity. Make a plan to stay in touch, daily, weekly, or monthly, it doesn't matter, just make sure that you're always following up. This will help them learn to know and trust you over time. Remember, you're always building your list, and the more people you talk to on a regular basis, the more chance you have at success...

πŸ’–https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 πŸ’™ (List Infinity Group Page)

3) Once you recruit your first person, that is the first step of your personal relationship, and certainly not the last. Once they get signed up, and you help get them acclimated to the system/setup, that's when things begin to change. Believe it or not, your job as a sponsor is to help get them a sale or two, and always be there to answer questions. Always work with the individuals who are actually doing something to grow their business, but be there for the rest just in case they need you. Anyone who joins me @ List Infinity receives daily emails, and total access to my entire training blog to use as their very own. I make things easy enough for an 8 year old to follow...

πŸ’šhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 πŸ’› (Affiliate Marketers Hub On Facebook - ADMIN)

4) Every prospect is a prospect for life, until they buy, die, or unsubscribe. Just because they tell you NO today, does not mean NO tomorrow, or even next week. Keep sprinkling useful content on them and don't just slam them with your affiliate links, otherwise you are definitely setting yourself up for failure! I currently have around 120 million leads, and growing daily. Everyone who joins me @ List Infinity will have access to a limitless amount of leads to work with from me...

5) As discussed earlier, don't expect the majority of your prospects to make a decision either way on your first exposure. Remember it takes time and effort on your part to convert these prospects into paid customers/members. There are always a few stragglers out there that will join just about anything, but won't put forth any effort to build their business. They just want to be a part of something, so they will throw money away to you. Make sure you work with the willing, and leave these individuals alone unless they contact you, then you can obviously advise them when needed...

6) Who are your best prospects? Other Network Marketers. They at least have some experience, and have some knowledge. I'm not telling you to cherry pick some of these individuals away from their current opportunities, but there are always unhappy marketers looking to jump ship, and this will happy quite frequently unfortunately. Approximately 80% of marketers ultimately end up quitting, and jumping from program to program, so expect it...

7) People join people, and not businesses, so be someone worth joining. Always be respectful, personable, and accessible... 

8) If you are new to Marketing don't be afraid to lean on your upline for advise when needed because that's what they are there for. Even if you have to go several levels up to find someone, that ok... A good upline understands that his/her success also depends on everyone in the downline due to the leverage, or residual income involved...

9) Be the type of person you want to recruit. Always set a good example, and never bad mouth another program even if you know it's not legit. Always try to put your best foot forward...

10) This may not sound like a big deal, but if you're out in the public talking to possible prospects, always make sure that you have minty fresh breath. No one likes the smell of bad breath and could turn a prospect against you...

11) I'm sure you've heard this before probably a million times, but Marketing is a numbers game, and you have to play the numbers. Every newbie in the industry will lack the proper skill set in the beginning, but can make that up with numbers. Talk to more people, and you for every NO you get, you're that much closer to a YES...

12) All leaders within the industry are laser focused on recruiting...

13) In a polite, non aggressive way, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ask for the sale at the end of your presentation...

14) Recruit more people, and to get a better conversion rate try talking to more people in your niche. These will be a much better quality of people... Affiliate Marketing only has a 1%-5% conversion rate, yet it's a billion dollar industry...

15) Always work on your skills and techniques because the more skill you have, the better chance you have at recruiting, and you're going to be more valuable to your prospect...

16) The best thing you can do for both you and your new recruit is to help them get their first recruit. By doing so this will help with team building much quicker, with the potential for making money far greater for everyone...

17) If you haven't mastered personal recruiting yet, try helping your team with recruiting. Talk to them to see how they can help you, so you can learn as you go. No one is born a good recruiter, so give yourself time to master it...

18) Always recruit up, and talk to people at your level or higher, and by doing so, you will have a much better retention rate. Approximately 80% of your recruits will quit and move on, but with individuals at your level that actually want to succeed, will understand and you're more likely to lose less people. Keep in mind, that it doesn't matter how good you are, or the opportunity is, there will always be people coming and going...

