πToday I'm going to share (3) quick tips that will blow the lid off your online business.
You need to lead if you have a team, because talking to people won't be enough. This is important because you will most likely get burnt out and overwhelmed.
Here are (3) simple steps you can implement to grow your business.
1) Dig your ditches:
If 2,000 people joined your business today, would you be ready? If not, you have to Dig Your Ditches. Set up your system by having action steps in place so that bringing in new team members will be fun and easy.
πI have everything already mapped out. Once a new subscriber joins my business, I send them a "Welcome Aboard" email with steps to get setup and started, and then I sprinkle a daily email on them helping to educate and teach them about how to be a successful Marketer. I also help by randomly advertising their Affiliate Link. Members also get access to everyone of my blog posts to use as there own, and much, much more...
2) Delegate:
Even though I do a lot for my TEAM, I can't do everything to make them successful. and some things they have to do themselves. With my emails, and posts, I can however show them tools and different ways of advertising. I utilize FREE/PAID/& OFFLINE methods because I feel like I'm exhausting every effort for success. If you're getting the same questions over and over, you may want to create a simple short video on where they can find the answer to there problem... Used tools will only help to simplify your business, and that's what you want. To make things as simple as possible...
3) Duplicate:
By doing this you're helping to make everyone's job much easier. This is one of the best parts of Marketing. Make sure you teach your TEAM this strategy. With that being said, Duplication doesn't mean that anyone of your TEAM will be as successful as you simply because we all have a completely different work ethic, and different ways to promote a business. You will have to pick a few ways that you're willing to implement, and that works for you. Learn those and get good at them. You will also have to be persistent if you want to see positive results... You must treat it like a business, and NOT a hobby, or you're setting yourself up for FAILURE!
As a leader, try to implement these simple strategies and it will make everyone's job much, much easier...
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π https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)
✋ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)
{Fitness Tip}:
I like to throw in a simple fitness/nutrition tip in some of my posts because I want others to have every advantage of being successful. A strong body & mind are an unbeatable combination...
When lifting weight in the gym, or home, always make sure to protect your lower back, and you can do that by keeping your knees soft during any standing exercise.
What that means is have a slight bend in your knees when doing standing exercises because this will help to take some pressure off of your lower back.
Also if you're older, around 50 or so, you should probably give up squatting. Don't get me wrong, it's a great exercise, but at that age the risk far out weighs the rewards.
If nothing else, at least use light weight, with more time under tension. This is when you take each set to at least 45-60 seconds, and even in some cases you can take a set to failure. Studies have shown that this is just as good as lifting heavy because your are able to put just as much tension on the muscle as lifting heavy, plus you're protecting ligaments, tendons, and joints, over the long haul. You're welcome to use either strategy to build muscle, just remember the older we get, the harder heavy weights are on the human body.
I know this because I'm old, and I've also been into fitness since 1973, and have devoted my entire life to staying fit and healthy. No matter how safe you are, if you do this long enough, you will most likely tweak or hurt something. It's the nature of the beast...

Bill Gates Quote: "I just showed my plan to 1,200 people. 900 said NO, 300 showed some interest. Only 85 actually did anything. 35 of those were serious, and 11 made me a billionaire.
QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION!!! (Join/Promote/Earn/Repeat!
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{Pre-Written AD}:
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1914 Babe Ruth Makes MLB Debut |
Babe Ruth, one of baseball's most iconic figures, made his major league debut on July 11, 1914, pitching for the Boston Red Sox against the Cleveland Naps. Continue Reading ... ****************************************************** |
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