19) Always keep recruiting and building your list, so you never run out of prospects. By doing so, you won't allow yourself to get emotionally attached to your prospect, so it doesn't matter what they say or do...

20) Use third party tools if possible because it takes out all of the guesswork, and removes all human error. Be the messenger, and not the message...

21) Be a problem solver. Find out what your prospect wants, and then try to tailor your presentation around his/her needs. Show them the advantages of joining your business, and why they need you, and what you're offering...

22) KISS - Keep it simple stupid! Don't try to reinvent the wheel. People have such a short attention span, you want to keep your presentation at a minimum. (10-15 minutes) if at all possible...

23) Qualify your prospects first so you don't waste a lot of unnecessary amount of time on that individual. Find out if they are open minded, and looking. I usually find a lot of my prospects on Facebook group pages, so I already know they are looking, I just see if they are open to looking at what I have to offer, and either send the info, or move on, so there is very little time wasted if they aren't interested... 

24) Recruiting in depth is the way to go. This is called taprooting. This will give you massive duplication, while securing your legs. Or people under you...

25) Join me @ List Infinity, and receive all the training and tools necessary for your success! Just click one of the links on this page, and let's get you on the road to financial freedom today!


{What kind of problems can Affiliate Marketing solve for the customer?}

1) No expertise needed...

2) Low start up cost...

3) Billion dollar industry...

4) Provides convenience & flexibility...

5) Secondary source of income...

6) No need for customer service...

7) Improves your lifestyle while giving you a passive income...

8) Allows you freedom and independence...

9) Learning and growth opportunities...

10) 100% Commissions (List Infinity)...


(2 FREE Advertising Sites)

One) viesearch(dot)com - Vie Search is a search engine you can use to search the internet, submit your website, or browse. Viesearch is one of the most comprehensive human-edited search engines online.  It’s been around since 2004.
Vie Search gets over 60k visitors a month.  Over 17% of that traffic is coming from the United States and its major categories right now include:
     Other Computers Electronics and Technology
     Online Marketing
     Search Engines
     Public Records and Directories
     Social Networks and Online Communities
Vie Search is a nice place to submit your website.  Especially if you have just created a free offer and you are trying to get some traffic to it for list building purposes.
Okay what else?  Well our next source of traffic is none other than the little known…
Two) Curlie(dot)org - Curlie is a comprehensive human-edited directory of the internet founded in 1998. It is constructed and maintained by a passionate, global community of volunteer editors. It was historically known as DMOZ, and before that as the Open Directory Project (ODP).
Curlie gets over 68k visitors a month. 17% of those people are coming from the United States.  Curlie is a really good directory to submit your website for a boost in traffic.
Alright that’s two more sources for you to grab some passive and/or semi passive traffic.  I have an important question to ask you in my next message, but I’ll save that.

For now, I just want to remind you to get out there and try some of these traffic sources.  Take that action, to get that reaction!

πŸ’₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/10 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)

πŸ’œhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)

πŸ’šhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222  (List Infinity Group Page)


{Pre-Written AD}:

Are you living life?

Or Just Living To Pay The Bills?

Most people are working full time with very little to show for it apart from a roof over their heads and food on the table.

In some cases even this is considered a luxury.

With List Infinity, it's not about making people rich, it's about trying to provide an extra boost for those that are struggling.

We bring you multiple ways of making additional income every day, and it's very inexpensive to join worldwide, how cool is that?

This is a great way to get started online and will bring in cash on auto-pilot... (COMPLETE TRAINING SITE FOR MEMBERS!)

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/1  πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)

(Contact Info)


On Sept 8th 1974, a former republican president received a pardon for the first time in the history of the United States. Richard Nixon, who had resigned the U.S. presidency on August 8, 1974, was pardoned by his successor, Gerald Ford. Continue Reading ...


“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been given a no, only to find that a better, brighter, bigger yes was right around the corner.” —Arlan Hamilton


Friday, September 6, 2024

*** Email Marketing Strategies/My Journey/Diabetes Info *** {577}

πŸ‘ Build your online business Via Email... (powerprofitcenter@gmail.com)

Were you aware that you can build your Business through Email Marketing? This is one strategy that I use daily because over my long history in the Industry, I have over 120 million leads, which I share with my TEAM @ List Infinity... ($7/$25/$100/$300) πŸ‘ˆ

A few quick tips... πŸ’œ ♥️ πŸ’ͺ πŸ«Ά

1) Building your email list should be your first priority. Pick whatever niche you're involved with and provide valuable tips for the people who subscribe to your business.. It's ok to sprinkle in info about your products and services but make sure the bulk of your messages are all about providing value...

I send out around 2,000 emails daily to my subscribers and use different email addresses because Gmail only allows you to send up to 500 per account within a 24 hour period, and have 2 gmail accounts for now which means that I'm sending out 1000 emails daily. I believe you're allowed up 9 gmail accounts, but don't quote me on that.

2) You can cold email 10-15 or so daily. Just research and find people in your target market, and send them 1 email to see if they respond. Most won't, but you will have a few that will, and you can see if they're open to checking out what you're offering. Your conversion rate will be extremely low, but you can snag a few sign ups here and there because I've done it... (Affiliate Marketing has a 1%-5% conversion rate)

3) Buying Solo ADS. I haven't used them in years but you can research Solo AD vendors online and see who has the best prices. .35 cents per click is a very competitive price. Udimi.com is the best place to find Solo AD vendors, and you can buy from multiple vendors if you like. You want to find someone with a large list, and they will send your email to their list. 

Just because you get a lot of responses doesn't mean that they are going to be interested in what you're offfering. I had a team member years ago buy Solo ADS from a vendor, and spent a lot of money. He did get several hundred responses but he didn't follow up, he just got frustrated and quit, losing a lot of money. 

This is a process and doesn't happen overnight, and it doesn't matter what forms of advertsing you use. Be patient building your list, and always follow up providing value. Remember, you're a stranger trying to get someone to purchase what you're selling without knowing, or trusting you. This is why providing value is always the best way to go. You are building a rapport. 

4) You can even use an email signature. What is that you ask?

An email signature is a block of text, images, or links that appears at the end of an email message, providing information about the senderIt's similar to a digital business card that can include contact information, job title, company name, and more. Make sure it's catchy, and change it regularly.

With all of the many ways there are to advertise any business, I recommend finding 3-4 methods that you're comfortable with, and get good at those. Email Marketing should be one of the methods you choose because it's easy, and you're able to promote to the masses. πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€

5) Autoresponder: This is an important tool that you will need to help grow your business, because when someone subscribes to business, your Autoresponder sends out daily or every other day messages to your subscribers trying to entice them to upgrade into your business without you lifting a finger. 

πŸ€With List Infinity we have (4) Autoresponders to choose from and they are all listed on our website.

1) Aweber - $19.99 per month/$239.99 yearly!

2) GetResponse - $19 per month

3) LeadsLeap - $22/$27 depending on when you upgrade

4) Traffic Wave - $17.95 per month 

{Note}: Using Aweber is the best choice because it's much easier to transport your Pre-Written messages to List Infinity when setting up your system. You just type a code into a box, and we have video tutorials on how to set everything up, which takes about 30 minutes or so. 

πŸ’›https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now!)


{My Journey & Diabetic Foods You Should Eat & Avoid}

This is a subject near and dear to my heart because I've been a long time diabetic and it really SUCKS! I eat well, and have a lot of knowledge about Diabetes because I've been bitten by this disease many years ago and have been fighting it daily. 

My regular physician tells me that my numbers aren't that bad, and my Endocrinologist says different. Honesty my numbers aren't terrible, but certainly could be better. 

My A1C last time checked was 8.0 and since being a diabetic the best I've ever had my A1C was 7.4, so I'm not far off. A few years ago my A1C was around 12 which is horrible. I eat well, and workout 5 days per week along with taking medication.

A few years ago my physician who is retired now had me taking the norm. (Metformin and 5 shots of Insulin daily).

I had problems always bottoming out, and I told him that I'm not taking al that Insulin anymore, and I found an Endocrinologist who told me to throw the Metformin & Insulin in the garbage because it wasn't necessary.

He put me on a 1000 MG. of Synjardy once per day (pill), along with 1 shot of Trulicity per week, and I slowly lowered my A1C to where t's at now, but I maxed out the dosage, and they put me on Ozympic once per week, but the pharmacy is always out of it, and it does help with weight loss, which I don't need, so I quit taking it. 

Without Insurance 4 pins which is 4 shots per month, were around $1,200 which I can pay, but refuse to do so. I do have insurance and it's obviously much cheaper but it wasn't helping me a lot and I don't want to lose weight so I don't take it anymore. 

New studies are saying that the cause of Diabetes isn't what it was originally thought to be. Apparently science says that Diabtics have a sticky protein in the body that's clogging the pancreas ability to release Insulin into the liver, and the cells properly. 

We still have to watch what we put in our bodies, because everytime we get a sugar spike, it's tearing up our organs, and shorting our lives. 

Try to watch Carbs, Sugars, & Saturated Fats because they all have a negative effect on blood sugar. You can eat them all, but make sure it's in moderation. You definitely don't want to do without carbs because this is where your energy source comes from. You want to eat complex carbs which are slow digesting into the blood. 

If at all possible you should try to get your A1C down to around 5.6-6.4. Those are universally known as pretty good numbers. My Dr. wants my daily numbers to be between 80-120, and I can't quite get them there, but I'm not far off.

I have an interesting hack that you can try that I seen someone doing on YouTube, and that is, when eating a well balanced meal, try eating your protein, and healthy fat before eating your carb. The reason why is because you will get less of a sugar spike, versus eating the carb first. regardless, make sure to eat the carb last. I know it sounds weird, but give t a try. Every little thing you can do to limit spikes is much better on the body...

πŸ™{Incorporate These Into Your Daily Nutritional Regimine}

1) Apple Cider Vinegar

2) Ceylon Cinnamon Capsules (Walmart)

3) Lemon & Lime

4) Tumeric

5) Ginger

πŸ˜€{A list of Foods that Diabetics can eat}:


πŸ˜₯{A list of Foods that Diabetics Should Avoid}:


πŸ’₯{10 Diabetic friendly smoothie recipes}


(Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)



{Pre-Written AD}:

Join our success network today...

Come & Join Our Team "List Infinity". 

We Have The RIGHT Tools ,Products, Services, Resources & System To Help Anyone Succeed Online. 

All You Need Is A Strong Desire & Passion To Succeed.

Take A "FREE" Tour & See For yourself Why you're At The RIGHT Place. 

Scroll Down To The Bottom If You Need Help In How To Get Started. 

We're Here To Help You Get Started On your Pathway To Success...

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/14 πŸ‘ˆ (Go Here Now!)

(Your Contact Info)


On September 3, 1777, during the American Revolutionary War, the Continental Army under General George Washington witnessed the debut of the Stars and Stripes, the flag that would become the symbol of the United States. Continue Reading ...


“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” —Stephen R. Covey

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

*** What Is A Paid AD Rotator?/And What I Use/An Example Of The Earning Potential With List Infinity *** {576}

 πŸ‘‰I don't usually talk about paid advertising, but for this post I will be talking about an AD Rotator, because regardless if you're a NEWBIE, or a seasoned vet with Marketing, you will need some form of paid advertising at some point in order to generate more traffic to your website/s, and an AD rotator is typically a very inexpensive and easy way to get your opportunities out there for others to see what products/services you're offering.

There are vendors all over the internet, and I recommend doing your research before purchasing. Generally you can purchase a yearly membership for anywhere between $5-$100. 

All you do is click the link to the website, and make your purchase. Once you've done that, you send a copy of your receipt to the vendor you purchased from, along with your URL. (Website you want to promote, and that's it.)  It will take 24-48 hours before your link is active.

Most vendors to my knowledege will also send you a link when everything is paid and setup so you can check your traffic stats daily. 

Make sure you keep this in mind when choosing who to pay. Paid advertising is necessary, but 40%-60% of your advertising budget will be wasted, and no one can predict, or guarantee that you will get any sign ups. All that they can guarantee is that you get so many hits to your website/s on a monthly basis. (Visitors)

❓So what exactly is a link rotator? It's a tool that allows you to rotate multiple links, and there performace. There may be a hundred links or more in a rotator at one time. This can be useful for A/B test campaigns, promoting products in affiliate marketing, and sending out emails in email marketing.

πŸ’²You pay a small one time fee usually for the year, and the vendor does all the work. You just sit back and checkout your traffic stats daily. Some of them will just give you the number of hits to your website, and some will also show you where they are from. (Every vendor has different prices, and a different time frame that your ADS will be active before you either quit, or repay for another period of time.

{Rotators I've used:}

1) The CLICK ENGINE with Jeff Aman. He guarantees 100-150 website hits every month, which I do get. (you can join for $4.90 per month, or pay $49 for the year and get 2 months free. This is legit, and many call this a game changer. The biggest downfall for me is that Jeff sends multiple emails daily... (USA)

=> https://midgeos.com/the-click-engine-review/  πŸ‘ˆ (Go Here)

2) LOONEY TRAFFIC with Dawud Islam. He doesn't guarantee anything but you will get hits to your website. Dawud has about a dozen different rotator sites along with Looney Traffic, and You can spend $12.95 for a year, and all of his traffic rotators are about the same price as Looney Traffic. These are nice because you can spend penny's on some advertising while getting hits on your website/s. (UK)

=> https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/atomic-traffic-review-unlocking-rapid-growth-sumonreview-d4yaf/  πŸ‘ˆ (Go Here)

3) Darrel Hunt who I believe worked with Dawud, has his own Rotator which I don't think has a name. He has allowed members up to 10 website URL's to put in the rotator. I have a website to my business, and another one to my blog, and they are both getting hits daily. He sends you a link to check your traffic stats daily and all you do is click the link and find your website/s. ($12 for the year) πŸ‘Š (USA)

=> Merchant  Darrell Hunt Marketing Services apphelp@testsourcemarketing.com


I also use a site called Herculist.com, and have been for just under 20 years. Because I've used it for so long, I'm grandfathered in to where I no longer have to pay any FEES. They currently have over 375,000+ members worldwide and growing daily. 

πŸ™Anyone that joins me @ List Infinity ($22-$27), can expect me to post random ADS on their behalf and send copies of evrery AD I post to the entire database. I'm allowed to post 1 FREE AD daily...

πŸ‘‰https://leadsleap.com/socialreview/herculist.com πŸ‘ˆ (Reviews)

πŸ‘‰http://herculist.com/members/index.cgi?rick2323  πŸ‘ˆ (My Site)

πŸ‘Affiliate Marketing Stats 2024 That You Should Know.. https://www.wpbeginner.com/research/affiliate-marketing-statistics/


πŸ™My Example Of The List Infinity Earning Potential...

My Facebook partner (CO-ADMIN) @ Affiliate Marketers Hub, wanted me to post the earning levels/potential with List Infinity so I told him I would do just that...

πŸ”’{By the numbers:}

List Infinity has (4) product packages to choose from, and what you receive with each package which are all listed on the website. (My Link Is Below)

The packages are ($7/$25/$100/$300) that you can earn from {100% commissions} πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€ 

Affiliate Marketing has a conversion rate of 1%-5%. So for this example let's say that you're contacting 1000 people weekly about your business, and you're converting on the low end which is 1%. That's 10 people that joined your business.

πŸ’²Now lets say they all joined you @ the $25 level. That's $250 you made for that week.

1000 people contacted/1% joined=10 people x $25 package= $250 for that week. Now let's say you do that for an entire month. πŸ‘¦πŸ‘§πŸ‘¨πŸ‘©πŸ‘΄

that would be 1000 people weekly x 4 weeks = 4000 people @ 1% = 40 people who joined your business for the month @ the $25 level = $1000 you've earned from your recruiting efforts for that month.

Where it gets real interesting is that everyone you bring into your List Infinity business must pass up every 5th sale to you to Infinity, so this can add up quickly.

This is just an example because obviously not everyone will join you @ the $25 level, but the majority of people will join you @ the $7/$25 levels because that's what they can afford at that time. They can upgrade at a later date whenever they like.
So for 1 month, you talked to 4000 and 1% of those joined you which is 40 people x $25 package payment to you, = $1000 for the month, plus any 5th sale pass up to you = big money.

It will take you a little while to get to that level, but it can be done. Despite what others might say, this is A NUMBERS game, and I just showed you some numbers proving my point.

If you use FREE/PAID/OFFLINE methods of advertising your business it makes hitting those numbers mentioned above much easier. we actually teach many different methods of doing just that with our Video Marketing Tutorials, along with my daily content.

If you're able to sustain that level for 1 year, that's $12,000 you earned form sitting on your butt working 1-2 hours per day from the comforts of your home on your computer.

$1000 per month x 12 months = $12,000, and this doesn't include any pass up sales from your downline. Plus this example is based on a 1% conversion rate, which yours might be higher, plus not everyone will join you @ the $25 level.

You will have some higher, and some lower. Just expect most people to join you at the $7/$25 package levels.

You must put in the time and effort regardless what program you join, and you can't bounce from program to program or you are setting yourself up for failure. Stay with one program for the long haul and see what you can accomplish.

πŸ˜₯P.S. Whether you join me or not is irrelevant, but you better have a plan "B" because it has been said that by the year 2030 somewhere between 300-400 million jobs will be lost worldwide due to AI - Artificial Intelligence, so don't let that be you!

One thing that I'm sure you don't know which makes this even better is that if you're fortunate enough to build it big, you can get to a ;point in your marketing journey where you can actually quit doing anything, and still continue getting paid from the efforts of your TEAM (Downline)! How great is that... πŸ‹️

⏰ {Time Spent:} 1-2 hours per day x 7 days = 14 hours per week on the high end x 4 weeks = 56 hours per month working your online business x 12 months = 672 hours per year working your online business.

πŸ’²So you made $12,000 extra dollars for the year working 672 hours from the comforts of your home. You can obviously work more or less, that's up to you.

Also the quality of people you talk to factors in because if you're an Affiliate Marketer, and you talk to more people in your niche, your numbers might be even higher than my examples.

My conversion rate at the moment is just under 20%, which is very good, but that's because I have a game plan and work my business for several hours every evening because I don't have a job...I'M RETIRED!

If you like what I posted and interested in joining please contact me, and I will get you the necessary info.

How it works is once you contact me, and I get you the info, you will go to my website and fill out your email address in the box to receive the 3 minute video, and while you're watching that, and taking the FREE tour of my website, I will send you an email with more information so you can see if we will be a good fit for you! πŸ’˜πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œ

And you will also be added to my massive mailing list of over 120 million. You will receive daily emails from me helping you with your marketing efforts, along with FREE Downloadable Ebooks, and an unlimited supply of leads! Everything you need to be successful is at your fingertips. Do you have what it takes? I'm looking for like minded individuals, and NO TIRE KICKERS!

πŸ‘Œhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/1 πŸ‘ˆ (Go Here NOW!)


{Pre-Written AD}:

πŸ’― I Want to Help You…

I'm tired of seeing good people Struggle financially, So I want to help you! πŸ’° 

πŸ€I believe, if I help enough people get what they want... I'll get what I want.

In order to provide you with the best possible service, I am currently looking for only 10 people that are willing to be trained using my proven marketing strategies.🀩

πŸ‘‰I will spend my time showing you how to make more than you could ever imagine. 

No hype, just fact.  πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€

😒You must be willing to be trained and stop using methods that just eat away at your income.

If you have had enough of the insanity and really want to succeed, then contact me for more info...πŸ’ͺ

πŸ’™https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/13 πŸ‘ˆ A call to action! NO Tire Kickers!

#financialfreedom #workwithme #quityour9-5 #retired #ListInfinity


On August 31, 1955, inventor William Cobb made history by demonstrating the world’s first solar-powered car. Continue Reading ...


“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” — Alexander Graham Bell